Ghost Inside My Child

I'm not, nor my soul.
I've felt and saw things some people only read or dream about.
Some people just never connect to that place in time or ever will.
One guy on the show was like you " all bullshit, I don't want this in my house, blah blah blah ".
By researching what his kid was saying he found the truth and now believes in the past and ghosts and maybe even God.

no wonder you're a republican.
That doesn't impress me.

Impressionable people, especially, are subject to deceit, not only that, all of us, impressionable or not, are subject to error. Some you're aware of, but most, you're not. Our minds play tricks on us everyday.

Tell me, what would be the purpose for a soul to re-enter the life of a young child?

I live in a haunted house. I'm not religious, I'm not even spiritual. I'm educated so why exactly is this a "ghostless" world scientifically speaking.
I live in a haunted house. I'm not religious, I'm not even spiritual. I'm educated so why exactly is this a "ghostless" world scientifically speaking.

It's important to maintain a bit of conceptual hygiene. Science has never established the existence, properties etc. of even one ghost. That is different from the rather positive declaration that there are no ghosts. In the abstract, ghosts are considered extensions of the supernatural into the natural. The natural is science's bailiwick. So far though, there has been no ghost activity on which folks using the toolkit of science can get a grip, since testability and repeatability are big themes/requirements within the scientific method. cn
I'm definitely saying Heaven isn't real

All heaven is, is a state of being. When you "die" all of your memories all of your associations and connections through memory die, you don't die and go to heaven or hell. Hell is basically what we're living in now, all this unhappiness that mankind is facing. From the unhappiness of being late to losing a child, even though we make ourselves unhappy. Heaven is a state of peace and knowledge to know the truth in life, why we're here. I mean come on, why else are we here, is it to live man's way of living? Or return to the beautiful, simple idea of man and nature which the saying 'Heaven' came from.

Do you want to live with the 'world' which is man's creation? Or live with life which is Earth's creation?

God is life, do you believe in life? :)
I live in a haunted house. I'm not religious, I'm not even spiritual. I'm educated so why exactly is this a "ghostless" world scientifically speaking.

You don't live in a haunted house, trust me.

Ghosts reside outside the realm of science because there is no evidence for them, there's nothing to test or measure. What would even be the reason of a ghost?
You don't live in a haunted house, trust me.

Ghosts reside outside the realm of science because there is no evidence for them, there's nothing to test or measure. What would even be the reason of a ghost?

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence and plenty of vid evidence which is at best inconclusive. Lots of evidence, but not the sort that can be treated scientifically.
But your last question is off the res imo. Reason/purpose are teleological questions. cn
You don't live in a haunted house, trust me.

Ghosts reside outside the realm of science because there is no evidence for them, there's nothing to test or measure. What would even be the reason of a ghost?

Trust me? Until you've experienced what another has experienced you can not understand, even if you do you will only relate as every experience is unique. Only problem I have with science is it's ignorance. All of what scientist's have found out was already here... For example, if I were to say 5 years ago that the speed of light is finite they would not believe me, but I would be right.

Reason for a Ghost? You don't need a reason for something. What's the reason for a innocent Child to die? or for the loving wife to get cancer? The truth is very simple and I figured it out on LSD (not that has anything to do with, but in a way it does). It just is.
Trust me? Until you've experienced what another has experienced you can not understand, even if you do you will only relate as every experience is unique. Only problem I have with science is it's ignorance. All of what scientist's have found out was already here... For example, if I were to say 5 years ago that the speed of light is finite they would not believe me, but I would be right.

Reason for a Ghost? You don't need a reason for something. What's the reason for a innocent Child to die? or for the loving wife to get cancer? The truth is very simple and I figured it out on LSD (not that has anything to do with, but in a way it does). It just is.

That's the good thing about science, our subjective experiences of what might be going on in your house are irrelevant to the objective reality of what's actually happening. You perceive it as "ghosts", I might perceive it as wind or something else. I'm not sure I understand your gripe with science, you believe it's ignorant because everything hasn't been answered by it yet? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to shift that to humanity for not having answered everything yet? Science is only a tool, a consistent and systematic approach we use as humans to answer questions. Things like ghosts are unanswerable questions by their very nature, so how can science itself be held responsible? It would be like blaming me for not being able to fly.

The bottom line with pseudoscientific claims is there's no evidence of them, that's why they're pseudoscience. Ghosts, gods, goblins, trolls, fairies, souls, angels, demons, etc., all pseudoscience. That isn't to say they're not real, just that there's nothing in existence that says they are. Imo, it's a waste of time to entertain such questions if they can never be answered.

You can say a ghost "just is" all you want, but that doesn't make it any more real than me saying "it just isn't".
Sorry for your mind..

I'm sorry for yours. Minds are like parachutes; they only work when open. There is actually a lot of information on the topic with many instances of children remembering the names of past lovers, family, homes they lived, cities, how they died, etc. Many of their statements have been verified. Things they couldn't possibly know, or regurgitate if their parents told them. Children four and five years old playing Mozart on the piano, doing college level drawing, etc. William Wordsworth wrote "Ode to Intimations of Immortality" about reincarnation, where he talks about children having a "life star", and how they lose touch with their past life remembrances because they are told it is not so, and get more caught up in the complexities of the life they are now in. Of course, it is rare, or it would be widely accepted. But it does happen, and there is much evidence.

I am so sick of you pissing on everyone's experiences and demanding that they are not real because YOU cannot fathom it, or need it gift wrapped for you. If you don't believe, how about keeping to yourself? Nobody owes you a GD thing. When people post here they are telling others about their experiences, not looking to "prove" them. Why do you take yourself so GD seriously?

Have you even tried EVP, or are you so sure the Earth is flat that you refuse to do anything to "prove" it is not so for yourself?
Science is subjective... even though they don't realise that their self-conscious nature is a factor influencing all of their results. <--- that's why it's ignorance. Answers always pose another question, I need no questions or answers to know that I am, I just am.

There unanswerable due to our level of intelligence, so was the atomic bomb 200 years ago but we figured that one out.

But yeah, all I'm trying to do is open your mind, as you don't know, you can only assume :)

But a Ghost just is, to say "It just isn't" is the same as saying it just is. It is what it is.

1love, doobie time, smoke one up :)

take care
Here are some recent stories, of many. Of course, I don't expect you to believe any of it, because you are omniscient.

Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions[SUP][1][/SUP] and is a belief that was held by such historic figures as Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates. It is also a common belief of other religions such as Druidism, Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Although the majority of sects within the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam do not believe that individuals reincarnate, particular groups within these religions do refer to reincarnation; these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of Kabbalah, the Cathars[SUP][citation needed][/SUP], and the Shia sects such as the Alawi Shias and the Druze[SUP][3][/SUP] and the Rosicrucians.[SUP][4][/SUP] The historical relations between these sects and the beliefs about reincarnation that were characteristic of Neoplatonism, Orphism, Hermeticism, Manicheanism and Gnosticism of the Roman era, as well as the Indian religions has been the subject of recent scholarly research.[SUP][5][/SUP]
In recent decades, many Europeans and North Americans have developed an interest in reincarnation.[SUP][6][/SUP] Contemporary films, books, and popular songs frequently mention reincarnation. In the last decades, academic researchers have begun to explore reincarnation and published reports of children's memories of earlier lives in peer-reviewed journals and books. Skeptics are generally incredulous about this and any other claims of life after death.
I'm sorry for yours. Minds are like parachutes; they only work when open. There is actually a lot of information on the topic with many instances of children remembering the names of past lovers, family, homes they lived, cities, how they died, etc. Many of their statements have been verified. Things they couldn't possibly know, or regurgitate if their parents told them. Children four and five years old playing Mozart on the piano, doing college level drawing, etc. William Wordsworth wrote "Ode to Intimations of Immortality" about reincarnation, where he talks about children having a "life star", and how they lose touch with their past life remembrances because they are told it is not so, and get more caught up in the complexities of the life they are now in. Of course, it is rare, or it would be widely accepted. But it does happen, and there is much evidence.

I am so sick of you pissing on everyone's experiences and demanding that they are not real because YOU cannot fathom it, or need it gift wrapped for you. If you don't believe, how about keeping to yourself? Nobody owes you a GD thing. When people post here they are telling others about their experiences, not looking to "prove" them. Why do you take yourself so GD seriously?

Have you even tried EVP, or are you so sure the Earth is flat that you refuse to do anything to "prove" it is not so for yourself?

There's a distinction between being open minded and accepting anything, and indeed with some people, everything, as true. There are reasons why we don't accept everything as true, people who project close mindedness tend to dismiss those reasons in favor of preconceived beliefs. If it makes me close minded to value the system which provides conclusive answers, so be it. I'd rather know it's true than wish it was because real results don't come from wishes, they come from the application of real knowledge, and the only way to provide that is through replicable results.

This idea of past lives, as everything else mentioned before, has no evidence. If it did, why wouldn't I believe it? Because I don't want to believe it? Nonsense. It has nothing to do with my desires. I don't believe it because there is nothing in the real world that says people live on past death. This evidence you speak of is simply anecdotal, hearsay, inconclusive, and extremely weak. It wouldn't pass in the legal arena, and it damn sure doesn't pass in the scientific one.

Personal experiences are useless when it comes to discerning reality, this is one of the fundamental keys to understanding science's value and why it's useful to us. For some reason, you can't grasp the implications of accepting every single persons subjective personal experience as true, or why it's important that we don't.
Why would God care about Earthly dealings when Heaven is humanities ultimate destiny?

Why believe in such things without evidence?

Do these kids know Algebra? When the French Revolution took place? Who was responsible for initiating WWI?

There are very simple tests that could be administered, none of which they would pass. I say that in complete confidence, not arrogance, because science is unbiased.

Why don't we see anything like that? Why don't they speak or act as adults would? Why do they seemingly only selectively remember certain&#8203; events? Events which would absolutely not "contribute to mankind", such as tales of past relatives or embellishments of past lovers?

Get his ass padawan.

Good examples of why you can't believe everything you hear.

Nothing about any of these are scientific. None have any evidence, only somebodies wild imagination. What's to stop me from telling the media my kid believes he was King Tut? Telling them he has memories from his past life about ancient Egypt and life on the Nile? Why wouldn't a media outlet run a story like this knowing it will sell to the ignorant masses? Why no scientific investigation into the claims my kid makes through me?

Stop eating this stuff up, man. It's bullshit, you know better than that.
Trust me, it's all bullshit..

Why should I trust YOU? I have never said I believe everything unconditionally. What bothers me so, is that you and your cohorts jump on anyone who states something that cannot be immediately proven, and condemn them as gullible idiots, simply because you have not had similar experiences, or they "cannot be proven in court".

I think the prudent, and intelligent response would be "I don't know". I don't believe half of what Christianity says, but I will not declare it "bullshit". I don't know. It just seems extremely arrogant and ignorant to claim omnciscience on things unproven as fact, or fiction. Until Einstien, how many dimensions did we believe there were? When did string theory come about, and has it been proven? There is so much we do not know. Thank you, drive thru, please.

"I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." Sir Isaac Newton
That's exactly why I'm an agnostic atheist, because "I don't know".

A lot of people, here in particular, love to claim they do know, when they really don't. All I and the rest of us do is try to show them how and why they couldn't possibly have that information, then the fangs come out, and it's not from us, it's from the opposition 10 times out of 10.
Pad, I have read those claims of "knowing" God is real and the bible "is real/right", and I understand your frustration. I choose not to even argue it with them, but at the same time, I do not "know" their experiences and will not judge them as bullshit. I might have my suspicions,...... However, on the paranormal, I have to be much more open because of personal experience. There is a reason so many have started investigating for themselves. With the evolution of tools to measure and record, we have the ability to study and find out for ourselves. There is some amazing evidence out there and I believe it is only a matter of time before we break "the veil".

The religious arguments seems to me to be no better than Dem vs Rep, gun control vs gun rights, abortion.... I just realize everyone's reality is their own and the odds are minute that their minds will be changed.

I like you, and would LOVE to do some EVP with you. Perhaps some day. If you want to try it yourself, I am happy to assist!!