Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

No, but we aren't equal. I'm NOT saying women are inferior...

See, that's the problem right there.

Why don't you, men like you, and females as well, admit the damn truth about the female body and potential?

I will, and AM saying that females ARE physically inferior. PERIOD.

Why do I say that?

First, personal experience. Be it public school, or the military, the dudes are, and were, ALWAYS physically superior to females. They are taller, have better strength, speed and endurance. The females I encountered in the military were a fucking JOKE, and the only thing they did was slow the men down and cause unneeded drama.

Second, every strength, speed, and endurance record is held by men, and if female athletes were forced to compete as "equals" against men, they would lose every damn time.

Females are indeed physically INFERIOR to their male counterparts, no matter how much people want to pretend otherwise.

WHY can't people admit and accept this fact? It's not like it's the females' fault, and "chauvinism" has nothing to do with it, it's simply BIOLOGY.

Regardless, if society wants me to pretend females are "equal", then I'm going to treat them equally when they get stupid and decide they want to lay their hands on me the way a man would.
First, how can you say that NO woman "deserves" to be knocked out by a pro football player? Do you not believe woman are capable of doing some vial evil shyte? Do you put them on a pedestal or something?

Second, women WANTED "equality", and you insult me because I'd give them exactly what they want? Females have been forced down the throats of our military, police, and emergency services personnel because they are supposed to be "equal", and yet you STILL expect men to treat them like "ladies"? That doesn't make sense.

If society deems females are worthy of taking a bullet to the head for their country / community, then they're worthy of taking a fist to their jaw as well. You can't be "equal" while being "protected" at the same time.

hitting women is what real men do, eh?

you fucking pussy.
See, that's the problem right there.

Why don't you, men like you, and females as well, admit the damn truth about the female body and potential?

I will, and AM saying that females ARE physically inferior. PERIOD.

Why do I say that?

First, personal experience. Be it public school, or the military, the dudes are, and were, ALWAYS physically superior to females. They are taller, have better strength, speed and endurance. The females I encountered in the military were a fucking JOKE, and the only thing they did was slow the men down and cause unneeded drama.

Second, every strength, speed, and endurance record is held by men, and if female athletes were forced to compete as "equals" against men, they would lose every damn time.

Females are indeed physically INFERIOR to their male counterparts, no matter how much people want to pretend otherwise.

WHY can't people admit and accept this fact? It's not like it's the females' fault, and "chauvinism" has nothing to do with it, it's simply BIOLOGY.

Regardless, if society wants me to pretend females are "equal", then I'm going to treat them equally when they get stupid and decide they want to lay their hands on me the way a man would.

you can't give birth to offspring and have a vulnerable spot to damage facing front and center (although from what i can tell about you, yours is probably laughably small) for the whole world to target.

some people might say that makes you INFERIOR.

and if i had smaller hands like a lady, i could have reached in and loosened that 14mm nut holding my starter on earlier today. instead i had to use a ratchet wrench like a fucking dope, took me much longer because of my PHYSICAL SUPERIORITY!

by the way, i am not kidding when i say wilksey is a white supremacist, i have the quotes.
Can you post them?


start off with a little white separatism, aka white supremacy lite.

I'll continue to practice self-segregation and stay away from the "black community" as much as possible, and I'd encourage all my fellow citizens to do the same.

a second course of white pride is up next, where whites are only "white" unless they express white racial pride.

That looks like the "updated" politically correct version of "races" used by the feds so as to placate limp-wristed self loathing "white" liberals

third course consists of some eugenics, prejudice, and heavy racism.

Single mothers can't raise kids for shit, especially the ghetto black single mothers.

Instead of paying these dumb bitches to breed, they should be sterilized, as their demon spawn either end up being criminals, or breeding more demon spawn.

does anyone still have an appetite for dessert?

start off with a little white separatism, aka white supremacy lite.

a second course of white pride is up next, where whites are only "white" unless they express white racial pride.

third course consists of some eugenics, prejudice, and heavy racism.

does anyone still have an appetite for dessert?
So fucking tasty... hooray for hate!
Old science used to say whiteys were top, but that's total cray cray.
Now science says the original man was black. I'm down with that.
I work in a physically demanding place, loading boxes into trucks. The men are so much more efficient and better workers than the women. They do the grunt work, and with a man helping in my truck, we can finish the job so much faster.
However, I enjoy having a woman in my truck to help, especially if she is cute. I think the girls are good for morale, and some are a welcome sight.
WHY can't people admit and accept this fact?

Political correctness and because people who hold this opinion generally share other opinions that are in fact genuinely bigoted, racist and sexist. People are pretty apprehensive about siding with those kinds of people and usually when someone believes something racist, other people view that persons other beliefs in the same light.

Personally I think, on this point, you're absolutely correct, and I don't believe it's sexist or misogynistic to recognize it. Men are simply built to be better at some things than women. Likewise, women are simply built to be better at some things than men. Is it misandrous to point that out? Of course not..
Men are simply built to be better at some things than women. Likewise, women are simply built to be better at some things than men. Is it misandrous to point that out? Of course not..

nothing wrong with putting it that way, but trying to assign superiority or inferiority to mere biological differences, like wilsey does, is about as pathetic as it gets. that's something that only a massively insecure person, like wilksey, does.

did i mention that wilksey is pathetic and insecure?
nothing wrong with putting it that way, but trying to assign superiority or inferiority to mere biological differences, like wilsey does, is about as pathetic as it gets. that's something that only a massively insecure person, like wilksey, does.

did i mention that wilksey is pathetic and insecure?

I agree, nobody is better or worse for our physiological differences in the context of our character, it's simply the way it is
See, that's the problem right there.

Why don't you, men like you, and females as well, admit the damn truth about the female body and potential?

I will, and AM saying that females ARE physically inferior. PERIOD.

I guess it would depend on how you define "body potential". If it's based solely on physical strength, then you'd be correct in that blanket statement. But physically inferior? Again it's how you slice it..

Women have a much higher pain tolerance than males (dif kind of strength) , we live longer, (stamina), and we're able to fight off infectious diseases better than males. Not to mention, as Buck did, that life takes place in our 'weaker' bodies. Splitting hairs? maybe, but why do you get so angry about it all? If you're physically stronger and know it, isn't the knowing enough?

you can't give birth to offspring

and if i had smaller hands like a lady, i could have reached in and loosened that 14mm nut holding my starter on earlier today. instead i had to use a ratchet wrench like a fucking dope, took me much longer because of my PHYSICAL SUPERIORITY!

And YES, our hands are excellent at handling nuts….