GML Accusations..

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Honestly for the spectrum features, wattage and price GML is offering more than HLG in terms of Canadian pricing. An equivalent HLG fixture would be significantly more money than the tarantula or whatever he calls it. I'd definitely consider that the light. That being said, regardless of the accusations I still think HLg makes a good light even if the diodes are whatever bin. Who gives a shit really. The lights put out so much fucking par it's enough to sicken anyone's plants so really it's a matter of grower budget and preference in style.
Yeah I don’t really care where they’re made. They are good lights regardless. I do enjoy the drama that this has caused though.
How long til this thread gets locked or deleted?
Anybody whos got an issue with this should try to keep the discussion civilized and keep the thread open. Previous cases of someone outing a sponsor havent really gone down well with the Man.
thats not the case
it never has anything to do witht he sponser it has to do with the replies and comments from users like today where im readying homophobic slander and people who want to incite literal violence on actual people

None of that hasto do with sponsorship or payments that is the problem with the users not following our rules and breaking them.
When are you guys going to get this i wonder. this isnt a hard concept
Honest to goodness question why would I want to do business with someone who won't show their face or tell me their name? You expect people to give you money? Are you for real?

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Honest to goodness question why would I want to do business with someone who won't show their face or tell me their name? You expect people to give you money? Are you for real?

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A leftover element from when things were illicit, probably. But now that it's legal it is a bit of a bad look.

The good news for all parties is that with the way people like to discuss/replace LED grow lights, the market certainly has room for both of ya.
woah we are not going to turn this thread into a screaming match between two companies, thats not where this going to go
I wont allow that,

If there is issue it was taken care of, I do not believe under any circumstance HLG purposefully put your full name on the forum in harms intent, its been removed. Im locking this thread now because this is out of the scope of what rollitup is.

Were not here to have two companies and ex employees go at it for a fighting ring
You take your drama off my forum

I want tobe clear that doxxing name dropping etc is not allowed, ever by anyone if they dont want it and it isnt public knowledge, its not cool
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