girl scout cookies

I am a rookie with growing, but I am well pleased with my first project which includes growing GSC from seed. I bought some GSC shake from a local dispensary about 6 weeks ago. I paid maybe $20 for an 8th. Normally I will not even consider buying shake, but I was hurting for money. In my sack, I found 2 seeds. I didn't do anything special with them. Stuck them in some regular potting soil and babied them. One made it, the other did not. Once my plant got to be maybe 18" tall, I took a cutting and used Rootone to try to get it to root. The first 3 or 4 days, the cutting seemed to take off! I was not expecting it to root so quickly. However, I think I overwatered it as it began to droop substantially and has yet to recover. The 'mother' plant is still doing well, although growth seems stunted at the moment. I can't afford all of the fancy grow lights and stuff, so I put them under a standard flourescent fixture at night and move outside to natural sun during the day. I have tried many different strains, and GSC is good, though I am not sure what all the hype is about. I am planning on getting my plants in the ground as soon as I can hoping for a good outdoor yield. Also, considering that I am growing from seed, no way of knowing for sure the sex, and I laugh to think I may have cloned a male. I just wanted to have more than one plant, although I probably should have just stuck with the one. Now I have a small but strong plant that I hope goes through a substantial growth spurt and a struggling clone that may not make it. If GSC sells for so much, maybe I can use what I get from harvest to set up a righteous grow next year...
I am a rookie with growing, but I am well pleased with my first project which includes growing GSC from seed. I bought some GSC shake from a local dispensary about 6 weeks ago. I paid maybe $20 for an 8th. Normally I will not even consider buying shake, but I was hurting for money. In my sack, I found 2 seeds. I didn't do anything special with them. Stuck them in some regular potting soil and babied them. One made it, the other did not. Once my plant got to be maybe 18" tall, I took a cutting and used Rootone to try to get it to root. The first 3 or 4 days, the cutting seemed to take off! I was not expecting it to root so quickly. However, I think I overwatered it as it began to droop substantially and has yet to recover. The 'mother' plant is still doing well, although growth seems stunted at the moment. I can't afford all of the fancy grow lights and stuff, so I put them under a standard flourescent fixture at night and move outside to natural sun during the day. I have tried many different strains, and GSC is good, though I am not sure what all the hype is about. I am planning on getting my plants in the ground as soon as I can hoping for a good outdoor yield. Also, considering that I am growing from seed, no way of knowing for sure the sex, and I laugh to think I may have cloned a male. I just wanted to have more than one plant, although I probably should have just stuck with the one. Now I have a small but strong plant that I hope goes through a substantial growth spurt and a struggling clone that may not make it. If GSC sells for so much, maybe I can use what I get from harvest to set up a righteous grow next year...

No offense but it sounds like you could've very well had some pretend GSC and those may not even be real GSC seeds. That would explain why you didn't really think it was all that.
No offense but it sounds like you could've very well had some pretend GSC and those may not even be real GSC seeds. That would explain why you didn't really think it was all that.
I agree that is very possible. However, the dispensaries that I go to are pretty legit. And even though what I bought was shake, it was pretty good. Before I got my 215 card, I might have questioned what strains I was actually purchasing. The dispensaries are really consistent with what they have.
Samuel L would yell at the plant and force it to grow... "GROW MUTHAFUCKA, GROW! THROW A NANNER ONE MO TIME! I DARE YA! I DOUBLE DARE YA MUTHAFUCKA!!
Quit yer whining and take your stupid political post elsewhere. In a thread where we are all talking about herb and having fun you come in here and inject a stupid political post that is nothing more than your own half baked opinion.

Go get a big sign and preach your rhetoric on a damn street corner with the other crazies.

I am heading to DH in Riverside today. Who wants to meet me and smoke some abortion cookies!?! :p
I am heading to DH in Riverside today. Who wants to meet me and smoke some abortion cookies!?! :p

This may be politically incorrect, but abortion cookies sounds pretty badass lol... may just be because I am REALLY high on timewreck right now... pretty sure this is my keeper too... great yield, great high, super healthy. Only downside is a little over 100% stretch I prefer'em more low profile but i'll take it til something better comes along :) hits ya on every level, head, body, existential... a little creeper too multiple times i think i'm not that high and then all of a sudden you're like holy shit how did i get this high
I'd have you over anytime J. :D Maybe when things start really growing I'll have you come out. :)

Super hot in the tent right now by just transplanted the PCM and Thin Mints into 1 gal Geopots. From there I will let them get rootbound and toss them into a 3 gal. From there they will go into nothing bigger than a 5 gal and on to mother duty! :D All I need is an AC unit now.

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