Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent


Well-Known Member
o man don't mention hairy bushes again lol last time that started a nasty pic posting spree by a few, including me lol


Well-Known Member
You should notice a hault in vertical growth with in the next few days i have found it stops stretching in week 3, but the colas (if its a fem) will keep heading up, you can put you tent on some blocks to raise it up a bit while leaving the floor of the tent where it is (if that makes sense) or get some pvc fittings and a stick of 1/2 inch and make exsentions im not sure of your ceiling clearance but it should give you the needed 4-6 inches to finish. well done sick, well done indeed, i hope you get some hairy bushes, thread pun intended :)
Interesting idea but I don't think that is possible with this tent. Both the floor and ceiling are zipped all the way around to the walls. Also not sure how much clearance I'd get from it to ensure it was worth the effort.

They aren't quite as bushy anymore since I cut off all the budsites on the lower 2/3 of the plant but they are still beastly and should yield heavily.

o man don't mention hairy bushes again lol last time that started a nasty pic posting spree by a few, including me lol
lol, guess you'll have to contain yourself this time.


Well-Known Member
Plants have been doing great since the last update. Trainwreck has slowed its vertical growth but I discovered another big problem as I was changing the res yesterday. The plants in the back are so spindly and pathetic that they can't hold themselves up under their own weight, let alone with the top covered in buds, so I need to stake up several of the plants to make sure they don't topple over. This trainwreck really grows retarded unlike any other strain I've ever seen. Its really just a tangled mess of stem and leaf but she has just started to bud and smell really nice. Can't wait...

I had 100% success with my LA woman clones that just sprouted some good roots this morning. I transplanted them into the other tote for a mini-sog, so we should see how that works out. I'll have 6 LA woman in the tote and 2 white widow I've got about 3 weeks from seed.

For my personal reference since I don't write this shit down EC on the rez's are as follows, right tote 1.8, left tote .9, KK bucket 1.3, and LA woman bucket 1.6.

Yesterday, front of tent opened up ready for res change:

LA woman soaking up 600w of HPS:

Kings Kush 5 days into 12/12:

Today's jungle:

Trainwreck buds starting to form:

LA woman buds 20 days in:

More LA woman buds:


Well-Known Member
daaang those plants are so big and healthy. what are you planning to do once they start to get bigger buds? maybe some sort of trellis or bamboo sticks? keep it up dude.


Well-Known Member
Looking great man, those plants look so healthy!
Thanks bro. I think I have things dialed in for now. Whatever I'm doing, they seem to be loving it.

daaang those plants are so big and healthy. what are you planning to do once they start to get bigger buds? maybe some sort of trellis or bamboo sticks? keep it up dude.
lol, yeah, they are huge!! I need to figure out what method I'm going to use to stake them up because they definitely won't be able to hold themselves up in a few weeks. It might be a challenge since I don't have any where to plant the stakes, so I'm going to have to use a little bit of creativity.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any where to plant the stakes, so I'm going to have to use a little bit of creativity.
I saw a picture of a guy who took tomato cages and made little holes in the rims of his buckets so you could stick the cage into the bucket. Your plants may be a little far along to try that but you could probably drill holes for bamboo post/pole things and do it the same way.


Well-Known Member

nice job bro looking sweet . all of your plants look healthy green and vibrant .
Thanks. Hopefully they turn out as yummy looking as yours as they get further along into bloom.

I saw a picture of a guy who took tomato cages and made little holes in the rims of his buckets so you could stick the cage into the bucket. Your plants may be a little far along to try that but you could probably drill holes for bamboo post/pole things and do it the same way.
I'm using 3.75" netpots, so it would have to be a pretty small diameter cage but like 3-4' tall. I bought some 4' stakes from Walmart yesterday but I don't know how to place them. I don't think the thin plastic lid is going to keep them secure or upright enough to keep the plants erect. Back to the drawing board....


Well-Known Member
sir you are well on your way to some great bud. and that 600 watter is going to blow the doors off the buds . a 600 watt is way more efficient than a 400 watter


Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't realize you were using a 400w hps with your grow. I have no doubt this bud will be better than last grow and that bagseed shit was bomb. Quality genetics, hydro, and 4x more light should produce some way danker buds.


Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't realize you were using a 400w hps with your grow. I have no doubt this bud will be better than last grow and that bagseed shit was bomb. Quality genetics, hydro, and 4x more light should produce some way danker buds.

yep right on bro . i wish i had the 600 watter i 'm thinking about up grading and using the 400 watter for veg i ll just add a mh bulb to it


Well-Known Member
yep right on bro . i wish i had the 600 watter i 'm thinking about up grading and using the 400 watter for veg i ll just add a mh bulb to it
Hell yeah! Funny you say that because I want more light too. I wish I had gone for the 1kw or had enough to get another 600w. In a 5x5 tent, you really need more than 600w to cover everything effectively.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Funny you say that because I want more light too. I wish I had gone for the 1kw or had enough to get another 600w. In a 5x5 tent, you really need more than 600w to cover everything effectively.

yep now 2 600 watters be the way to go with a y splitter , nice big fan to keep em cool yep that on my to do list lol


Well-Known Member
yep right on bro . i wish i had the 600 watter i 'm thinking about up grading and using the 400 watter for veg i ll just add a mh bulb to it
I'll sell you my 600w mh! I'm gonna pick up some T5's for my next go around for veg. I'm gonna keep my 600w hps for flowering. I don't trust the T5's for flowering.... yet. There's a couple people on here doing CRAZY things with a couple of T5's. I'm still amazed at what SICC can do in a couple of keg cups under a couple of CFL's!

Sick - you use full strength on your nutes? I burned mine pretty bad last week and tomorrow is res change day and I'm scared I'm gonna toast them again. Gonna try the same week quantity only half strength this time. Are my plants just sissys?


Well-Known Member
I use the feeding chart as a suggestion. I've found using the amounts they recommend doesn't quite add up to the target PPM listed at the bottom of the chart. My nutrients are measured out to a certain EC based on the measured out proportions on the feeding chart. Most of the time, I've found the chart to be conservative for my needs and I go over full strength all the time.

In your case since you don't have a TDS meter, I'd follow the feeding chart unless you have problems. What week are you starting them on when you change the res? Its really hard to tell you what your plants need for sure since every strain is different.


Well-Known Member
yep now 2 600 watters be the way to go with a y splitter , nice big fan to keep em cool yep that on my to do list lol
I'll sell you my 600w mh!

lol ok is it a digital or mag .ballast

I'm gonna pick up some T5's for my next go around for veg.

my bud kilobit uses t -5 all the way through.

I'm gonna keep my 600w hps for flowering. I don't trust the T5's for flowering.... yet. There's a couple people on here doing CRAZY things with a couple of T5's.
I'm still amazed at what SICC can do in a couple of keg cups under a couple of CFL's!

dont be sicc is a vet grown and has about as many tricks up his sleeve as an old whore

Sick - you use full strength on your nutes? I burned mine pretty bad last week and tomorrow is res change day and I'm scared I'm gonna toast them again. Gonna try the same week quantity only half strength this time. Are my plants just sissys?
I use the feeding chart as a suggestion. I've found using the amounts they recommend doesn't quite add up to the target PPM listed at the bottom of the chart. My nutrients are measured out to a certain EC based on the measured out proportions on the feeding chart. Most of the time, I've found the chart to be conservative for my needs and I go over full strength all the time.

In your case since you don't have a TDS meter, I'd follow the feeding chart unless you have problems. What week are you starting them on when you change the res? Its really hard to tell you what your plants need for sure since every strain is different.
get a good cheap meter from eseasongear.com bro its essential

sick sorry for the thread hijack brokiss-ass

i have been looking at lights and found some 600 &1000 wtter and shoot they are almost the same price plus they are cool tubes so i thinking well why not get off the porch and run with the big dogs. here is a link please let me know what you think http://www.yescomusa.com/product.php?productid=1020&cat=46&page=2


Well-Known Member
No worries, thread jacking is fine as long as it is somewhat relevant and doesn't involve hairy muff.

That's a pretty damn good deal for a cool tubed 1000w. Do eeeet!!!


Well-Known Member
No worries, thread jacking is fine as long as it is somewhat relevant and doesn't involve hairy muff.

That's a pretty damn good deal for a cool tubed 1000w. Do eeeet!!!

hahahaha o man. you prolly know what im laughin bout. anyways have they showed any signs of sex yet? and i got a good job so it won't be much longer and i'll be growing again.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, they all kind of went from showing no sex to full blown pistils everywhere within a day or two. They are doing nicely but I am still troubled with them falling over. Went in this morning and one of the bigger plants was practically on its side. I'm going to figure it out tonight.

Congrats on the job and definitely keep me informed of your growing situation.