girl scout cookies

A really good pheno of it huh ???

Look either it's the actual cut or it's not
I think you'd better learn what the terminology in horticulture means ....

No. I have it from seed. I know what a pheno is. There are plenty of different phenos of the original GSC.
Dan you amaze me with your comments...
Just because you have a male plant that may purportedly be from the GSC cut doesn't make it a GSC male

Yes, that exactly what it means.

Second GSC is not a strain .....

Yes it is.

it's a single cut only selected pheno far from stable and far from a strain

You have received bad information.

Let me help you with what a strain is ...

Definition of STRAIN

: a group of presumed common ancestry with clear-cut physiological but usually not morphological distinctions.

There really is no reason for you to be unnecessarily condescending. It makes you look incredibly stupid since you're completely wrong.

These are all a strain ....

Actually they are all strains, not a strain. But thanks for the info. I had no idea what the word strain meant before you came along.

They breed damn near true and can be identified by distinctive traits

As do my GSC seeds.

You are as confused as it gets ....

No. You've gotten a hold of bad information and have come on here and made yourself look incredibly foolish.

This stupid ass GSC fad is just that ..

Yes it's a fad, but it's also really really good bud.
A fad? This STRAIN has 4 crosses already, shits not slowing down anytime soon. EVERY single collective I find that claims real GSC is 90% BS. The ones that have the real shit know it, and it FLYS off the counter tops. I know what it looks like, hell....I know what all Cookies look like...Fortune cookies, Galactic GSC's, Platinum GSC's to name a few.

Pretty ignorant post man....maybe you should do some MORE research.

Fad or not..the shit sells. Even the fake shit sells. Berner knew it....and cashed in on the real cut.

I really really really want the platinum cut.
Hm well when one of you guys have a legit cut of GSC hook a brotha up. I'll pay a homeless man to give you a reach around for it.

Seriously me if you find legit shit and can point me in the right direction.
I have someone I know that went up to HempCon and Cannabis Cup, he's in the "network" and said get ready for all kinds of new GSC. Spoken from numerous growers GSC will be the next Blue Dream.

Be on the look out for "Acid Rain" as well.... :leaf:
Good news that there are viable seeds floating around. I was given 2 seeds for GSC from a friend who swore that they are the real thing. I was doubtful but if you say that GSC seeds are around then I will be hopeful.
Good news that there are viable seeds floating around. I was given 2 seeds for GSC from a friend who swore that they are the real thing. I was doubtful but if you say that GSC seeds are around then I will be hopeful.

I've got a couple of greenhouses full of them, next to the clones. Too early to tell, but looks exactly the same so far. Surprisingly stable seeds. No real variation. Usually half-ass crossed seeds have a wide variety of phenos and you can notice the difference. I'm getting none of that which is surprising because I got the seeds from two different sources.
Dan kone...the inland empire needs some of those seeds buddy. Gotta make up for a room full of shit genetics this run.