Hey all, Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever floats your boat! Just sitting around, stoned, thinking about how to go forward in my general marijuana growing and looking for some advice and perspective
Getting close to my first harvest (indoor, diy led) of some unknown clone I got for free, cloned into six plants total, and hoping I don't fuck anything up in the next couple of weeks (past experience in all things life related says that I most likely will fuck something up, lol).
Just ordered some beans from Great Lakes Genetics; Buddas Hand, Afghan 88, and GG #4. I'm kind of a cheapskate and am nervous about popping these beans with my low experience level. Looking for input on What you think and why: Should I try and re-veg a couple of the plants I'm growing now (kind of have this unknown strain's basic needs figured out), maybe try and monster crop the current plants (if they die, I have nothing but an emotional investment in them), or just start from scratch with the new, known strains?
Another random thought that sits in the back of my mind is timing. It's not even January yet, but I am hoping for an outdoor grow this summer. Maybe I pop some of the new beans and keep mothers of the ones I like, and clone for the outdoors?
At some point, maybe after this harvest, I probably need to shut down the indoor grow and do some construction work on the grow rooms (painting, additional venting, another light build, clone/mother room) but caring for the plants has become such a part of my everyday life that I struggle with the thought of having nothing growing.
Anyways, sorry for the stoner rambling, any suggestions will be appreciated. Here's a couple of random pics for looking at. I cut the nutes about a week ago, but they might be nute burned?

TLDR: What should I do next, keep growing the plants I got (reveg/monster crop), or pop the beans I bought and hope I don't kill them? Thanks for your time and response!

Getting close to my first harvest (indoor, diy led) of some unknown clone I got for free, cloned into six plants total, and hoping I don't fuck anything up in the next couple of weeks (past experience in all things life related says that I most likely will fuck something up, lol).
Just ordered some beans from Great Lakes Genetics; Buddas Hand, Afghan 88, and GG #4. I'm kind of a cheapskate and am nervous about popping these beans with my low experience level. Looking for input on What you think and why: Should I try and re-veg a couple of the plants I'm growing now (kind of have this unknown strain's basic needs figured out), maybe try and monster crop the current plants (if they die, I have nothing but an emotional investment in them), or just start from scratch with the new, known strains?
Another random thought that sits in the back of my mind is timing. It's not even January yet, but I am hoping for an outdoor grow this summer. Maybe I pop some of the new beans and keep mothers of the ones I like, and clone for the outdoors?
At some point, maybe after this harvest, I probably need to shut down the indoor grow and do some construction work on the grow rooms (painting, additional venting, another light build, clone/mother room) but caring for the plants has become such a part of my everyday life that I struggle with the thought of having nothing growing.
Anyways, sorry for the stoner rambling, any suggestions will be appreciated. Here's a couple of random pics for looking at. I cut the nutes about a week ago, but they might be nute burned?

TLDR: What should I do next, keep growing the plants I got (reveg/monster crop), or pop the beans I bought and hope I don't kill them? Thanks for your time and response!