Gnoot the Gnomes Organic Garden - DIY COBs

honeybee pheno #5 i liked alot. this was a sample... curing now, smells like strawberries and grapes. you aint goin nowhere! a few cuts revegging.
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more of pheno #1 coming and obviously sticking around a while.
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dessert breath a few weeks in.. favorite pheno here. love the high and bag appeal to eye and nose.

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double bucks in the veg going flower fairly soooon
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Been lazy with my grow journals lately...shameful. Will try to get back to it. Been working on adapting to seed production in my grow. lots of good stuff introduced to the stable... lots of seeds purchased. My state passed recreational in the elections with uneducated voters thinking it would be cool, now our governor is trying to get rid of the medical program all together...fucking stupid mainers...

have these done anyway.. S1's from a decent medicinal strain i wanna keep around. need a terp profile done. 400ish bodhi Barefoot doctor S1's ... free souvenirs to anyone who might be interested in PM'ing me

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not like i update this anymore... but POLL TIME!!

legit cut from a legit source of Purple Punch for 1000? y/n
after witnessing what you can do & what it seems that you could achieve with the beans you currently possess... i'd say no. 1k for a tray of proven cuts from a legit source, not too steep if i had it to burn, but i am more on the side of i just spent 1k on beans of various keeper potential (bodhi & ocean grown) in the last 3 months. but also if its a holy grail for you, or needed for commercial aspects, get it. sorry i wasnt any real help, i tried
after witnessing what you can do & what it seems that you could achieve with the beans you currently possess... i'd say no. 1k for a tray of proven cuts from a legit source, not too steep if i had it to burn, but i am more on the side of i just spent 1k on beans of various keeper potential (bodhi & ocean grown) in the last 3 months. but also if its a holy grail for you, or needed for commercial aspects, get it. sorry i wasnt any real help, i tried
+1 lol
I am with mr childs above. I believe you have a super source of elite beans to get through yourself :)! But depends on what your "end game" is I guess. Not so much end, but you probably know what I mean? Have you hooked up with Afgan King over at Telekinetic Genetics by chance as those would be the beans I would be trying out when they are available soon?