Global warming. Should we care?

Back in the 1970's, the "Global Warming (tm)" crowd was following the lead that we were headed into the next ice age. We can all see where that shook out. The planet will heat and cool in a cycle whether we are here or not. There is easily as much evidence that calls global warming a farce as show it may be real. The evidence is shifting to the "nay" camp now. The one thing it does is justify political jobs. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling...we must do something!!! Vote for me and give me power...I will fix it." Easy fix as the entire thing is false AFAIAC.
Seriously...Global warming does not make where you live warmer.

The more heat(energy) applied to the Earth the more violent all weather becomes. More powerful storms, colder days in winter.

(This is GRYPHONN, channeling through Ph03nix)

'Global Warming' is a combination of a huge number of factors, including natural greenhouse effects, natural CO2 levels and other natural events that have occured over millions upon millions of years.

However, there are a number of terms coined to describe 'it'. One is 'The Greenhouse Effect', another, 'The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect'. It is also more commonly known as 'Climate Change', partly for the reasons you described above.

Now, 'Climate Change' is real. Further, Climatologists, the scientists who deal specifically with climate (not meteorologists, or physicists, or other sciences), agree that climate change is happening, and that we humans are responsible for the causes of this climate change. They also agree that the CO2 increase that we humans are causing is why sea levels are rising and the earths temperature as a whole is rising...

...I really wish I could continue this discussion now, but it is after 11pm here, and I have to get a vehicle sorted out early tomorrow for a bit of a run down the road (road trip)...I have been working on it two days straight and need some decent sleep.

I (we) will jump right into this one as soon as we get this trip of ours sorted.

You see, we've been aware of climate change since the eighties, when it was considered extreme, or 'hippy talk'. We're both passionate about it and follow the advances in science related to climate change. It's pretty trippy what is happening **right now** on our planet...all because of a man-made increase in CO2 of only 100ppm since 1750. That is, CO2 levels in the atmosphere went from 280ppm to 380ppm. This type of increase hasn't been seen for over a million years (according to ice core tests of trapped air in Antarctic ice).
Did none of you see the pen and teller show bullshit about this subject?

They say it's bullshit. We barely even make a dent compared to fires and volcanos and other natural co2 emissions. They said it's all a marketing gimmick... Sell more shit make people feel guilty sell more new efficient cars, give Al Gore lots of money for traveling around giving speaches.

They also showed a chart showing the natural deviation of the distance between the earth and the sun or something that had to do with more radiation from the sun hitting us in cycles like that and low and behold the warming and cooling cycles match it spot on.

I think they have the right answers there, it isn't the first time we have all been sold a load of bullshit for other people to make a lot of money on.
Weed being illegal...

These cycles have been going on longer than we've existed.

There are real things we are doing to destroy the environment though... All that plastic in the ocean etc...

We do have smog covered cities though and the only thing to stop that is getting off oil completely. There is one solution... Biofuel made from cannabis. I've read that if it's feesable, growing the herb puts out more oxygen than burning the fuel that comes from it. Makes it a perfectly balanced system and isn't out of the realm of possibilty like hydrogen is. Plus as a byproduct ZERO trees would need to be used for all the building etc in the world if some of that material is recycled into pressed wood type stuff.

Back in the 1970's, the "Global Warming (tm)" crowd was following the lead that we were headed into the next ice age. We can all see where that shook out. The planet will heat and cool in a cycle whether we are here or not. There is easily as much evidence that calls global warming a farce as show it may be real. The evidence is shifting to the "nay" camp now. The one thing it does is justify political jobs. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling...we must do something!!! Vote for me and give me power...I will fix it." Easy fix as the entire thing is false AFAIAC.

In 2007, ExxonMobil provided roughly 2.9 million dollars to organisations and individuals specifically 'to promote disinformation and to misrepresent the science of Climate change' or to outright deny its existence' ****specifically via the Internet using web pages and social networking sites****.'

The above came from a scientific establishment called 'The Royal Society'.

The accusations and claims were made in a letter to ExxonMobil. 'The Royal Society' has never before in its 350 year history challenged the activities of a commercial organisation.

In the same way tobacco companies founded organisations that were funded in order to find no evidence of tobacco and cancer being related, oil companies have been doing the same. Their 'media' budgets are a little better funded than your average climatology lab is.

I'll wait for the 'conpiracy theory' claims. But think quietly about what the oil and coal industries stand to lose if we all become aware of the damage we're doing to the planet through fossil fuels.

Oh, as for Penn and teller and the volcano thing? Yep, they sure did cause more than us humans...millions of years back...
...we've done it through accellerated and artificial's happening, get used to it.
Yep subscribed.

(I hope it doesn't turn into a pissing contest)

Here is a clip of the penn and teller show:



I'll behave. But for the record, Penn and Teller are really good at exposing magician tricks. They also get paid to entertain and lift ratings. We get to see a one-sided argument on a subject through their shows. Kind of like a debate where your opposition doesn't show.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Catch you up soon.
Actually they didn't say it's bullshit and it's an entertaining show, they said we just don't know. Links are there for the show in my post above, when you get a chance. They do expose some bullshit though and give what appears to be very good information that's interesting and entertaining at the same time. I like their show. The one about religion is priceless too.
Like Penn and Teller are scientists or something. They should stick to what they know, comedy. Leave the thinking to other people.

The earth has been in a state of change since it was formed. It's still changing. It was in a natural warming state when we came along.

We need to stop polluting it so badly. We won't be here forever and we shouldn't completely ruin it for the next life forms to take over.

I read about male fish in Colorado that have females hormones in their bodies from all the people using birth control pills, all that goes into the water system.

I read another article that says all of our water supplies have prescription medicines in them. The way medicines are disposed of is to flush them down the toilet. We're killing ourselves and we aren't even smart enough to realize it.
Penn and Teller are funny. I can take either side of any subject(almost). The environment
has lots of problems. We are the most toxic people in history.
Chemicals are more of a problem now. We have no idea what this stuff does to us or our kids. This is looking bad for humanity.
Chill out baby, nobody said that. Relax and smoke a bong.

It took the earth's oceans 3 million years to recover from the damage that was done to them by the meteor that struck and possibly killed off the dinosaurs. Now those dinosaurs, they didn't use petrochemicals, nor did they flush medications into the water supply. All in all they were a lot cleaner than we are.

I wonder how many million years its going to take the earth to recover from us?
People I am not saying there is not a problem, fuck...
I don't think anyone was taking this wrong OM. it is hard to get someones gist with typed language.
You mentioned before that you are in a lot of pain. From personal experience this clouds what we do. Corn_holio have some
Yea I'm hurting and out of weed and everything.

I thought I was getting some flack. And nobody watched the video but dismissed them as jokers.

Got me all wound up cornholio style.

And I don't do coffe I do Coca Cola. :)
I'm sorry, not insult to you, I just think Penn and Teller are sort of assholes.

I mean really, it would be like Brittney Spears talking about global warming.
Teller is guilty by association. If you are only seen with a jackass, then it is safe for people to assume you are a jackass as well. Now if he'd talk and prove he's not a jackass, that would be a different story.
global cooling more like. over here in uk the south of england. parts of the sea at the shore have froze. must be getting warmer then lol
I guess La Chinga (doesn't that translate to "the fucker" or something like that?) doesn't know how global warming works. The warm seasons are a lot warmer, but the cold seasons get really, really colder.
We don't want another real Ice Age with glaciers like two miles tall---covering half the planet. Everyone needs to go outside and burn all their trash right now :)