I flew through mine. But I didn't have to take it -- they wouldn't take me and I didn't want them. I consulted instead. Pay's better, and you can smoke all the pot you want.
My father enlisted, right after my sister was born. Played "musical MOS" from '71 until the end of the war, never left US soil, and made a killing as an OTR driver, between training classes for his preferred MOS.
Back when I was in the joint the army national guard would fuck with the inmates. They'd come up just at the tree line. "Thump thump thump thump." You'd see have a dozen old guys with walkers hitting the ground looking for Charlie. I love those fuckers! That deep thump thump as they creep your ass in plain site.
Quit whining, you asked for advice, you're getting advice. At the ripe old age of 23, most of the people posting in here had already served at least a tour in combat. I didn't enlist, because I have a problem with authority. I consulted, because I have no problem with war.
Buddy enlistments are not the best idea. You most likely won't be stationed anywhere near each other. No matter what promises made.
And, she's only a mother I fuck because I fucked her and made her a mother.Seriously, don't try to go on the war path when YOU asked for advice, contradicted yourself, got defensive, and started being an ass.
Drug dealer? Way to "not kill innocent civilians." You're more a murderer and perpetrator of violence and violent crime than the crazy fucker who had his uncle axed. Your "lifestyle" that you need so much is paid for with the blood of others.
Praised for being a drug dealer? This site is about growing bud. Medical and now (legally) otherwise. It's not about pushing drugs, or being a poisoner -- my sig's a joke.
Want to try doing something with your life? Stop dealing drugs. Don't whine about it, get a job at McDonald's and supplement. Sell all the weed you want, but stop selling drugs. Then, help your old "customers" get clean. Apologize to the people you've poisoned, and to the families of the ones who've died (from your dose or not. You contributed.)
Deal with the potential bodies you've already stacked up, and then enlist in the Marine Corps. Go infantry, with a secondary MOS of medic. Be the front man on the front line. Purge yourself of the innocent killing you've already done.
ADHD, diagnosed and untreated, is your fault. Let me repeat that: YOUR FAULT. Own it, medicate as prescribed, and stop justifying your lazy, criminal, and murderous lifestyle with petty excuses like ADHD and justifications like "well, at least I feel bad."
Hola mija! You forget, you could also enlist with little paper squares...
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