Giving up on a sealed room from fear of co2, need ideas on a unsealed room's temperature control

Hey guys, so I was thinking about turning a unused room into a sealed room, running a mini split unit and co2 supplementation, but after reading a little more about it, it kinda freaked me out, I don't think the extra yield would be worth the dangers if bottled co2 is as dangerous as it's stated to be, so I'll be changing my project to a unsealed room, I would like some opinions on how to make it the best way possible

So I'll be running a 10 site RDWC with a chiller cooling the reservoir, my main question is about which type of ac unit can I use that doesn't need a sealed room, is there a way to make it smellproof by itself or should I stick with the option below?

My area has 3 square meters and 2.2 of height, the other option would be to put a tent inside this area with a carbon filter connected to a exhaust, pulling the air out, this already pure air would them be exchanged by my ac unit (I can't use a mini split since the room isn't sealed, am I thinking correctly?), this option doesn't sound bad, but if there's a way to make the whole room smellproof, it would problably be better, more available space is always good. For the record, I live in a place where temps varies between 20-31 celsius all year, and humidity between 30 and 50 celsius, more likely 30, seems like a fucking desert here, my nose bleeds just for writing that lol. Also I use citizen cobs, so temperature in my growroom barely differs from the outside.

Another question, how can I make the room not noisy with the pump (and possibly the exhaust)?I live in a house, but the free room is next to the bedroom I sleep in, also I intend to connect this room with my bedroom and seal the windows, so that I can pretend it's a closet or something like that, don't want people knowing I run a home farm of pot, really dangerous where I live, people tend to think cannabis is like cocaine in my country, also you never know when a friend will turn into a enemy, a cannabis grower is really vulnerable because the cops are a anonymous call away from researching all your house and jailing you for growing a plant, problably a bunch of guys here still face this issue in non legal states so you know what I'm talking about (I live in Brazil by the way).
Are you talking 3 m X 3 m? Or 1.5 m X 1.5 m? If the larger space and you're going to use a chiller then air exchange is your biggest problem . They can take these highest temps you mention especially with a chiller. In your case I wouljd bring air in and exhaust through dual carbon filters. A fan, a filter, another fan and a second filter. Because of the law. Then fans moving air over and around the plants.
If you don't or can't put money down on what hotrod suggested then I wouldn't risk it. You can't put a price on your freedom.
Are you talking 3 m X 3 m? Or 1.5 m X 1.5 m? If the larger space and you're going to use a chiller then air exchange is your biggest problem . They can take these highest temps you mention especially with a chiller. In your case I wouljd bring air in and exhaust through dual carbon filters. A fan, a filter, another fan and a second filter. Because of the law. Then fans moving air over and around the plants.
That was dumb from me lol, I meant 9 square meters (3mx3m)
I'm interested in this microcool fog, but I doubt I can find it in Brazil, I'll send them a email to see if they can get it shipped to me
But should they not, the dual carbon filter idea doesn't seem hard, my only issue would be extra noise but I suppose that can be fixed if I exhaust air from my roof, instead of exhausting to my backyard, them my only issue would be making sure the walls are soundproof
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The only real danger from CO2 would be if the tank leaked and flooded the grow space with CO2 displacing the oxygen you need to survive. You can walk around in high concentrations of CO2 all day with no ill effects as long as there's plenty of oxygen. CO on the other hand . . . :)
By the time i opened the topic I had just read a topic that creeped tf out of me about using co2 tanks, by now I already went back to my idea of using it, I'll first build the room I mentioned in the topic, using the dual carbon filter system, and once I move from the house I live in right now, I'll build the arduino controlled environment, with co2 enrichment
Hey guys, so I was thinking about turning a unused room into a sealed room, running a mini split unit and co2 supplementation, but after reading a little more about it, it kinda freaked me out, I don't think the extra yield would be worth the dangers if bottled co2 is as dangerous as it's stated to be, so I'll be changing my project to a unsealed room, I would like some opinions on how to make it the best way possible

So I'll be running a 10 site RDWC with a chiller cooling the reservoir, my main question is about which type of ac unit can I use that doesn't need a sealed room, is there a way to make it smellproof by itself or should I stick with the option below?

My area has 3 square meters and 2.2 of height, the other option would be to put a tent inside this area with a carbon filter connected to a exhaust, pulling the air out, this already pure air would them be exchanged by my ac unit (I can't use a mini split since the room isn't sealed, am I thinking correctly?), this option doesn't sound bad, but if there's a way to make the whole room smellproof, it would problably be better, more available space is always good. For the record, I live in a place where temps varies between 20-31 celsius all year, and humidity between 30 and 50 celsius, more likely 30, seems like a fucking desert here, my nose bleeds just for writing that lol. Also I use citizen cobs, so temperature in my growroom barely differs from the outside.

Another question, how can I make the room not noisy with the pump (and possibly the exhaust)?I live in a house, but the free room is next to the bedroom I sleep in, also I intend to connect this room with my bedroom and seal the windows, so that I can pretend it's a closet or something like that, don't want people knowing I run a home farm of pot, really dangerous where I live, people tend to think cannabis is like cocaine in my country, also you never know when a friend will turn into a enemy, a cannabis grower is really vulnerable because the cops are a anonymous call away from researching all your house and jailing you for growing a plant, problably a bunch of guys here still face this issue in non legal states so you know what I'm talking about (I live in Brazil by the way).

Is there an attic above you? If so run carbon filters, and keep negative pressure on the room and dump all of your exhaust up there, put the fan up there, too to help with noise. You are going to want to pull through the filters in your scenario.
Since you don't have a heat problem, put a small humidifier in there and throttle back your fan. After playing with it for a while you'll be able to dial it in where you need it.
Is there an attic above you? If so run carbon filters, and keep negative pressure on the room and dump all of your exhaust up there

Dumping warm, moist air into an unheated attic is not a good plan depending on where you live.

About 16 years ago I had a small place in town with a detached garage that I built a grow room in. The garage was heated and insulated but like most places the attic was unheated. I ran my exhaust into the attic all winter, (northern Alberta), an when spring rolled around I went in one afternoon and it was raining in the garage. I grabbed the ladder and popped open the hatch to the attic.

Was a winter wonderland up there. The whole attic was covered in a heavy layer of frost with the worst right above the exhaust pipe that spewed the air straight up to the roof. I rigged up a pipe through another 6" hole I put in the ceiling and ran the furnace fan 24/7 with no heat to evaporate all that frost. What a mess but at least it was the garage and not the house. Sold the place 6 months later and often wondered if the new owner ever went up there to see about the water stains on the ceiling. I had left the extra insulation I put in above the grow room as it was only 5 x 12' in a 20 x 24' garage.

Moral of the story is to run your exhaust outside or it will end in tears. :D

Dumping warm, moist air into an unheated attic is not a good plan depending on where you live.

About 16 years ago I had a small place in town with a detached garage that I built a grow room in. The garage was heated and insulated but like most places the attic was unheated. I ran my exhaust into the attic all winter, (northern Alberta), an when spring rolled around I went in one afternoon and it was raining in the garage. I grabbed the ladder and popped open the hatch to the attic.

Was a winter wonderland up there. The whole attic was covered in a heavy layer of frost with the worst right above the exhaust pipe that spewed the air straight up to the roof. I rigged up a pipe through another 6" hole I put in the ceiling and ran the furnace fan 24/7 with no heat to evaporate all that frost. What a mess but at least it was the garage and not the house. Sold the place 6 months later and often wondered if the new owner ever went up there to see about the water stains on the ceiling. I had left the extra insulation I put in above the grow room as it was only 5 x 12' in a 20 x 24' garage.

Moral of the story is to run your exhaust outside or it will end in tears. :D

In that case just keep going another 5 feet or so and vent it out the roof.
I'm confused.. if you have a digital read, how is co2 dangerous lol. Growing without co2 is a fucking pain in the ass, and it's more dangerous because you could be pissing out smell. Sealed is the easiest and the only way to grow these days if you're trying to get on a level to where this is more than a hobby . I wouldn't waste time with a fresh air grow good luck
For the majority growing pot is just a hobby and a way to supply their own needs. It's a big investment to gather all the things needed for a decent sealed grow even if it's small. Even a decent unsealed grow ain't cheap to do a good job of it like I have been doing since '01 up here in northern Alberta.

I blew $2000 in the last two years buying grow stuff after 16 years of growing in this house. $300 light rail, $300 Trimpro trimmer, $300 CO2 controller, $300 for nutes, $170 for big carbon filter still in it's box for a year, $200 for bulbs, $70 for a used MH/HPS 1000w ballast and the rest on misc supplies like ProMix, pots and other little things.

Still need a new inline fan as mine is dying. Portable A/C unit, CO2 tank and other related stuff. Another $1000 there.

Once everything is running full bore I'm looking at an extra $200/mth on my electric bill. Cost me almost $90/mth to run a 1000w light 12 hours/day with our high power prices of 23.5¢/KWH.

Not a cheap hobby if you want to do things just right but very rewarding personally as I don't sell pot for a living and am scraping by on a small gov't disability.

Luckily I have my own home with plenty of space to indulge my efforts but many don't.