gone....... ; ; i hate me.


Well-Known Member
:wall:yesterday i checked up on my plant and stuff and today 8:00 am my friend calls and says "i cant find your plant man." im like FUCK NO i go and check on it only thing left there is its roots it was good for months and months too.all i got off of it was 3 small buds im still pissed, somone called police saying i had a pot plant and somone stole it so im pissed off and threatning people because they r being bitches, this is a small town, im going to find who did it and im going to shoot them up with heroine and kill them.
I agree tell no one . It is hard at times not to but if your going to make it to the end you can't.To this day not even my wife know a thing I do it all myself and keep my mouth shut .Usually if everyone is going east to plant I go west .
no my friend didnt do it, he lives way outta town and dont have a car, he whent to check it and said everythings torn down and i know he didnt do it becausei just know
If you told your friend, what do you think the chances are that he told at least one person? If he told one, then that person told one, etc, any number of people could have taken it, or it is possible, it was just stumbled upon and stolen.
i only told 2 people they had to come with me because i had my plant in a bag and i was carrying it to my site. they knew i had it inside and when i go on vacation they take care of it.

and he does alot of biking thats how he got into town, if i wouldnt have met him and got hit by a car going to his house i wouldnt even smoke weed. i just cant wait till i find the guy who did it, im barrowing my dealers 25 cal mini handgun or just shoootin them with heroine
oh yeh, the chances are 0 of him telling another person, he bite the head off of a dildo (that was his moms) in 8th grade so i told him that i wouldnt tell unless he said shit about where i plant that and hes a realy good friend and i can trust him, my other friend i can trust too because he knows ill toss his shit around and wont ever smoke him out again if he rats.

i have a REEEEEALLLLLLLY good spot to plant at, its behind an abandon place (you have to go down a giant hill with a couple double the size of your hand tarantulas in the trees above you. the accross a river and into a deep wooded area.

i germanated 2 seeds last april and put them there and they didnt grow y? and when should i put my seeds outside after germanation or should i takea month old seedling outside?.

and also. i was stoned back there and my friend said "wow a pot plant and were smoking pot!!!!!" and shit so somone might have callled cops about that plant and 2 stoned kids and police may have found it.

the police better have found it. not another person like me that says "imma smoke this shit" and im checking if they replanted it, highly unlikly because the roots where all in the soil. and if i find the person, which i might soon, im going to tie him down,pull off his fingernails, inject him, let him suffer from hunger and withdrawl for a day or 2 and shoot him up some more that he will die and let him lay where he died.

and my dealer has done this to people b4 but for riping him off a QP but he just shot him up and killed him
I have no fuckin clue what i just read...

n dude...like i said before, YOU need to chill on thats needle..

Your mother might not let you have DESSERT!
You my friend need a hug or something ..... ya borrow your "dealers " gun .... smart thing to do moron .. Grow up , move out of mommies house and grow in your own home and dont tell your Forest Gump friend on the bike about your stash . Wait after reading your real big post about the dealer doing whatever ya say he did .... You are a Fucking Idiot ... " Im gonna shot him up and then let him withdraw for a day or 2 and then shot him up again and let him die !!! "" what a poor soul you are Mr. Man
gay. you talking the way you are is gay. i would be mad also, but a true stoner doesnt go beyond blaming him self.

in the end its your bad, and if it was me walking by and saw your plants i would take a bud or two and teach you a lesson.

now stop being a 5 year old and try again, this time tell no one and pick a better spot.
Damn that blows man sorry to hear that... Build yourself a nice Indoor DWC (for your next grow) and use some CFLs (to minimize electrical footprint) and for just 3-6 plants it's awesome and cheaply set up.
By sounds of it you just lost One plant? i mean yes you should be annoyed... but the way your acting is abit over the top... its only One plant.. have a few cones and chill

you really shouldnt tell anyone, i know this guy..

He had all fish hooks and assorted shit around his crop,

anyway one night he hears screaming, he gos down finds his mate of 25+ years caught up in a heap of shit screaming in pain, and half the plants chopped...

so you really cant trust anyone but yourself these days, its a sad world we live in
oh yeh, the chances are 0 of him telling another person, he bite the head off of a dildo (that was his moms) in 8th grade so i told him that i wouldnt tell unless he said shit about where i plant that and hes a realy good friend and i can trust him, my other friend i can trust too because he knows ill toss his shit around and wont ever smoke him out again if he rats.

i have a REEEEEALLLLLLLY good spot to plant at, its behind an abandon place (you have to go down a giant hill with a couple double the size of your hand tarantulas in the trees above you. the accross a river and into a deep wooded area.

i germanated 2 seeds last april and put them there and they didnt grow y? and when should i put my seeds outside after germanation or should i takea month old seedling outside?.

and also. i was stoned back there and my friend said "wow a pot plant and were smoking pot!!!!!" and shit so somone might have callled cops about that plant and 2 stoned kids and police may have found it.

the police better have found it. not another person like me that says "imma smoke this shit" and im checking if they replanted it, highly unlikly because the roots where all in the soil. and if i find the person, which i might soon, im going to tie him down,pull off his fingernails, inject him, let him suffer from hunger and withdrawl for a day or 2 and shoot him up some more that he will die and let him lay where he died.

and my dealer has done this to people b4 but for riping him off a QP but he just shot him up and killed him

It was just a weed plant man, plant another one and be stealthy. Also 'trust' is a word for suckers, trust is for banks not people, and shit right now we can't even trust them, way off point and still a bullseye :)
Your to blame dude no one else when you plant outdoors in the wild with no supervision "SHIT HAPPENS" And there is not a damn thing you can do. But if you were growing in your back yard and sum dumb fucker was to come on the (my) property and set off my alarm I pop open my window I unload in his ass then run outside and drag his ass over to my window then plant the drug dealers gun in his hand Self defense and the bitch ass thief (sorry I hate a thief) gets whats comin to him. Just a thought back to my bong

Peace and Love the Ladies
oh yeh, the chances are 0 of him telling another person, he bite the head off of a dildo (that was his moms) in 8th grade so i told him that i wouldnt tell unless he said shit about where i plant that and hes a realy good friend and i can trust him, my other friend i can trust too because he knows ill toss his shit around and wont ever smoke him out again if he rats.

and my dealer has done this to people b4 but for riping him off a QP but he just shot him up and killed him

i dont even want to try to get this story all strait. ill just point some things out that probably led to this incident:

for one, trusting a kid that bites off dildo's... ha man. never mind.
second, the friend you threated that you wouldn't smoke him out anymore. why would he care anymore, he just took all your weed anyway.
third, your 'dealer'. who in their right mind is going to kill someone over a qp. hell, he'll probably kill you too. watch out who you hang with.

just an opinion.
and telling no one is really your best bet. better luck next time.:bigjoint: