GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-


Well-Known Member
Day 6
Ironically the opposite issue with leaves today. lol
They are droooooopy. Temps were around 82 and Humidity about 35%. Last night I put can reflectors on the outside lights since I have been keeping the cabinet doors open to deal with the heat and get the fan on it. So there are 4x42W (slightly reddish) and 2-27W (bluer white) and everything is mylar/white paint. I think the light intensity looks pretty good, and the second set of leaves are coming in great.




Well-Known Member
Hey G....sorry so late didnt see ur thread before, things look good. Are you using mixed spectrum? Also hwo are you watering the plants? So far they look healthy though!

Ill def keep up with ur thread to help out though ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey Robbie, Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I have a mix in there-- the 42 W are all a reddish (Couldn't find a identifying # on them) but the 27s are the bluish ones. I'll add more as they get bigger and I can move them further down-- better air flow and hopefully the temps won't spike -- it hovers at 82-83 and goes up significantly if I add another light.
I've been using a turkey baster to water them. About an ounce-- mostly every other day depending on how they feel/look. The peat pots were drying out super quick so that's why the red cups are there. I take them out of the cups for a while before I water-- just to really let the bottoms dry. I can see some roots if I peek in the hole at the bottom-- so that's good. Not sure when I'll transplant, or how big I'll go (I have 8" and 12" round pots, as well as giant non-plant intended tubs I can use.)
We have a repair guy coming in tomorrow (yikes!) so I'll have to turn off the rig for about 4 hours. I suppose they can do with a nap. :)


Well-Known Member
My northern lights special aren't germing at all. GRRRRRrr... I think the place I got them will switch them out for me. Not sure what I want instead. Any suggestions!?


Well-Known Member
Hey Robbie, Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I have a mix in there-- the 42 W are all a reddish (Couldn't find a identifying # on them) but the 27s are the bluish ones. I'll add more as they get bigger and I can move them further down-- better air flow and hopefully the temps won't spike -- it hovers at 82-83 and goes up significantly if I add another light.
I've been using a turkey baster to water them. About an ounce-- mostly every other day depending on how they feel/look. The peat pots were drying out super quick so that's why the red cups are there. I take them out of the cups for a while before I water-- just to really let the bottoms dry. I can see some roots if I peek in the hole at the bottom-- so that's good. Not sure when I'll transplant, or how big I'll go (I have 8" and 12" round pots, as well as giant non-plant intended tubs I can use.)
We have a repair guy coming in tomorrow (yikes!) so I'll have to turn off the rig for about 4 hours. I suppose they can do with a nap. :)
So u have more high spectrum bulbs then u do low spectrum right? And dont worry about the little nap, it would be like if it were a cloudy day


Well-Known Member
Day 8

All's well. Same old same old. Northern Lights Special have still not responded. Repair guy didn't find my grow. A few hours later the electric company was outside doign shit all strange like (for an hour) and i had 5 minutes of paranoia-- likely because I was sitting infront of open curtains building my reflective hood for the flowering area... lol.
Here's the growth-- looks good to me.



Well-Known Member
So some of my leaves are getting yellow and washed out looking. I've circled the area on the pic. The other leaf had grown into the light and got burnt. No worries there.
So they are still in the original peat pots and seedling mix-- no nutes at this point. Store bought water. Temps 79-85 -- mostly about 80. Humidity 35%
Should I transplant? I can see good root growth by peeking into the hole in the bottom, and one has grown a big root out.




Well-Known Member
I transplated a few days ago (Sunday maybe?) into bigger pots (12inch I think). Things growing much better. I gave "C" some nutes and saw the effect of nute burn-- kinda knew I would, but was feeling antsy. :)
The humidity is much higher now there is so much more damp soil in there. They don't need watering yet (almost a week) but I am spritzing the surface because it's getting really dry and lowers the humidity.
They are growing a lot faster now and I'm getting my 4th set of seeds on two of my 3.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Thanks for popping in.
Here are some new pics. Plant "C" shows the evidence of me putting a single drop of nutes into the litre of water I was using. lol. I knew it would too. Wanted to see the effects for myself-- it's smaller than the other two and bottom leaves are messedup.

A and B both got a tiny bit burnt by touching the CFLs. Still growing great though. Fifth set of leaves have a good start and there is new growth starting at the bottom nodes too.
They are short and stocky-- ok by me.
It's official as well-- 0/10 of my KC Brains Northern light special germed. Sigh. I will buy something new.. any suggestions?

Let me know what you think!!



New Member
hi giggle, plants are looking nice and stocky with thick stems. thats a pity that none of those seeds germed, how long did you have them germing ? some seeds take ages to crack open.



Well-Known Member
I did them in 2 sets of four and one of two. I tried paper towel first for something like 12 days, then a cup of water (like they say on their web site) for a bunch more days not even a crack. Then popped some in soil too. Nothing nothing nothing. Talked to the dude who sold them-- said I was doing everything right and to come back for store credit. :)
Haven't decided what the go with instead.

I've moved the plants further from the lights (oh no!) because I want a little more space between the next nodes. Plan to top them and then plant the tops and sex them right away... We'll see how it does.

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
I did them in 2 sets of four and one of two. I tried paper towel first for something like 12 days, then a cup of water (like they say on their web site) for a bunch more days not even a crack. Then popped some in soil too. Nothing nothing nothing. Talked to the dude who sold them-- said I was doing everything right and to come back for store credit. :)
Haven't decided what the go with instead.
Great journal and good luck with the rest of the grow GG!

Here's a link to a pretty good "scuff germination" technique that I, a complete noob, used successfully on a 2 hard-to-germ white widows. ymmv


New Member
I did them in 2 sets of four and one of two. I tried paper towel first for something like 12 days, then a cup of water (like they say on their web site) for a bunch more days not even a crack. Then popped some in soil too. Nothing nothing nothing. Talked to the dude who sold them-- said I was doing everything right and to come back for store credit. :)
Haven't decided what the go with instead.

I've moved the plants further from the lights (oh no!) because I want a little more space between the next nodes. Plan to top them and then plant the tops and sex them right away... We'll see how it does.
im glad you will get replacements for those seeds, i just use a plastic cup half filled with distilled water to germ my seeds and i have had a 100% success rate so far. usually they crack in under 2 days, i keep them in a dark warm cupboard or next to my ballast if its on so the water is slightly warm.



Well-Known Member
Watered today -- about 12 oz per plant via turkey baster-- spring water left to sit to adjust to temps.
Soil level temps were up to mid 90s today because I have left the cabinet more closed than usual-- not sure what I am going to do in flowering other than maybe not have anything in veg... hmmm.... Or put one little clone to mother somewhere different under a weeny light. Anyway-- cross that bridge in a few weeks.

Pleased with the growth-- Little shocked C is finally recovering and catching up.
Hope one of these things is a gal. Sigh.

If you have to leave your garden for 10+ days is it better to be in veg state or in flower? I'm guessing veg since they will bust up in flower. I will have the hubby around, but he's not very engaged in my project--just looking forward to the horny producing results.

Thanks for popping in.

