Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

They spend 90% of their time in a dark closet. i worry about gas exchange or i would put them in a cardboard box.
RR stated that light has little to no effect on mycellium. I guess im testing that out now..

how colonized are your jars? has the last 2 colonized yet?

have you tried dunk n roll?

edit: is a legit site, i hear very good things. They have some bulk deals also..
I went ahead and loaded the jars up in a cardboard box. I will leave them alone for a week at least and see what that does.

For sure.. got any pics of your terrarium? Gonna be following this so, just like to know what your working with.
I see, cool man this will be interesting. I am getting some golden teachers, and some other strains not sure yet, and starting a grow myself. It's my first grow so your thread will help me out! best of luck, stay sterile!
awesome get a fruiting chamber and forget the incubator its not needed at all. Fill it with 5 inches of perlite and you are good with daily spraying. I set my FC up early to test how long before it dries out, and how it acts in my home. Which is good, it went a few days without being watered before it went mostly dry. Ill try misting it and test how long it holds the moisture. hehe so glad i dont have cakes in there yet

Ok i am seriously thinking about crumbling the cakes and adding that to the hpoo mixture and case it once its colonized.

The extra nutrients from the horse poo should produce more fruits if my research is correct. I have been reading the archives over at shroomery
Im desperate to get a larger yield than four half pint cakes! I have a nice aluminum pan with a formed lid which will hold my substrate perfectly. Illl'' line the pan in a trashbag and remove the excess with a sharp knife.
I could get 3 1/2 quarts in there for sure of horse poo. So it would be a upgrade to my grow if i did this. I have a large enough FC so thats not a problem.

There is a hpoo tek i will probably follow for this based off of RR's videos.

3 1/2 quarts Hpoo
1 quarts Vermiculite
1 cup gypsum

Ill pasteurize in quart jars instead of the mono tek.

Not that theres anything wrong with the mono tek, , i just want to try out RR's tek.
This is my attempt at recreating his tek, I have never read actual amounts used. He only lists percentages of two of the three ingredients. I hope they are close.




Glad you like the pics, I cannot wait to have some mushroom porn to share.

My fifth jar is showing myc so there is hope after all! It's just taking its sweet ass time hehe

I'll be buying a 12 pack of quart jars at wally world as soon as they come in. then i i will mix up a batch of hpoo substrate.

7 quarts Hpoo
2 quarts Vermiculite
2 cups gypsum
1/2 bag coir
7 quarts water

Ill add the water boiling into the bucket. Trying my best to fully wet the coir with the water without steaming my face off. I'll let that cool over night.
I will wait to do this part for when i have fully colonized cakes, i just mixed the dry ingredients together and applied the coir.

I bought some glad ware family size containers, Ill make up a tub to maximize my yield.

To get more out of my remaining strains, I will be making a live culture jar for each of them. i made a LC of the Mazatapec strain last night, Im only doing one jar at a time to verify the microwave tek works.

I microwave distilled water and a tablespoon of honey for a minute, let it cool for 5 then nuke it another minute. it boils nice and i use tyvek double layers as a lid in there. I made some self healing injector ports with rtv silicone for the jars.


