Well-Known Member
My temp doesn't go over 77 during the day and doesn't drop below 67 at night, so I don't think that is it. My theory is too much N early in the flowering cycle. Both plants were overfed during this time while I was still trying to dial things in.I've had a few people tell me that it's pretty common for them to see crops finishing quicker in the summer and slower in the winter. Not sure if it's true, but if it is I'd attribute it to temperatures. I bet if you're running a big light and your always battling high temps you wouldn't notice it. I can barely keep my temps above 65 in the colder cycle but we also have a real winter here. I'll keep our low temps and low humidity though
Any ideas/estimates on what you'll yield?
Based on how big they are and how much light I'm using, I'm hoping for 3/4 to 1 lb from the chop session this weekend. I'm hoping to pull 3+ oz off the LA woman and another 10-12 off the TW.