GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-


Well-Known Member
wow beautiful little babies!!! They are looking great and so green, are you feeding them yet? looks like you may make up for the bad luck with this grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Robbie.
The soil says it is a combo of peatmoss, compost and perlite. Says "organic" on it, but who knows what exactly they mean by that. Nothing chemical added as far as I can tell.
They seem to be loving it. Working on the 6th set of leaves on the big one. Hoping to top fairly soon.
Trying really hard not to get impatient and do something stupid. It's hard. May have to send the hubby out to find a dogdy character to get some weed from. Just everyone who I know who has connections also have big mouths and like to talk about who they are hooking up. Very unclassy. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Robbie.
The soil says it is a combo of peatmoss, compost and perlite. Says "organic" on it, but who knows what exactly they mean by that. Nothing chemical added as far as I can tell.
They seem to be loving it. Working on the 6th set of leaves on the big one. Hoping to top fairly soon.
Trying really hard not to get impatient and do something stupid. It's hard. May have to send the hubby out to find a dogdy character to get some weed from. Just everyone who I know who has connections also have big mouths and like to talk about who they are hooking up. Very unclassy. :)
Yea I feel ya on that, but soon youll be able to get high on your own supply.


Well-Known Member
Managed to get enough product for one joint. Halfway through it now. Awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh that feels nice.
Want to take pictures of the now very busy plants. (I'm really excited by the horizontal growth that is exploding.) Don't trust myself with the camera!


Well-Known Member
We're at day 26.
I gave them half strength veggin nutes yesterday. I had been away for a few days so they were really dry. I watered them really well first and then added teh nuted water. All's well so far. Here's some pics.

I also have noticed some munches out of my leaves (YIKES) and tonight saw a bunch (4-5ish) little spiders building webs on my ceiling. Outside the cabinet the plants are in. I'll decide tonight what I plan to do about it.




Well-Known Member

I want to top the plants and use the tops as clones. Is it too early? Are they too short? Opinions!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!



Well-Known Member
Topped two of the plants tonight. Threw one top into a cloning cube (a cube container of weird gel-- wanted to try it so I can SEE the roots if they grow) Popped another top into rooting gel and then into soil.
We'll see what happens!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, for clarification I took off the top at like the third leaf down. May fuck it all up, may not. We'll see! Lots of new growth up there though so I'm not tooooo worried!
I'll put up pics tomorrow I think.


Well-Known Member
Wont fuck it up, it going through a very rapid growth spurt right now, so it still has plenty of grow, I will say since your topping you may consider letting it veg for a good amount of time to maximize growth on the top colas and surrounding branches.

Pics of plant after topping?


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for popping in. I was feeling lonely and abandoned. (women like to be wooed you know!)

Didn't have mites! Thank God. Had a few small spiders, killed them (about 6) the same night. No more, and no more chomps out of the plants.

I'll be letting them veg for about another month. I'll be traveling on and off until then. Don't want to do anything drastic when I am not here to keep tabs!

They were dry again last night. I watered them and added my nutes. Seem to be doing well right now.
They are really short and wide-- lots and lots of new growth, much from the sides. Because of the small cabinet they are in they are getting a wack load of reflected side light. The undersides are growing as much new stuff as the tops. Lowered the plants a little more to encourage some upward mobility.


Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
looking good! I'm very interested to see your yields after a topping - I'm more of the single cola-impatient school of flowering, so I'll be very curious to see what your bushes produce.


Well-Known Member
The topping seems to have gone well.
Day 36 of veg. Still short and stocky, but growing and growing.
Getting some strange spots. Got hot in there a few days. Did a second nute feed-- but think it was diluted enough. They are drying fast-- maybe 3 days after a through soaking.
Still pleased though. REALLY can't wait to switch over. Only 20 days until I can! YAY.



Well-Known Member
yea they look great g girl good job. Magic bud sounds fun i wish you very large harvest from those nice lil bushes


Well-Known Member
Hey gang!
Yep CFL the whole way. So far it's serving my purposes well. I'm hoping the magic bud will provide an awesome high. Fingers crossed-- I am getting impatient, but I'm almost 1/3 done. Should be ready for nice spring days on the patio. :)


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any advice on what's the cause of the leaf spots? I'm just nervous it's bugs or something that will eat up all my plant! Still haven't seen anything obvious though.