Getting off dope


Staff member
hehe heroin ...heroine is a female hero in a story A woman admired or idealized for her courage or noble qualities.
The chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Beuffer... luckily with my plan I don't have to rely on willpower to stay clean for 2 weeks... I won't have a choice. My cousin is on this with me... Even if I decided to get back on the plane I will not have the means to do so. No ID, no $, no fly.... When I get back, I'll be taking it more like 1 hour at a time.
I've kicked before, with a much more mild habbit... I have serious internal dialogue making arguments for using.

I've learned since then to not have the argument at all. Don't play along with the argument, you will lose. I have to drop the subject and think on something else.
Even if I am just running through the reasons why NOT to use in my head... somehow... every time... I end up coming up with why it's ok to go ahead and use.
So, I just have to avoid the thought. Switch my thought over to something else. It might happen 125 times in a single day... but I just have to be ready to do it 126 times if it happens again.

If I let the dialoge/argument happen I ALWAYS lose.

First thing not being harsh but may sound that way typed.

dude don't worry about two weeks just worry about not doing dope today. Then tomorrow work on that day when it comes.

Keep in mind you weren't born addicted you just acquired it and it can be unaquired. Like Sunni said you will b amazed at how good u start to feel.

it takes time we are creatures of habit!

YOU CAN DO IT THOUGH! Especially if I can do it lol


Well-Known Member
Man U have tons of support and all the guidelines right here. People feel for ya bro!

i know this will sound like a drag but seek some drug counseling. I had years of it, and can honestly say its what still keeps me on the right path. You just need to listen!

Learn what makes your demons click, learn to combat your dopefein mentality. I constantly on a daily bases have to remember my counselors words their my tools of engagement against myself.


Well-Known Member
I'm late to the party here, but I've been clean off dope for over 12 years, no programs, no substitute drugs, the biggest thing you have to do to kick dope, is to get away frome those who have anything to do with it, go through your black book and tell them all to fuck off, avoid places you liked to go while using, basically reprogram yourself. If I can do it, anybody can.

Cold turkey is a bitch, but it's the quickest way off dope.

Best of luck to you on your journey.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Cold turkey is the best. But remember quitting an addiction is a lifelong dedication. There is no way to be cured, you can only be strong and fight it


Well-Known Member
So did you completely run out of tramadol yet? If so have you done any other pills or dope?? You're plan sounds good so far. But you need to make a set plan for what to do after those 15 days. While the initial withdrawal is very hard.... that is not all there is to it. It's like a never ending recovery process that gets easier and easier VERY slowly. I'm 40 something days clean... IDK I don't really count anymore (clean since may 13th), and it's still extremely tempting for me to use... everyday. I'm not just an opiate head though. I've been hooked on everything, so it makes it a little harder. I get tempted to buy booze passing liquor stores.... I get tempted to buy xanax when I see somebody that I know has them, or someone calls me (I need to change phone #.. but it's how I make $).... I get tempted to buy molly.... roxies.. dope.. everything. It's always in my face. And not all days are good. You start feeling feelings and emotions that you haven't felt in years, and it's just really tempting to get fucked up. Everybody I see at meetings, and my Dr. all say that I need more "structure" to my recovery. I need to find a hobby, go to more meetings... get a sponsor... this and that... and at first I was just saying fuck that I don't need all that.... but now 40 something days in I am starting to see what they mean. Good luck to ya I'll stop rambling.
I will say when you are freshly getting clean meetings can be great. Just being around other people who are actively not doing drugs can be really useful. I don't know that I would have broken the cycle I was in without it, I just didn't see it as being a lifetime solution for me. But it was a very useful few years.
Good luck bro. I dabbled in that stuff.... I watched my best childhood friend throw his life away to it. I swore from that day on I would quit and be clean and its been 6 months now. I believe in you bro, best wishes.
You need any help pm me or something


Well-Known Member
hehe heroin ...heroine is a female hero in a story A woman admired or idealized for her courage or noble qualities.
The chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities.
lol.. typo don't worry I know the difference


Good luck brah, I've been clean for a year and half and there doesn't go a day by that I don't think about getting loaded, it's like your brain never forgets the feeling you get from opiates. Time to stop chasing the dragon and start living again my brutha....


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why, Hank, you aren't getting yourself on a Sub. Why would you do this to yourself, when a much easier method is out there, and is the norm for doctor monitored kicking. This is crazy, and totally unnecessary, and very rarely works for longer than 90 days.


Ursus marijanus
hehe heroin ...heroine is a female hero in a story A woman admired or idealized for her courage or noble qualities.
The chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities.
Heroines are addictive. ;) cn


Ursus marijanus
I just don't understand why, Hank, you aren't getting yourself on a Sub. Why would you do this to yourself, when a much easier method is out there, and is the norm for doctor monitored kicking. This is crazy, and totally unnecessary, and very rarely works for longer than 90 days.
I will say it worked for me. The toughie is standing fast when the drug memories whisper their soothing bullshit. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
I feel for u man, I went on my first freebase opiate binge not to long ago, scared the shit outa me how hooked I became, only reason I stopped is cause my supplier got popd. Ill never touch the shit again


Well-Known Member
I feel for u man, I went on my first freebase opiate binge not to long ago, scared the shit outa me how hooked I became, only reason I stopped is cause my supplier got popd. Ill never touch the shit again
That's smart thinking. Keep it up.

As the day of my flight gets closer I'm getting really fucking nervous. I've been using less to get prepared and I'm getting nausea every morning just from cutting back. I'm scared shitless right now. Sucks. I'm a grown man but I'm feeling like a child. WD makes me emotional too. This trip is coming up real soon. Reality is setting in more with the hour.

When I'm all fucked up I feel confident, fearless, ready to take this problem on. Less than a day from taking a load off I'm feeling hopeless. If it wasn't for the fact that I'll have no hookups within 1400 miles and no way to get home I wouldn't be able to go through with it.


Well-Known Member
I wish you the best. Moving or going somewhere else seems to work for some people for getting through the w/d. but for me that tactic never worked. When I'm desperate enough, I just go through the city asking each and every mofo where the drugs at??!!!! And I seem to have good taste as to where to look.... But you said you don't have any $$$ going there so that helps. BUTTT Making it through the withdrawals is like step one at the most.... the harder part is staaying clean after you feel good again. Because the temptation becomes overwhelming. good luck though it's all up to you. really though the easy part is getting through the horrific w/d..

I was clean since may 13th but I slipped up and got drunk today. hopefully it doesn't lead to anything else. It's hard for me because I make my money from addicts. I need to change my way of making money....


Well-Known Member
Tuesday morning at 8 am was my last H use. I popped 2 tramadol a couple hours later and have had nothing since.
Last night was pretty terrible.