Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

A nice day here. Cool early, but warming up fast. At 1010 it's sunny, 69F with 62% humidity. Forecast high/low of 78/51F with 10% chance of rain today, and 90% tonight. 10 day high/low 78/36F with 2-3 days of iffy rain chances.
It's a cooler day today. And it looks like we didn't get any rain out of this front after all. That kind of sucks.

At 1055 it's sunny, 59F with 47% humidity. Forecast high/low of 64/36F with no chance of rain. 10 day high/low is 70/36F with chances of rain on Tuesday and Thursday. After working every damn day this week, I hope to spend some time on the trail soon. With Thanksgiving coming, I doubt I will get out until next week though. I will rock the camp as many nights as the wife will tolerate.
We had our first frost of the year this morning. Nice and white from what I understand. I slept in and only saw a little on the top of cars. I didn't get a chance to check on any of my patches, but I did water the pot of PS1 sprouts I had gave a buddy. He has been grinding cane and making syrup all week, and I know he didn't have time to check on them. They were touched up a little, but not too bad.

At 1630 it's sunny, 63F with 42% humidity. Forecast high/low of 65/48F with 10% chance of rain tonight, and 50% tomorrow. {yea} 10 day high/low 73/36F with two days of possible rain. {the next two days}

If I don't talk to you guys before Easter, hide the eggs without me. Wait, I think I may have the wrong holiday.
Woke up this morning and checked the temperature. 35. I look outside and there is a pretty heavy frost on the ground. Supposed to warm up to 67 today. Hopefully it starts warming up very quickly. Fingers crossed....
Hey hey larry been off a sec you running a winter crop again right? Hows that going for ya?
With the trouble this summer, my veg partner decided he had enough smoke, so he backed out of our planned shared veg. With only natural light I have plants budding at one foot tall. I hope to make some crosses, but I won't have much weight. I do have 40-50 plants, so it will be something. Just not worth the time and trouble.
Hope everyone had a good holiday. I had such a good time on Thursday, I did it all over again on Friday. Been hiking since Saturday. Cold as fuck at night. {I didn't bring my down bag or puffy} Nice hiking weather during the day though.

At 1800 it's clear, 54F with 61% humidity. Forecast high/low of 69/45F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low 78/45F with one day of possible rain. Lots of clouds though.
A warm day today. I hiked to the river camp last night, and hiked back home this morning. It rained for about 3 minutes right at daylight.

At 1720 it's partly cloudy, 72F with 73% humidity. Forecast high/low of 79/51F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 80/36F with three days of possible rain.
This November in northern Colorado we didn't have any snow at all. Just rain a few times. That's unprecedented in my experience here.

It was nice enough after dark tonight to take my dog for a walk with just an over shirt, no jacket needed.

So the 'super moon' is tomorrow night, when it's a full moon at the nearest point in the moon's orbit, aka perigee. Best to see it right at moonrise or set, so it looks big near the ground.
Just had an after dark rain shower. In December. In northern Colorado.

We had a snow in October. It has rained ever since.

Now, it's raining in December.

The weather weirdness is real.
This November in northern Colorado we didn't have any snow at all. Just rain a few times. That's unprecedented in my experience here.

It was nice enough after dark tonight to take my dog for a walk with just an over shirt, no jacket needed.

So the 'super moon' is tomorrow night, when it's a full moon at the nearest point in the moon's orbit, aka perigee. Best to see it right at moonrise or set, so it looks big near the ground.
I did a lot of night hiking down at my new camp this week sans headlamp. Didn't get to go Sunday night, but the moon was fine all week long. We had a dinner party last night so no camping, and I did go out after everyone left so I could see the moon.
A nice day today. Not too hot when I got out walking for a change. At 1810 it's partly cloudy, 67F with 88% humidity. Our high/low for the day is 72/57F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 79/29F with rain possible on Thursday and Friday, then the cold right behind. I hope my little plants are ready for this.
What I meant when I said rain possible on Thursday and Friday, was that it would really be 80% chance of thunderstorms tonight. lol. I already have my pack packed for a two day hiking trip. A person with good sense would change their plans. But the nice lady ranger does call me Dumb Ass for a reason.

It was hot today. At 1900 it's mostly cloudy, 71F with 90% humidity. Forecast high low of 79/58G with 80% chance of thunderstorms tonight. 10 day high/low of 67/31F with rain tonight, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. My hiking forecast for the next two days is cold, rain and wind.

It's been a while, so. . . .

I went hiking yesterday. Even with the cold wind and rain. It didn't start for real until about 2000, but rained most of the rest of the night. Didn't really get wet hiking out this morning, but some of my gear did. I took a long hot shower as soon as I got back over here to work. And all my tarps, tent and whatnot are spread out in the cookshed to dry.

At 1515 it's cloudy, 48F with 79% humidity. Forecast high/low of 48/42F with 60% chance of rain this afternoon, {and 100% tonight} 10 day high/low of 67/31F with rain today and tomorrow, then sun for a while.