The healthy plants have exploded since last pictures and the pH challenged bagseed is slowly recovering. I've backed the nutes back on everything to around 1.2 to 1.5 EC and the new leaves are coming out normal and healthy. Should start seeing some pistil action soon on the trainwreck and la woman.
Just started some seeds the other day of some white widow I go from a friend. They germinated within 24 hours and should sprout out of the rockwool any day now. I'm also going to cut a bunch of clones of the la woman before she starts flowering. She's healthy and hearty, so I don't want to waste the chance to make more. I certainly have the room.
So far 3 plants have been casualties of this latest growing effort. Two of the bagseed were tossed and the latest victim was the Kings Kush plant. The roots started rotting, so I knew it was beyond redemption. I've got another tiny Kings Kush going alongside my rockwool cubes in the 150w cab. Once its big enough, I'll toss it in with the rest of the plants to keep the cycle somewhat perpetual.
The jungle. LA woman in back, Trainwreck on right, ph challenged bagseed in bottom left corner:
LA woman:
Big ol Trainwreck:
From another angle:
150w cab, white widow on left, kings kush on right/back: