Golden Tree nutrients!!!!!! well worth the cost!!

Fish emulsion mainly with vitamins and other ingredients like molasses sold at essentially expensive prices.

maybe, but it would have more of a N-P-K value unless extremely watered down. You could speculate that their Triacontanol is alfalfa and kelp derived....
Golden tree does seem to work pretty well. A few days after adding it to my RDWC water the leaves got that waxy high brix look hinting at peak health (what they look like when I haven't been lazy and have it dialed in). Working at low PPMs (360-380) so I just added 1 ml per gallon with about 3ml per gallon of Canna Aqua. Have plants in a few stages of flower, from 2-5 weeks in, they all showed considerable improvement. Probably add it to the veg station next time i change the water and see how that goes. But two fins up from this deep water guy after just a few days. I'll wait for a full cycle to pass final judgement, but just seeing the initial improvement makes me think this will be in the drink for awhile.
Any updates on your grow and with running the golden tree?
I hate wasting money on gimmicks but golden tree is the real deal; it works.
I have a favorite bag seed strain called #6 that I've grown many times. This time I tried GT + pura vida grow + pro tekt. Holy shit!!! Biggest fan leaves I've ever seen!
yea i was looking into the Jack's 20-20-20 for veg but at the same time i was reading up on the grow more products also. them advance nutrients r too pricey so i'm looking for better n sufficient alternative nutrients at a better price. so thats all u use for veg,Jack's 20-20-20? and Maxsea bloom for flower? That's just awesome if thats all u use!!
Using the citrus feed all the way through with great results!

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Ur a tool mate ive got golden tree it works..

Just to clarify: I didn't say it won't work. Someone boasted about fan-leaf size as proof that it works. I simply pointed out that my first MiracleGro test produced the most massive fan leaf I've ever seen.

Maybe I should repackage MiracleGro and sell it on eBay under the name "Platinum Tree Nutrients" for 10 times the cost?

I bet $100 that I would get at least one order per week.

I bet I could sell powdered water on eBay. I bet you anything I could sell small vials of gypsum and epsom salt with the instructions: "just add to distilled water for instant pure water. No more hauling water. No more water filters! Let the vial do it all!"

I bet anything I'd sell a ton of that.
Just to clarify: I didn't say it won't work. Someone boasted about fan-leaf size as proof that it works. I simply pointed out that my first MiracleGro test produced the most massive fan leaf I've ever seen.

Maybe I should repackage MiracleGro and sell it on eBay under the name "Platinum Tree Nutrients" for 10 times the cost?

I bet $100 that I would get at least one order per week.

I bet I could sell powdered water on eBay. I bet you anything I could sell small vials of gypsum and epsom salt with the instructions: "just add to distilled water for instant pure water. No more hauling water. No more water filters! Let the vial do it all!"

I bet anything I'd sell a ton of that.
I've got a few grows under my belt and so far I am very impressed with the growth I've seen since adding Golden Tree. Like many, I bought the tiny trial bottle and the results were convincing. The true test will be cured flower quality & yield, but that's still many weeks away.
As far as large leaves go, they just mean the plant is as happy as a pig in sht. Always a good sign.
I certainly hope that you don't attribute the "so many budsites ALL the way down the main stem" to the use of this product. That is a function controlled by plant DNA and genetics, nothing more. No additive can change the genetic code.
That being said, if you git it like that go ahead and keep them in business. ME?, I'll keep using my bunny poop, EWC and kelp. I aint a huge fan of superthrive either. It's just an overpriced concoction of B complex vitamins, with humic and fulvic acids. You can easily make your own version for pennies with stuff from tractor supply.
I agree with this I don't use anything out of a plastic bottle at all chicken poop bunny poop worm poo all sorts of good shit especially if you feed your animals well... Circle of life
I am amazed how many people have opinions about something they have never tried. Nice.
If you've found a method that works for you, that's great! But assuming your method is the best is... presumptuous at best. (Naive and stupid at worst.)
Still you...
I've got a few grows under my belt and so far I am very impressed with the growth I've seen since adding Golden Tree.

Do you have any before/after photos? Anything that shows that Golden Tree is worth the expense (which, at face value, looks like a huge ripoff)?

The reason I ask is that I'd be hard-pressed to imagine anything working that much better than what I do right now. Not that what I do is "special" or great. Just that I think *anything* works well when you have worked out your skills, dialed in a soil/nutrient combination.

For example, I think if I went back to GH Flora 3-part I'd probably be hugely impressed simply because I've learned *a lot* since then. I recently grew a plant using MiragleGro Tomato (another Monsanto-leaning, Scott's product, similar to GH). I'm really surprised how well it is working -- after all the sh*t people talk about MiracleGro. I think my custom, more-organic schedule works better. But, not remarkably better. Diminishing returns of "better."

It would be interesting if you tried a grow again without Golden Tree and see how it comes out. Or, try a grow with other (less seemingly-predatory supplements) like Grow More Jump Start and Bio-Cozyme. I wonder if you'd see a difference. I.e., I wonder if it's really causation or just that you're feeding something healthier (and there are plenty of less-predatory healthier products).