Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing


start off with a little white separatism, aka white supremacy lite.

a second course of white pride is up next, where whites are only "white" unless they express white racial pride.

third course consists of some eugenics, prejudice, and heavy racism.

does anyone still have an appetite for dessert?

I really don;t give a shit about his beliefs. I keep my ass out of the ghetto to. I had to live there for a while. Trash is trash. there are black people I get along with, most have some sense.

What happened to you as a kid or as an adult? Are you gay and your not okay with it?
You spend way to mush time on racist and gay stuff.

How long did it take you to find them post? Do you have them stored on your clipboard?

He has the right to be racist and to dislike gays. As long as it don't turn into a hate crime.

Get off you fucking high horse and realize that some people get tired of the shit your spewing.
I think being gay is wrong. One of my best friends turned out to be gay, I still chill with him. I'm tolerant of peoples beliefs.

For someone that preaches tolerance, you the least tolerant.

I am tolerant as long as you do not shove your beliefs down my throat.
The only jobs women should be responsible for are blow jobs.
Fun fact, homosexual men tend to have bigger penises because the male mouth is bigger, and thus, able to hold it all in. Yes yes ya'll
The only jobs women should be responsible for are blow jobs.
Without blowjobs some people would be unemployed. It's a dirty job but somebodies gotta do it.

That's why it's called blow jobs, not blowfree

If I ever get audited and they ask where I got all the cash I have Ima say from selling blowjobs.
I guess it would depend on how you define "body potential". If it's based solely on physical strength, then you'd be correct in that blanket statement. But physically inferior? Again it's how you slice it.

First off, props for having the ability to rationalize the issue as opposed to simply going into an emotional tirade.

Second, what part of any of this could you not understand?

First, personal experience. Be it public school, or the military, the dudes are, and were, ALWAYS physically superior to females. They are taller, have better strength, speed and endurance. The females I encountered in the military were a fucking JOKE, and the only thing they did was slow the men down and cause unneeded drama.

Second, every strength, speed, and endurance record is held by men, and if female athletes were forced to compete as "equals" against men, they would lose every damn time.

Females are indeed physically INFERIOR to their male counterparts, no matter how much people want to pretend otherwise.

If I am trying to find and hire individuals that are strong, fast, and have endurance, the males WILL be superior to the females. Period.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why is that so hard to admit? It's BIOLOGY people! Why are people arguing with BIOLOGY?

Women have a much higher pain tolerance than males (dif kind of strength) , we live longer, (stamina), and we're able to fight off infectious diseases better than males. Not to mention, as Buck did, that life takes place in our 'weaker' bodies. Splitting hairs?

Research DOES seem to show that females have a higher pain tolerance than males due to the need to deliver babies, and nature not being a complete piece o' shyte. However, the ability to withstand pain didn't seem to be an asset to the females I was forced to work with in the service, and neither has this pain advantage allowed females to push through the pain of their own physical limitations to be competitive in the sporting world. Everything else you cite is, as you are obviously aware of, weak and without merit commensurate to warrant the use of females in physically demanding duties over their male counterparts.

...maybe, but why do you get so angry about it all? If you're physically stronger and know it, isn't the knowing enough?

It's not about me, it's about US, and how the "equality" lie has a negative impact on our culture and society as a whole. Pretending females are "equal" to males has reduced the efficiency, effectiveness, and increased the cost of our military, police, and fire departments, and it puts lives at risk. For NO reason other than a lie.

It's a lot like cannabis criminalization in my opinion. All the evidence shows that cannabis is NOT the "evil" plant it has been made out as, and should NOT be criminalized, and yet criminalized it remains in most places. We waste time, money, and lives persecuting that plant, and those that enjoy it. All for what? A LIE!

All the evidence shows that females are physically inferior to males in strength, speed, endurance, and fighting capabilities, and yet they are still being recruited to serve in positions that puts them, their partners, and the public at risk. All for what?

A lie.

One pretense leads to another, and the more people are willing to pretend, the more they will be EXPECTED to pretend. That's fine for kids playing games, but not so much for adults trying to establish and manage a society.

Time to stop pretending.
First off, props for having the ability to rationalize the issue as opposed to simply going into an emotional tirade.

Second, what part of any of this could you not understand?

If I am trying to find and hire individuals that are strong, fast, and have endurance, the males WILL be superior to the females. Period.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why is that so hard to admit? It's BIOLOGY people! Why are people arguing with BIOLOGY?

Research DOES seem to show that females have a higher pain tolerance than males due to the need to deliver babies, and nature not being a complete piece o' shyte. However, the ability to withstand pain didn't seem to be an asset to the females I was forced to work with in the service, and neither has this pain advantage allowed females to push through the pain of their own physical limitations to be competitive in the sporting world. Everything else you cite is, as you are obviously aware of, weak and without merit commensurate to warrant the use of females in physically demanding duties over their male counterparts.

It's not about me, it's about US, and how the "equality" lie has a negative impact on our culture and society as a whole. Pretending females are "equal" to males has reduced the efficiency, effectiveness, and increased the cost of our military, police, and fire departments, and it puts lives at risk. For NO reason other than a lie.

It's a lot like cannabis criminalization in my opinion. All the evidence shows that cannabis is NOT the "evil" plant it has been made out as, and should NOT be criminalized, and yet criminalized it remains in most places. We waste time, money, and lives persecuting that plant, and those that enjoy it. All for what? A LIE!

All the evidence shows that females are physically inferior to males in strength, speed, endurance, and fighting capabilities, and yet they are still being recruited to serve in positions that puts them, their partners, and the public at risk. All for what?

A lie.

One pretense leads to another, and the more people are willing to pretend, the more they will be EXPECTED to pretend. That's fine for kids playing games, but not so much for adults trying to establish and manage a society.

Time to stop pretending.
Nigga dis is not how biology works. Take some classes at thine local university plis, k tnx bye
Women have a much higher pain tolerance than males (dif kind of strength) , we live longer, (stamina), and we're able to fight off infectious diseases better than males. Not to mention, as Buck did, that life takes place in our 'weaker' bodies. Splitting hairs? maybe, but why do you get so angry about it all? If you're physically stronger and know it, isn't the knowing enough?
1. Pain is subjective. I see lots of men getting bad injuries, and continue to work, like it is nothing. I have also witnessed women get a bump, and need to sit down and take a break. I have encountered much more complaints about aches and pains from older women compared to complaints from older men.
2. Women live longer than men, these are worldwide stats? Do they include the majority of cultures where women mainly stay at home, sheltered, and raise the children? Societies where men are prone to dangerous work, and more public exposure would play a BIG part in the fact that the sheltered women live longer.
3. Just because women are designed to grow a baby in her womb does not make her body superior. A man was needed to start that life.

... oh, and no matter how big or small your hand is, no one should be able to loosen a starter bolt without a rachet. :D
The only jobs women should be responsible for are blow jobs.
Dont forget about serving food.
I would like to man bash Male Waitresses!
God I hate it when I go out to eat, there are 3 pretty girls, serving food, and I end up with the hairy armed dude. :wall:
Go get a real job!:lol:
1. Pain is subjective. I see lots of men getting bad injuries, and continue to work, like it is nothing. I have also witnessed women get a bump, and need to sit down and take a break. I have encountered much more complaints about aches and pains from older women compared to complaints from older men.
2. Women live longer than men, these are worldwide stats? Do they include the majority of cultures where women mainly stay at home, sheltered, and raise the children? Societies where men are prone to dangerous work, and more public exposure would play a BIG part in the fact that the sheltered women live longer.
3. Just because women are designed to grow a baby in her womb does not make her body superior. A man was needed to start that life.

... oh, and no matter how big or small your hand is, no one should be able to loosen a starter bolt without a rachet. :D
Pain is not subjective, try pushing a pencil out of your dickhole son and comeback with pics.
If 2 people stub their toe. The pain could be worse for one, than the other.
I can ignore some pain that would stop others in their tracks.
1. Pain is subjective. I see lots of men getting bad injuries, and continue to work, like it is nothing. I have also witnessed women get a bump, and need to sit down and take a break. I have encountered much more complaints about aches and pains from older women compared to complaints from older men.
2. Women live longer than men, these are worldwide stats? Do they include the majority of cultures where women mainly stay at home, sheltered, and raise the children? Societies where men are prone to dangerous work, and more public exposure would play a BIG part in the fact that the sheltered women live longer.
3. Just because women are designed to grow a baby in her womb does not make her body superior. A man was needed to start that life.

... oh, and no matter how big or small your hand is, no one should be able to loosen a starter bolt without a rachet. :D

Never said either sex is superior. I happen to love our differences. Was just writing about perception of strength.
First off, props for having the ability to rationalize the issue as opposed to simply going into an emotional tirade.

Second, what part of any of this could you not understand?

If I am trying to find and hire individuals that are strong, fast, and have endurance, the males WILL be superior to the females. Period.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why is that so hard to admit? It's BIOLOGY people! Why are people arguing with BIOLOGY?

Time to stop pretending.

I understand your points perfectly. If you read my previous posts on this thread you would see that I don't have to admit anything I was agreeing on most of your points. (including equal physical testing for military, firefighter, etc) I was just asking why get so annoyed? If you know you're alpha, (in terms of physical strength) then there's no need get bent about it.
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I understand your points perfectly. If you read my previous posts on this thread you would see that I don't have to admit anything I was agreeing on most of your points. (including equal physical testing for military, firefighter, etc) I was just asking why get so annoyed? If you know you're alpha, (in terms of physical strength) then there's no need get bent about it.

Lol! This reminds me of how unfit the police were in the UK. Coupled with their pathetic patent looking black shoes, the buggers wouldn't have stood a chance of catching me if I'd have bolted. Just no way. Why? Coz I'm a woman, and I was a fit one at that!