girl stole all my ... she took it all.

epic indeed.............i can make very light work of shitters. my studies have shown one's a shitter always a
shitter..................4sure :bigjoint:

Very light work insinuated I "fell for" unluckys antics. I just like a good lol. I enjoy the fact You have an unuseual fascination with feces...
im sorry that wont make her stop calling u knobhead
not that i agree u are
i dont know u seem ok so far but she has more experience in these matters then me

​lol its all just so dam epic.................. pmsl
yea whats with ur love of shit and all that

can i ask how tall are you. if your short say under 5ft lol thats why your breath stinks of shit becaus your head is to close to your ass. if your over 5ft your just simply full of shit.....this is all fact....pluss you might wanna take a look at your pc as every time you post it says you are infected.......

can i ask how tall are you. if your short say under 5ft lol thats why your breath stinks of shit becaus your head is to close to your ass. if your over 5ft your just simply full of shit.....this is all fact....pluss you might wanna take a look at your pc as every time you post it says you are infected.......
How tall are you?