Global luke warming

desert dude

Well-Known Member
This is a sensible summary of the state of affairs regarding climate change. Rather than admit that the possible range of global warming is from beneficial to very harmful, the alarmists insist that we are doomed... Doomed... DOOOMED! The damage done to the public's trust in "science" by this overreach cannot be overstated.

Cheerleaders for alarm

This is precisely what has happened with the climate debate and it is at risk of damaging the whole reputation of science. The “bad idea” in this case is not that climate changes, nor that human beings influence climate change; but that the impending change is sufficiently dangerous to require urgent policy responses. In the 1970s, when global temperatures were cooling, some scientists could not resist the lure of press attention by arguing that a new ice age was imminent. Others called this nonsense and the World Meteorological Organisation rightly refused to endorse the alarm. That’s science working as it should. In the 1980s, as temperatures began to rise again, some of the same scientists dusted off the greenhouse effect and began to argue that runaway warming was now likely.

At first, the science establishment reacted sceptically and a diversity of views was aired. It’s hard to recall now just how much you were allowed to question the claims in those days. As Bernie Lewin reminds us in one chapter of a fascinating new book of essays called Climate Change: The Facts (hereafter The Facts), as late as 1995 when the second assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out with its last-minute additional claim of a “discernible human influence” on climate, Nature magazine warned scientists against overheating the debate.

Since then, however, inch by inch, the huge green pressure groups have grown fat on a diet of constant but ever-changing alarm about the future. That these alarms—over population growth, pesticides, rain forests, acid rain, ozone holes, sperm counts, genetically modified crops—have often proved wildly exaggerated does not matter: the organisations that did the most exaggeration trousered the most money. In the case of climate, the alarm is always in the distant future, so can never be debunked.

These huge green multinationals, with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars, have now systematically infiltrated science, as well as industry and media, with the result that many high-profile climate scientists and the journalists who cover them have become one-sided cheerleaders for alarm, while a hit squad of increasingly vicious bloggers polices the debate to ensure that anybody who steps out of line is punished. They insist on stamping out all mention of the heresy that climate change might not be lethally dangerous.
This is a sensible summary of the state of affairs regarding climate change. Rather than admit that the possible range of global warming is from beneficial to very harmful, the alarmists insist that we are doomed... Doomed... DOOOMED! The damage done to the public's trust in "science" by this overreach cannot be overstated.

Cheerleaders for alarm

This is precisely what has happened with the climate debate and it is at risk of damaging the whole reputation of science. The “bad idea” in this case is not that climate changes, nor that human beings influence climate change; but that the impending change is sufficiently dangerous to require urgent policy responses. In the 1970s, when global temperatures were cooling, some scientists could not resist the lure of press attention by arguing that a new ice age was imminent. Others called this nonsense and the World Meteorological Organisation rightly refused to endorse the alarm. That’s science working as it should. In the 1980s, as temperatures began to rise again, some of the same scientists dusted off the greenhouse effect and began to argue that runaway warming was now likely.

At first, the science establishment reacted sceptically and a diversity of views was aired. It’s hard to recall now just how much you were allowed to question the claims in those days. As Bernie Lewin reminds us in one chapter of a fascinating new book of essays called Climate Change: The Facts (hereafter The Facts), as late as 1995 when the second assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out with its last-minute additional claim of a “discernible human influence” on climate, Nature magazine warned scientists against overheating the debate.

Since then, however, inch by inch, the huge green pressure groups have grown fat on a diet of constant but ever-changing alarm about the future. That these alarms—over population growth, pesticides, rain forests, acid rain, ozone holes, sperm counts, genetically modified crops—have often proved wildly exaggerated does not matter: the organisations that did the most exaggeration trousered the most money. In the case of climate, the alarm is always in the distant future, so can never be debunked.

These huge green multinationals, with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars, have now systematically infiltrated science, as well as industry and media, with the result that many high-profile climate scientists and the journalists who cover them have become one-sided cheerleaders for alarm, while a hit squad of increasingly vicious bloggers polices the debate to ensure that anybody who steps out of line is punished. They insist on stamping out all mention of the heresy that climate change might not be lethally dangerous.

thanks, but i'll take my analysis from someone who didn't join a white supremacy group.
I urge everybody here to follow the link and read the entire article. If you are currently terrified that we will all soon be cooked alive, it will ease your mind. If you are currently skeptical of the alarmism, it will assure you that skepticism is the scientist's best friend.
I urge everybody here to follow the link and read the entire article. If you are currently terrified that we will all soon be cooked alive, it will ease your mind. If you are currently skeptical of the alarmism, it will assure you that skepticism is the scientist's best friend.

your source is shitty and biased, and not based in science in any way.

It was an initiative of the Australian Committee for Cultural Freedom, the Australian arm of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, an anti-communist advocacy group funded by the CIA.[2]

The magazine holds a conservative stance on political and social issues.[3]

In March 2008 the magazine was describing itself as sceptical of 'unthinking Leftism, or political correctness, and its "smelly little orthodoxies"'.[4]

also, you are a white supremacist.
@desert dude , didn't the author of this article get bitchslapped for breaking the code of conduct by not revealing his own personal interests to the tune of $50,000 worth of investment in a fracking and energy group?

not exactly an unbiased, ethical, or reliable source of information since he is such a fucking lying biased douchebag.

kinda like you, but it doesn't show that he is a white supremacist.
Way i look at it we all be long gone before the sun engolfs the earth :) fuck global warming its a cycle like winter and spring just over span of 100's to millions of years .
worry about being eliminated by a meteor well before burnt to a crisp that you might still see in your life time meteor impact
fuck global warming its a cycle like winter and spring just over span of 100's to millions of years .

U r smahrt.


clearly cyclical, the ol' "every 400,000 years or so CO2 suddenly spikes in a massive and drastic fashion for no discernible reason at all".


on a completely unrelated note, and in no way having to do with the recent dramatic spike in CO2, 5000 years of colling was reversed in a century. just cyclical is all it is.
I am gonna fire up the barbeque tonight and roast the flesh of some methane spewing bovines.

I also plan to fart in the general direction of Colorado.
I am gonna fire up the barbeque tonight and roast the flesh of some methane spewing bovines.

I also plan to fart in the general direction of Colorado.

that's some mighty fine verbal sparring.

no rebuttal to the completely biased nature of your sources, just a feeble "plz read OKthxbai".

your intellect is as withered as your flaccid pecker.

no wonder you embrace white supremacy, you need to attempt to define something as more pathetic than yourself.

it won't work though.
its a great marketing scheme shit wish i came up with it i be trillionare place infomercials save the world shit i might be onto something sponser global warming need money to study it and in truth i will study it drinking martini's on some remote dream island tanning my self :)
And it’s not working anyway. Despite avalanches of money being spent on research to find evidence of rapid man-made warming, despite even more spent on propaganda and marketing and subsidising renewable energy, the public remains unconvinced. The most recent polling data from Gallup shows the number of Americans who worry “a great deal” about climate change is down slightly on thirty years ago, while the number who worry “not at all” has doubled from 12 per cent to 24 per cent—and now exceeds the number who worry “only a little” or “a fair amount”. All that fear-mongering has achieved less than nothing: if anything it has hardened scepticism.

Your alarmism does not seem to be catching on.
you seriously think global is happening no wonder the Vatican has jumped in now if anyone knows a good money making scheme it would be those corrupt fuckers yeah think Yup lets rape what little money our sock puppets have and use helluva we need your donations to reduce global warming hahaha now if that is not fucking funny or is it to boost there accounts back up ??? before the Vatican gets dismantled in next 10 years
And it’s not working anyway. Despite avalanches of money being spent on research to find evidence of rapid man-made warming, despite even more spent on propaganda and marketing and subsidising renewable energy, the public remains unconvinced. The most recent polling data from Gallup shows the number of Americans who worry “a great deal” about climate change is down slightly on thirty years ago, while the number who worry “not at all” has doubled from 12 per cent to 24 per cent—and now exceeds the number who worry “only a little” or “a fair amount”. All that fear-mongering has achieved less than nothing: if anything it has hardened scepticism.

Your alarmism does not seem to be catching on.
But science bro...SCEINCEZ0rZ!!