Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

Now I'm mad. I just watched that video and the bitch never once said "hi" back, or even smiled. Then at the end she is asking for "donations"?!?!?!?!?!?!? THIS is some bullshit!!!! This is what I am talking about. "Oh, she's a victim". Of what?!?!? If I was walking down the street and any woman, or guy, acknowledged me with a "hello", "how ya doin", or even a whistle, I'd at least smile at them and I'd be grateful for the attention and confidence booster.

"I SEE A THOUSAND DOLLARS" Man was trying to help her out, he had no idea she saw tens of thousands for herself when she edited the video. Shenanigans!
Is this man bashing?

This segment was on the news yesterday…..Is this harassment or not? (if not, then what's the motive ? Has a girl ever turned back and responded positively?) Not asking bitchily, just wondering why guys thing that would even work. Has it ever? Have to admit, her discomfort was palpable. some of those guys were scary. (esp. the guy in the red hat) but I did laugh at a few of them.

How is saying "Hello" or "God Bless You" considered harassment?
... and I also find it humorous that a donation message appeared at the end of the vid.. lol
Is this man bashing?


Not asking bitchily, just wondering why guys thing that would even work.

Because it DOES "work". Not every time, of course, but it's simply a numbers game with us, and the more you talk to / "holler" at, the better the odds of landing one.

Here's the way it works....

You chicks primarily use NON-VERBAL communication to land a partner by LURING them to a trap. This non-verbal communication STARTS with your appearance. You INTENTIONALLY highlight the areas of your body you believe will attract attention from men, be it with clothes, cosmetics, wigs, whatever.

We men, being the visual critters we are, pick up on these non-verbal signals that START with your appearance (CHECK OUT MY AWESOME CLEAVAGE IN THIS BLOUSE!! DON'T MY LIPS LOOK GREAT WITH THIS LIPSTICK!!! LOOK AT MY GREAT ASS IN THIS SKIRT!!! ADMIRE MY BELLY IN MY AVATAR!!!! LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!!), and use verbal communication to find out if the chick highlighting her tits and ass is actually looking for a partner, not interested, or is simply being an attention whore.

The choice of attire used in that video was CLEARLY calculated to send a non-verbal message to men, which is why her boobs, hips, and ass were HIGHLIGHTED by her choice of clothes, so why should anybody be surprised when men answer it the way biology, and or culture, dictates? It's like being pissed off at a shark for following a chum trail and trying to take a bite out of the bait.

Now I want to do some experiments. Would it happen less or more to a super model type? A total uggo? How would dress effect the results (slutty v classy)? I suspect that there is a point of harassment maximization in this video based on several factors, not the least of which is whether a typical guy thinks he has a chance with the subject. I think that her "fuck you attitude" didn't do anything to stop the catcalls and might have encouraged them.

I also suspect that there is a strong racial component in determining who calls out and that most of the money raised by the video will be spent educating groups that do it the least.

Buuuuut. Something tells me that this woman had an axe to grind (we should axe her). We are talking NYC! There are a whole lot of things that one must expect living it the big apple, catcalls seem to be one of them. Also, I kind of get the feeling that she did her best to walk through areas with lots of playahs.

The video is uncomfortable to watch nevertheless. I cannot answer your question, I just don't have that much game.

Because it DOES "work". Not every time, of course, but it's simply a numbers game with us, and the more you talk to / "holler" at, the better the odds of landing one.

Here's the way it works....

You chicks primarily use NON-VERBAL communication to land a partner by LURING them to a trap. This non-verbal communication STARTS with your appearance. You INTENTIONALLY highlight the areas of your body you believe will attract attention from men, be it with clothes, cosmetics, wigs, whatever.

We men, being the visual critters we are, pick up on these non-verbal signals that START with your appearance (CHECK OUT MY AWESOME CLEAVAGE IN THIS BLOUSE!! DON'T MY LIPS LOOK GREAT WITH THIS LIPSTICK!!! LOOK AT MY GREAT ASS IN THIS SKIRT!!! ADMIRE MY BELLY IN MY AVATAR!!!! LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!!), and use verbal communication to find out if the chick highlighting her tits and ass is actually looking for a partner, not interested, or is simply being an attention whore.

The choice of attire used in that video was CLEARLY calculated to send a non-verbal message to men, which is why her boobs, hips, and ass were HIGHLIGHTED by her choice of clothes, so why should anybody be surprised when men answer it the way biology, and or culture, dictates? It's like being pissed off at a shark for following a chum trail and trying to take a bite out of the bait.
Why is it how a woman dresses and not how the guy looks at her? I believe the majority of comments weren't hello,how are you today, I think they were more like daaaamn woman. I'm no saying there aren't women out there like you describe but to say that how a woman dresses is a luring trap is crazy.
Think of a coral reef. All those polyps with their tentacles out just waiting for plankton.

Parts of New York City are like that reef. Every day buses release a current of fame-struck young ladies who then wander the streets without any idea where to go or what to do. And these players know it. They are looking for targets of opportunity. When they see a likely target - somebody looking as uncomfortable as the girl in the vid - they cast a line. Am I the only one seeing it this way?

But it does highlight a real problem even if it does it unfairly (Imhotep). Glad I am having a son. I promise he won't do shit like this or I will abuse him physically.
Think of a coral reef. All those polyps with their tentacles out just waiting for plankton.

Parts of New York City are like that reef. Every day buses release a current of fame-struck young ladies who then wander the streets without any idea where to go or what to do. And these players know it. They are looking for targets of opportunity. When they see a likely target - somebody looking as uncomfortable as the girl in the vid - they cast a line. Am I the only one seeing it this way?

But it does highlight a real problem even if it does it unfairly (Imhotep). Glad I am having a son. I promise he won't do shit like this or I will abuse him physically.

I hadn't heard your rabbit died.
Congratulations, you go girl. :mrgreen:
Why is it how a woman dresses and not how the guy looks at her?

It's biology.

Chicks are programmed to display their lady parts, and dudes are programmed to LOOK at those lady parts.

If society is going to blame dudes for not controlling their biology while seeking a female, then the g'damn chicks better share some of that blame for not controlling THEIR biological desire to be viewed as a mate.

I believe the majority of comments weren't hello,how are you today, I think they were more like daaaamn woman.
I'm no saying there aren't women out there like you describe but to say that how a woman dresses is a luring trap is crazy.[/QUOTE]

We don't know how many dudes simply ignored that chick, or said some everyday common greeting.

Why? Because the video makers don't WANT us to see that as it doesn't support their "men are shitbags" agenda. say that how a woman dresses is a luring trap is crazy.

Now THAT statement is crazy, and could only come from either a chick, a homo, or a dude that has never had a girlfriend or wife.
It's biology.

Chicks are programmed to display their lady parts, and dudes are programmed to LOOK at those lady parts.

If society is going to blame dudes for not controlling their biology while seeking a female, then the g'damn chicks better share some of that blame for not controlling THEIR biological desire to be viewed as a mate.

It's the she really wanted it , because of how she dressed like a slut, defense. Construing a woman's dress as consent...... I thought that was over? Last time I saw that was in the 60's but that's the slippery slope your argument is skating upon.

Because it DOES "work". Not every time, of course, but it's simply a numbers game with us, and the more you talk to / "holler" at, the better the odds of landing one.

Here's the way it works....

You chicks primarily use NON-VERBAL communication to land a partner by LURING them to a trap. This non-verbal communication STARTS with your appearance. You INTENTIONALLY highlight the areas of your body you believe will attract attention from men, be it with clothes, cosmetics, wigs, whatever.

We men, being the visual critters we are, pick up on these non-verbal signals that START with your appearance (CHECK OUT MY AWESOME CLEAVAGE IN THIS BLOUSE!! DON'T MY LIPS LOOK GREAT WITH THIS LIPSTICK!!! LOOK AT MY GREAT ASS IN THIS SKIRT!!! ADMIRE MY BELLY IN MY AVATAR!!!! LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!!!), and use verbal communication to find out if the chick highlighting her tits and ass is actually looking for a partner, not interested, or is simply being an attention whore.

The choice of attire used in that video was CLEARLY calculated to send a non-verbal message to men, which is why her boobs, hips, and ass were HIGHLIGHTED by her choice of clothes, so why should anybody be surprised when men answer it the way biology, and or culture, dictates? It's like being pissed off at a shark for following a chum trail and trying to take a bite out of the bait.

Just read wilkseys post, and reminded me of Bill Clinton. I'll have to do some looking but I thought he made a quote about numbers. Saying something along the lines of if you ask no woman for sex, you get no sex. If you ask 1000 women to have sex, and 50 say yes, you've had sex 50 times.... Weird but true?
Just read wilkseys post, and reminded me of Bill Clinton. I'll have to do some looking but I thought he made a quote about numbers. Saying something along the lines of if you ask no woman for sex, you get no sex. If you ask 1000 women to have sex, and 50 say yes, you've had sex 50 times.... Weird but true?
But that ignores the effect it has on women - which has to be unpleasant. I'm disappointed in Bill.

Aw shucks, I can't stay mad at him.
In regards to that clip, this is a comment from Reddit;

It's like this. You're walking down the street wearing a really cool batman shirt, and some random stranger stops you and says "Hey, sorry to bother you, but I really like your shirt" and you kinda get the feeling he wants to have a conversation about the upcoming movie. But you're not interested in talking about batman right now, so you just keep walking, but every block you have another person trying to engage you in batman conversation, some very casually, some more pushy, and after a while it starts to get really annoying. You put on your batman shirt this morning because it's nice and you like it, not because you wanted to talk to anyone about batman today. Maybe if you were in a comic shop or a convention you would be down to talk, but right now, you're just trying to walk down the street. So you start just ignoring people and they start calling you rude for not accepting their compliments. And then you complain to your friends about it and one guy says "well, you were kind of asking for it by wearing that awesome shirt, right? What's so bad about people complimenting your shirt?" And then this happens literally every time you walk on the sidewalk because the only thing you own is batman shirts.
It's like that, except instead of strangers saying "I would talk to you about batman if you let me." they are saying "I would have sex with you if you let me." Obviously the tone of the video is really harsh about it, but that doesn't mean the point it's trying to make is not true. It may not be threatening, it may be said with only good intentions, but it is still unwanted, disruptive, and rude.

That might add a little perspective to it
It's biology.

Chicks are programmed to display their lady parts, and dudes are programmed to LOOK at those lady parts.

If society is going to blame dudes for not controlling their biology while seeking a female, then the g'damn chicks better share some of that blame for not controlling THEIR biological desire to be viewed as a mate.

I'm no saying there aren't women out there like you describe but to say that how a woman dresses is a luring trap is crazy.

We don't know how many dudes simply ignored that chick, or said some everyday common greeting.

Why? Because the video makers don't WANT us to see that as it doesn't support their "men are shitbags" agenda.

Now THAT statement is crazy, and could only come from either a chick, a homo, or a dude that has never had a girlfriend or wife.[/QUOTE]
So your wife dresses up nice because you guys have a date...only she's gotta walk downtown past the construction site full ogling men...catcalls still ok with you? My gender is irrelevant.