Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

Seattle police and other law-enforcement agencies are increasing the number of online stings aimed at catching men who pay for sex. The undercover operations are part of a larger, countywide effort to hold men accountable for fueling the demand side of prostitution.

IDK, the increasingly easy access of internet porn has caused a more desensitized attitude to so called "deviant" sexual practices? I don't know why these johns just don't go on Craigslist . Ads there for hookups are plentiful enough and free..

That's seattle for you CB. LOL

How do men solely "fuel" the demand? Do Gold diggers fuel the demand for rich men? (a shaky analogy probably, but gimme a break I pulled all nighter last night so I'm fried)

It's my main beef w/ this kind of bandwagon shit. It's a short cut to thinking really.

I never got the tagging thing either #claytonBIGsby.

My mojo was requested, as far as the women and the pay thing that's a dead horse and there is no need to keep fucking it after it's dead. The prostitution thing is juicy as said prostitutes snapper first day on the job just looking at all that money walking around. Which leads me to a point which I have yet to even come close to making if you look back those are just words I formed by strategically hitting areas on my iPad.

If you get caught with a lady of the night... Why can you say YOU are the prostitute and she is going to pay you!? Did I just find a loop hole? Then do it all the time and you will be a known pro going around picking up janes. Of course this leads to a level of trust in the industry..... Then you start harvesting Clayton this is your means to an end
this country has gone mad with the blaming men for everything. Sure women deserve the same pay for the same job, even if they can't do it as well, fast, or long. Whatever. But giving women ALL the rights and money in divorce and family law is bullshit, and now the police want to blame men for prostitution. "IT's the John's fault the bitch is selling her pussy, let's arrest and convict the shit out of him" they say. In Seattle, they're trying to make it a $5k fine, jail time AND register as a sex offender!!!!

I've never paid for it but I understand and respect the game. I call shenanigans! The police should be chasing violent offenders and those asshole meth heads who break your car window to steal 38 cents from your center console.

Eve Fucked up. Now All Men are forsaken.
this country has gone mad with the blaming men for everything. Sure women deserve the same pay for the same job, even if they can't do it as well, fast, or long. Whatever. But giving women ALL the rights and money in divorce and family law is bullshit, and now the police want to blame men for prostitution. "IT's the John's fault the bitch is selling her pussy, let's arrest and convict the shit out of him" they say. In Seattle, they're trying to make it a $5k fine, jail time AND register as a sex offender!!!!

I've never paid for it but I understand and respect the game. I call shenanigans! The police should be chasing violent offenders and those asshole meth heads who break your car window to steal 38 cents from your center console.

It's not the "country" as much as it is the media, entertainment industry, and the DEMOCRATIC party. ALL are currently dominated by eunuchs, gays, and women, ALL of which despise REAL men because they are envious of the power they wield, and the respect they garner.

I find it quite funny, actually, watching females and gays get applauded for behaviors that are considered "rude", "bullying", or "aggressive" when done by a normal dude. Hell, look at how Ray Rice was demonized for slapping his chick, while EVERYONE completely IGNORED how that dumb bitch slapped HIM. The rampant hypocrisy is why I don't support any of the bullshit liberal agendas concerning "equality", "tolerance", or "diversity", as they are all simply buzzwords that actually mean anti-man, in general, and anti-WHITE man specifically.

The only way to peacefully stop this shit is to quit voting PUSSIES and chicks into office, and hold politicians accountable when they try and pass "mommy" laws.
No, judges don't think that stuff is funny, I hit my ex with a bat and he pressed charges, I'm still on probation. He was 6'5 230, I'm 5'2 135. Idk I was just saying.

Shit is getting out of control.

When the blacks wanted their own Miss Black America pageant, we said ok. Then we gave them their own month.
When the brown folks wanted to celebrate their independence day here in the US, we let them.
Now the women are taking our manhood away, white, black, brown, red, yellow. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED.
It's not the "country" as much as it is the media, entertainment industry, and the DEMOCRATIC party. ALL are currently dominated by eunuchs, gays, and women, ALL of which despise REAL men because they are envious of the power they wield, and the respect they garner.

I find it quite funny, actually, watching females and gays get applauded for behaviors that are considered "rude", "bullying", or "aggressive" when done by a normal dude. Hell, look at how Ray Rice was demonized for slapping his chick, while EVERYONE completely IGNORED how that dumb bitch slapped HIM. The rampant hypocrisy is why I don't support any of the bullshit liberal agendas concerning "equality", "tolerance", or "diversity", as they are all simply buzzwords that actually mean anti-man, in general, and anti-WHITE man specifically.

The only way to peacefully stop this shit is to quit voting PUSSIES and chicks into office, and hold politicians accountable when they try and pass "mommy" laws.
You're a real piece of shit. No woman deserves to be knocked out by a professional football player
You're a real piece of shit. No woman deserves to be knocked out by a professional football player

Yeah, but there shouldn't be a double standard either. Do the cops arrest the bigger guy in a bar fight between 2 dudes?

What is a guy supposed to do if a woman happens to be smacking the shit out of him? Isn't he allowed to defend himself? (and no I don't mean to haul off and punch her in the mouth, but if he pushes her away or slaps her hand away is that considered defense or assault?) I'm not referencing the recent case with the FB player and his wife, just in general.
I'm sorry lay your hands on me and I'm knocking your teeth out, at least I will try. Even a woman.

Fair is Fair. If you don't want hit don't touch me.

And remember, if you touch me and you get hit whose fault is it?
Yeah, but there shouldn't be a double standard either. Do the cops arrest the bigger guy in a bar fight between 2 dudes?

What is a guy supposed to do if a woman happens to be smacking the shit out of him? Isn't he allowed to defend himself? (and no I don't mean to haul off and punch her in the mouth, but if he pushes her away or slaps her hand away is that considered defense or assault?) I'm not referencing the recent case with the FB player and his wife, just in general.
It's pretty easy for a normal size man, like my self 5'10" 205, to restrain a normal size woman. There is no excuse for a bigger man to ever hit a woman. I've seen what happens to full grown men when I punch them, it would not be right to do that to a smaller woman. I'm sure there are exceptions to my opinion. Lets say some little 150lbs guy was getting beat on by a bigger woman, sure defend yourself, But I just can't see the justification in hitting a smaller female that could be easily restrained until she calmed down.

Size doesn't really matter in a bar fight. They usually arrest the guy that wins, maybe both, idk.
I'm sorry lay your hands on me and I'm knocking your teeth out, at least I will try. Even a woman.

Fair is Fair. If you don't want hit don't touch me.

And remember, if you touch me and you get hit whose fault is it?
Fair is fair? How big are you? Tell us how fair it is to hit a female that is smaller and physically weaker than you.
It's pretty easy for a normal size man, like my self 5'10" 205, to restrain a normal size woman. There is no excuse for a bigger man to ever hit a woman. I've seen what happens to full grown men when I punch them, it would not be right to do that to a smaller woman. I'm sure there are exceptions to my opinion. Lets say some little 150lbs guy was getting beat on by a bigger woman, sure defend yourself, But I just can't see the justification in hitting a smaller female that could be easily restrained until she calmed down.

Size doesn't really matter in a bar fight. They usually arrest the guy that wins, maybe both, idk.

Yeah, I get it Dyna. I am raising my son that hitting a woman is NEVER an option. Restraint, yes, but even when he gives me a high five, he doesn't realize his own strength! LOL . And my man is 6'2" 205 and I couldn't imagine being on the receiving end of a hit from that . So yes I would almost stand behind the NEVER hit a woman rule, but there's always the weird exception as you mentioned.