Going BIG outdoor

If your worried about soil compaction

I love big outdoor plants nothin like an 8+ ft tree! If your worried about soil compaction what iev seen Competition pumpkin growers do is use walking boards they put down a 2×10 or similar to help distribute there weight over a larger area to decrease there ground preasure psi. Can't wait see how It gos
Thanks for the tips honestly I think I'm over thinking it because I tilled down about 2 to 4 in some areas and just fluffed the dirt back in there were some clay veins but alot of other levels in between I'm gonna dig down a couple feet from them and see how it's looking because i dug up a couple tree root balls and had nice open wholes and I just started k knocking down and diging and moving the soil over .. I've done alot of fruit tree farming in the past and I think they'll be fine there's no foot traffic so should be fine .
Today everything's looking saaweet from the super cropping and all the vessels are female and 2 in the ground female other 3 aren't showing yet everything kinda haulted from the high 30s a week ago but there kicking ass again
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So I wanted to ensure I didn't hit any issues20240513_130254.jpg20240513_130107.jpgkeep getting aphid damage .. got some need capt. Jack's and Dr zymes now ..oh yea and sns 203...
But everyone looks very healthier us some chewing damage... turns out I have a freaking spring right in the middle of my 5 ground dwellers... doesn't seem to be an issue it's like a drip line for the plants kinda cool never seen this before
Things got a lil rough yesterday20240519_083933.jpg, lil bit of super cropping and topping to do another 5 clones of purple megalon #1. Number 3 got a whipping to but didn't cut her doing a different plant every couple days.

I also removed the 2 stragglers from the bunch and put them out in a field after I Neem treated the 2 vacant lots next to my house to push the bug population back to a farther perimeter. The purpose to replant the stragglers out in the field was to be a anchor for encroaching bugs after the irradication spray. Got a pump sprayer and am going to do a few more treatment. Might get something like a pyrethrin to treat the field next time. And keep the soaps neem citric acid and SNs 203(rosemary clove organic) for the immediate radius of the girls. .. woke up this am and they are doing there job well.
Come slug damage and some trails on leves but the main bunch is bug free.
On a positive note the bunch is looking awesome


On annother positive note .. yay.. my 44qt psylocibin grow kit came! got some "penis envy 6". Syringes .. silly auto correct .. not pens.. :)
PE6 are a hybrid of PE and a Texas strain. .. had no idea mushroom growing was as cool and independent as canabis growing. Not that I thought that they just appear I knew they have perfect conditions to grow. And I can't wait to let this fungi thrive.
20240518_113641.jpgany one try out there skills with shroom farming. I saw there is a fungus section to the site I will be checking it out today. Thanks guys and gals!


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Man they are growing like wild fire.. I was just looking st 20 days ago.. and
All good in the hood.. can't complain at all.. before the nutes were I tortured I was scraping by on the last bit of what's left and some BS to atoe time release. Tha k god work has been great and I could afford some good foods. It's really making a huge overall difference in vigor plant health and lushness.. EMERALD HARVEST FOR THE WIN
And mind you I'm picking and pin pointing to MY OWN feed schedule I'm not following the charts this time.. i felt that the grow in the 3 part was lacking a bit of substance to it.. so instead of grow i got the calipro bloom B had eqyal nitrogen as grow and also has a whole run down of micros as well as K in a 3%.cal mag is always in yhere and i just jump back and forth to different bottles,17167320344554745123670559724852.jpg17167320721478762851406981630617.jpg17167321037424807357234223600337.jpg17167321211745968359858376186889.jpg17167321642182533412519930260851.jpgI just go through my head and check all the boxes.. nothing to out of the ordinary and very methodical and the plants are definitely showing there happy

On a secondary note. My field agents (bug catchers) are no longer withus.. something uprooted em and found em dead.. Good thing them and not the mass.. I need to think of a better light wait rigid movable fence.. maybe I can find more baby play pens or god corals.. because I like this lil 30 inch fence it's tough but it's flimsy and not very long..
Since I moved the plot over more and started going in the ground in a larger area I need to start protecting a larger area.
On another note. The neem treatment of the field and the girls seemed to be Very effective. Not seeing anymore aphids and very little if any chew damage. All is good


And we have inoculation of the B+ spores in the 5 grain. Spawn bag 17167325505804562209341899182151.jpg3
What do you all got for this deficiency .. I thought I was hitting all notes but I guess that is an older larger fan just before I got the emerald harvest... anyone got a clue what the white dots with slight burnt tip is.. it's not pests and it's on older mid to lower level fans. All the plants have a touch of it around the same level in growth ..I'm stumped but it's corrected obviously just wondering what it is20240526_173130.jpg
FFS.. only 3 are female... lame.. good thing I popped some other beans and I'm bout to go pop a bunch more that I'm waaaay behind now... 3 out 9 plants female.. and it's the one time I didn't run peroxide 50 50 in the shot glass.. that's so wild... I don't want to waste fert on growing em out till maturity to collect pollen...
So my idea is make a light deprivation tent for the boys to go in so I can collect pollen.. I like this plant it's resistant it's vigorus and I have several.different pheno males.
I thought about giving that a try... is it difficult?
Soo much easier then growing and curing good weed ..this is the spawn bag today I say 1 or 2 more days and I can split Into the compost in the big 44qt mono tub. 20240612_161119.jpg....20240612_161124.jpg20240612_161133.jpg
This is as of about 1 month ..literally do nothing ..steril steril steril
this is my first time And I say it's going good.. I don't know ow if something I can do to make stronger weaker which.. I dunno if I want STUPID strong mushrooms and I do need to figure out how to get potency tested.. I like strong mushroom but I'm trying to make microdose for my fiance she takes anti depressants and there nasty

On another note I got up this morning and the male was kinda droopy I figured he was thirsty watered him and everything quickly with the hose as I needed take off to work.
I came back from work and he was even saggier if that's a word I like it..I'm thinking there might be something in the root zone going on because I've seen this with root bound but the plant will drop off some biomass up top because the roots can't support the imbalance.. but it done t make sence because they are in the ground.. OOORRR
Like I was worried about the solid clay aroundmaybefibally packing up to the point of suffocation... all the surrounding plants are OK but this plant sits in the low spot and when I tilled it in the first place I noticed a light bit of a spring keeping the ground damp in one spot.. maybe it's over watered.. ‍♂20240612_092404.jpg20240612_092411.jpg20240612_092353.jpg20240612_163259.jpg
Looking perky early this am
Did another round of super cropping and topping . I'm at about 50 to 75 tops per plant. I love how they look when the recover from super cropping and about a week after topping there's those new little double heads everywhere. If I top every top at the 3rd to 4th node..theoretically I should be doubling to tripling my head count .. this is gonna be a sight when they are flowering . I'm so so stoked . This being my first legal outdoor run it's soooo nice to do this care free and able to really be wide open about them. I don't have to disguise and worry I just walk around with a gun visible while I work out side and anyone that is curious enough to come up to me knows what time it is. And I make it very clear that I know the laws of retreat where I live.
I have no legal requirement to retreat to protect my self others or mine or other ls property. I'm bustin if you come touch my ladies. Don't ask me how I know but before weed was even medically legal in a certain area weed technically didn't have a monetary value in the courts and one can't be charged with robbery if the item in question didn't have a legitimate monetary value. ..But now it does and it is considered my property so ..try if you want but I got 5 camera and 3 of em are at the plants at different angles .. so pew pew .
Beautiful ladies. Good work brother. I plant on 12 foot centers. Took this today. 1st ages go up this weekend. Support is key when trying to get the girls up over a few poundsView attachment 5397830
Hey bud do you mind chatting about some big outdoor plants looks as if you plan to have big plants on your hands. Starting like that at this time of the year how big are you planning on them being X by Y and what do plan on weight expectation from what kinda of plant.. sativa indica hybrid? I think I got them in the ground waaaay early I was hoping to get 7+ lbs a plant I mean I'm gonna do what ever it takes to make these lady's out I'm glad they thinned out like I expected I was a little worried about the 9 in the small space.. I mean I'm a heavy trainer and I know I can vine them any way I need to but I'm glad they don't have to lean so far away from each other in the end now I only have 3 girls in the ground now now I'm hopping to be able to focus on these 3 big girls a little better for a first time I've never delt with supporting heavy branches before an I totally understand there is right and wrong way to do every growing technique and breaking branches because of too much weight is a problem I definitely plan on having and would love to here how to net these girls up the right way.
I realize when they are 8 to 10 feet tall in veg and.. super cropping and actively topping is going to get difficult to do at the top tops... so I've seen a technique where you do a few stages of net wraps.. alow to kinda grow through a vertical scrog and after there growing through a good bit.. you pull the net down about a foot in all directions and it flares the tops out and you can supper crop the outer edges and allow to recover and do again in a few weeks .. then a net of support is woven inside as it grows... I'm open to all suggestions and tips.. I did some pretty crafty shit in growing and live out of the box ideas.. my coolest idea I've co.e up with was my 11 week perpetual set up for a 256 plant 1 week veg for a goal numbers of 300 to 600 grams per week eventually cured weekly strain dependant. . The coolest part was I squeeze the cloning mothers and tent in a 10x10 and and a full.10x10 with 8 racks of of 24 plants 2x4 ft with 20i ch by 4inch PVC custom pots I made all the racks and pipe pots my self.. and the tall slender pots allowed for tight stacking of clones with a 1 week veg u get like 4 to 6 beutiful colas that are all top notch because the individual root zone is 1.6 gallons of smiles mix I made and 1.6 gallons is alot of dirt for a 1 week plant.. the roots grew phenomenally in the tall slender pots and u posted this endeavor on ILovegrowingmarijuan.com but got banned for starting shit all the time lol but yea I think the journal is still alive somewhere I'll have to find it. But it was cool. But the plug.got pulled because my sponsor got cold feet after a letter from the electric company asking to come out and check the meter sence we were pulling constant 4500 to 7900 watts at any give moment. south florida dosent like grow houses... but in my defence the dude was a bronze sculptures and used to run a smelter all the time for hours to melt ingots and it was a 10k smelter... so it wasn't my fault.. either way the rest of the story of those plants is epic because we all.took a 50 mile trip to my house and I continued it in my house for a long time in covid lockdowns.. perfect timeing.. ended up fighting..
Beautiful ladies. Good work brother. I plant on 12 foot centers. Took this today. 1st ages go up this weekend. Support is key when trying to get the girls up over a few poundsView attachment 5397830
I can figure out how to tag you with the j and the space you don't popup so I quote I stead.. you think this soft plastic mesh would be good as a preliminary wrap or should I use a bigger box like 4 inch mesh like I see all the big boys using. I've alot if time tops right now I think this tighter box might work decent.. or do you think the diameter will eventually out grow the squares as I. Stalk diameter eventually engulfing the meshing because they get to fat... I'm planning on them being massive so now I type this I am thinking more about why it would be better to use the other way around bigger mesh first and smaller mesh at end of veg and after meshing... how many layers of netting do you usually put ..say per foot wide/ tall if that makes sence.. I know a tall slender plant will get less layers then a wide shorter plant20240613_115942.jpglooks to be about 1 inch squares
Everything looking good did a mid feed yesterday. And a water only today. The droopy male recovered I think he was just sitting in a low spot getting all the run off at it's roots.
My girls are looks super happy but a weird trait im noticing which I'm starting to see collectively.. so imo must be a genetic trait of the fan leaves.. they tend to start elongation and looking longer then wider.. anyone see any plants make this kind of adaptation.. the fans are much smaller.. probally because I'm topping alot and thinning inside to send energy outward. But check this out.. look happy but diff.. 20240615_163832.jpg

Check out my sprinkler Individually valved zones 3 on north side of the yard and 3 on the south side.
20240615_163929.jpgBuried the lines with the 10/2 romex runs I'm putting electrical outlets at every of the 4 corners in my back yard. I've only been here about 5 monthes now and I'm already sick of running extension cords. The back yard is definatley my man cave yet appealing to the wife . But I've specialized in bad ass custom backyards. Patios spas and pool in south florida. So you can imagine the extravagance I've seen working in Miami and surrounding areas. There redicules wealth down there. But the best part of doing these awsome jobs know exactly what it takes from the ground up to do my own custom shit. With that being said. I'm gonna have my back yard soooo tailored to my likes and needs and family practicality... I'm super excited because I've been digging and cutting and digging and cutting and planting and LIVING at the same time with 4 kids running all over shit. I've got trenches and pads and pipes and wood and buckets all strategically layed out and installed already but ..all in all it looks like a construction site to my wife. But the other day she started to.come around to the whole plan once I completed the fence. The fence really gave it good reference point to how the back yard COULD look. It's one thing doing a spri kler system.. when you already HAVE a made back yard... or ADDING raised garden beds a pool or trampoline... I get to build the whole land scape and everything for the smaller rock to the exactly placement of my grapes to grab while I'm baked walking out of spa.. WHICH ... is already hole dug irrigation in place just need to buy the cinder blocks , pipes , marble, pump and filter. Already got the water heat situation in place. Check this unique shit out. I'm tapping into my hot water heater from my base ment and running a hit water line with spigot I can just turn on like a bath tub. Also instead of pegging out my water heated I'm running a few layers of Black flat hoses that will heat from the sun. And pipe in this circuitry of water with a bypass valve system to only use that hot water on demand it's not going to.constantly run to the roof and back down to the spa. Maybe put like 400 to 500 feet of hoe's OR HARD pipe.. I got do a little research and works better for radiation heating. Needless to say I have ALOT going on and I keep having the same problem in EVERY PROJECT I STSRT
.. I keep running out of money mid project lol. I wish my money trees would hurry up ;)20240614_181826.jpg
So much has happened since last post.. all good stuff. Harvested a shit load of mushroom. Got 60 grams dried
Got the second flush going and it's recoloring. Rehydrate the party and sealed back up for second which is supposed to be bigger harvest20240707_224310.jpg20240707_224709.jpg20240707_234313.jpg
A buddy from Humboldt came by and had same idea as me. I built a huge scrog over my girls and have began weaving already. The scrog is 14 x 9 and I'm going to build a second layer. I did all the boxing individual stranding for tension.. came out sweet.. also gave the girls a nice hair cut today. 20240713_165106.jpg20240713_165057.jpg