Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

This POS


Punched this beautiful woman


seems fair huh, cause she touched him
that's why we have feet, so we can walk away.
women have feet too. I can see the logic in this:
I'm 6 ft 225. I have never hit a woman. NEVER.

People need to be responsible for their own actions. If your a small weak woman, don't hit people.

HOWEVER my first gut reaction is to side w/ the notion of NEVER hitting a woman under any circumstances, but then if genders want to be treated equally, can we pick and choose?
I wasn't condoning wife beating. I'm just saying I spared with some petite girls in the military that could throw down.

I watched a friend get stabbed in the chest by his wife, it hit his heart. He flat lined 3 times.
It went from arguing to stabbing fast without warning. She was small and knew it. Nothing like a woman scorned.

I was robbed at gun point when i was 16. Had my door kicked in one night with me home.

So if a woman were to come at me and hit me I would wonder how crazy she is or how far she is willing to go.
women have feet too. I can see the logic in this:

HOWEVER my first gut reaction is to side w/ the notion of NEVER hitting a woman under any circumstances, but then if genders want to be treated equally, can we pick and choose?
No, but we aren't equal. I'm NOT saying women are inferior, just that men and women are not equal. Each one needs to play to their strength and stop trying to be equal across the board.
I wasn't condoning wife beating. I'm just saying I spared with some petite girls in the military that could throw down.

I watched a friend get stabbed in the chest by his wife, it hit his heart. He flat lined 3 times.
It went from arguing to stabbing fast without warning. She was small and knew it. Nothing like a woman scorned.

I was robbed at gun point when i was 16. Had my door kicked in one night with me home.

So if a woman were to come at me and hit me I would wonder how crazy she is or how far she is willing to go.
I watched my friends wife punch him in the eye one night, while in the Navy. She cut his eyebrow open and he needed stitches. He didn't touch her and thankfully we were there to stop her and tell the mp's what happened cause they wanted to arrest my friend even though he didn't do anything. She was fucking crazy.
You're a real piece of shit. No woman deserves to be knocked out by a professional football player

First, how can you say that NO woman "deserves" to be knocked out by a pro football player? Do you not believe woman are capable of doing some vial evil shyte? Do you put them on a pedestal or something?

Second, women WANTED "equality", and you insult me because I'd give them exactly what they want? Females have been forced down the throats of our military, police, and emergency services personnel because they are supposed to be "equal", and yet you STILL expect men to treat them like "ladies"? That doesn't make sense.

If society deems females are worthy of taking a bullet to the head for their country / community, then they're worthy of taking a fist to their jaw as well. You can't be "equal" while being "protected" at the same time.
I watched my friends wife punch him in the eye one night, while in the Navy. She cut his eyebrow open and he needed stitches. He didn't touch her and thankfully we were there to stop her and tell the mp's what happened cause they wanted to arrest my friend even though he didn't do anything. She was fucking crazy.

Same with my friend. They were like what did you do. He refused to press charges and they are still together. I haven't been back. If she was willing to stab him, I am sure she would have no qualms about stabbing me. LOL
No, but we aren't equal. I'm NOT saying women are inferior, just that men and women are not equal. Each one needs to play to their strength and stop trying to be equal across the board.
Yes, that's my point. I was saying "we" meaning my gender… I have no problem at all acknowledging the sexes are different. I have this same beef with women in military and law enforcement positions. For those who want equal everything, then it must be across the board. Why are there dif. physical tests? if you want to be a fire fighter or whatever I don't care what your race, color, gender, etc. you must all pass the same test.

In other words, women can't pick and choose when wanting equality. equal pay for the same job YES absolutely but it has to be the SAME for all. But now i'm going down a whole new rabbit trail, and we're talking about men putting the smack down on women. I think a BETTER rule of thumb would be to just NOT beat someone weaker than you. But some of the smaller men can whoop ass LOL
Same with my friend. They were like what did you do. He refused to press charges and they are still together. I haven't been back. If she was willing to stab him, I am sure she would have no qualms about stabbing me. LOL
If he's still together with an abuser, then I don't feel sorry for him. He's willingly putting himself in a volatile situation. Even better if they have kids who witness this. :-/
I agree hooka, if I gotta do 120 push ups to be a firefighter, cop, infantry, or any other physical job then the female should have the same standard.

I hear people refer to Rhonda Rousy all the time, "I bet she can kick your ass and she's a girl". Well no shit, she a professional fighter, But take any male professional fighter and they would fuck her up. Why? Because genetics, women are weaker than men.
Awful yes, but she's getting in his face and he's prob. drunk. She is taking a risk by inserting herself into a volatile situation. If that were a dude under that cap would it be as terrible?

Maybe not as terrible, but still pretty unacceptable imo. I've never even had to punch anyone though. I'm a lover :)
I agree hooka, if I gotta do 120 push ups to be a firefighter, cop, infantry, or any other physical job then the female should have the same standard.

I hear people refer to Rhonda Rousy all the time, "I bet she can kick your ass and she's a girl". Well no shit, she a professional fighter, But take any male professional fighter and they would fuck her up. Why? Because genetics, women are weaker than men.

I think if more douches got punched when they deserved it the world would be a better place.
Yes to this too. Settle it man.
Back on topic, arresting men for trying to buy some pussy is fucked up.
LOL yes back on topic
Maybe not as terrible, but still pretty unacceptable imo. I've never even had to punch anyone though. I'm a lover :)

Same here.