Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

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woke up this morning freezing my nuts off, 52 degrees F! My plants are loving this early mild Autumn, my Sativa is showing her purple a lot more. Almost every morning I wake up to the lower levels of my house smelling like fresh dank and nature.

She nibbles and drinks

Papa Cat
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woke up this morning freezing my nuts off, 52 degrees F! My plants are loving this early mild Autumn, my Sativa is showing her purple a lot more. Almost every morning I wake up to the lower levels of my house smelling like fresh dank and nature.

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She nibbles and drinks

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Papa Cat
Those are some beautiful leaves. Cats know whats up. One of my companion plants is catnip with a bush in the middle. Cats would eat that up

It look like the worst of the storm is going to the east of Larry Land.
Well do let us know how you fared when you can.

I've been through several, actually many hurricanes; the wind gets the headlines, but it's the flooding causes the lasting misery, every fucking time.
I'm a little west of where all the action was. It hit Tallahassee and parts east of there pretty hard, but other than some rain and a few limbs down, not too bad in Larry Land.

I'm an hour off the coast, so storm surge is not a concern for me. I do have some kin that live a block off the water in Port St Joe. All the junk that was in their yard probably ended up in someone else's yard. And as fast as this one moved out, my little river didn't really rise all that much. It's when they stall out over north Florida and south Alabama that it floods here.
Good Morning. At 1020 it's overcast, 78F with 86% humidity. Forecast high of 86F with a 60% chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon, and a low of 72F tonight.

The day after a hurricane comes through it is not uncommon to see both sun and rain. It is a little unusual to have them both at the same time though. This shower blew up five minutes after I had dusted the young CP1 in the BP patch with CP1 {#2BP} pollen. Not sure it had enough time to take. Will redo just to be on the safe side.

It's nice to see you weathered the storm it's 87* and 67* tonight.I collected some pollen in my bathroom but spent 4 day's in the hospital so i am hoping it is still good.I didn't have a chance to pull the male plant outside it looks like more than a hundred opened and threw some light yellow pollen.
It's nice to see you weathered the storm it's 87* and 67* tonight.I collected some pollen in my bathroom but spent 4 day's in the hospital so i am hoping it is still good.I didn't have a chance to pull the male plant outside it looks like more than a hundred opened and threw some light yellow pollen.
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Hope all is well with you now.

I got out and cut the shoots off my CP1 Male #2 in the BP patch yesterday. I dusted the young CP1, but a heavy downpour caught me before I got back to the truck. I put the paper bag with the pollen inside an upside down bucket. Hope it didn't get too wet. But I had collected some already, and the plant will make more shoots.
