Alright for this thread we are not going to talk about religions, well at least not try to prove whether they are real or not. I don't want atheists making fun of religions, and I don't want religious people insulting atheists.

For this thread I'm going to ask questions as though I don't have a specific religion.
Anyways where did "god" come from? Like who were the first people to say "god did it"? What happened to our ancestors to believe that they had a creator?
im not sure who the first people were, but im pretty sure its because they simply couldnt explain their existence. they realized humans used tools and made things, so they figured god did the same with the earth/universe. it was a simplistic explanation that got them through life. i think 'knowing' there is a creator and controller of the universe gives a sense of calm, as if everything will work out in the end. as opposed to reality, where things are chaotic. its a way to explain the chaos in a manner which is more pleasant.
If something happened like storms they should have just thought the earth was mad or something, you know?
But why would they say god did it?
because to them, god is what controls the weather. they couldnt explain a storm with explanations like precipitation and wind patterns, etc. so they came up with the idea that there is an agent in the sky controlling everything. we like to have causal explanations for events, and thats the best they could come up with. you dont expect them to get it right on their first try, do you? especially with zero knowledge of science...
Like we have all these threads debating whether god is real or not, but if you think about it we wouldn't even be arguing if it wasn't a possibility a creator exists.
thats not necessarily true. i think people would still believe in a god until they really learned that there cant be a god. that would take a good amount of science knowledge to even explain. stupid people tend to believe in a creator because they dont understand how the world works, so they just believe the man in the sky does it all.(not saying all believers are stupid)
They had to honestly believe god exists, but before anyone thought up with the word "god" there would be no point in trying to find a reason why we are here.
im sure people thought about that before gods came into the picture. god is an explanation to the question "why are we here?"
i dont believe in a god, and i am interested in learning why we are here. you dont need god to ask that question.
We would have just been like any other animal and just lived to live. So why did they come up with a god?
yes we were just like any other animal. but eventually, our brains formed in such a way that we started being curious. this curiosity lead us to ask questions, which resulted in answers. most of the answers were wrong, but they were sufficient at the time. curiosity is the cornerstone of human development. its what makes us discover new things.
god was one of these 'discoveries'. thinking there is a man in the sky controlling everything aids in survival. we formed tribes with tightly held beliefs, which shared food and other things amongst eachother. these tribes also gave people protection from other tribes. it gives people a sense of hope, and takes away the fear of the unknown.