Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Today is cooler than the last few. At 1105 it's partly cloudy, 84F with 66% humidity. Forecast high low of 87/70F with 40% chance of rain today. 10 day high low of 90/69F with 10 days of possible rain. Dog days of summer here. Almost every afternoon a thunderstorm will blow up. Most days will be in the 90's. {and today may be as well. Wunderground is bad about changing their forecast as it's proven wrong}
It was hot this morning, but a storm blew through about 1300. Lots of wind and hard rain, but it didn't last long. Cooler behind the front. At 2025 it's clear, 79F with 84% humidity. Forecast low of 72F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 91/69F with 9 days of possible rain.
Not crazy humid today. Nice breeze at times. At 1825 it's fair, 86F with 54% humidity. Forecast low of 70F with 10% chance of rain tonight, and 20% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 90/69F with 7 days of possible rain.
95 and dry. Some jackass let a burn pile start a forest fire upwind from here we've got our first fire of the year. Should be easy to contain, but dayum, how dumb do you have to be?
95 and dry. Some jackass let a burn pile start a forest fire upwind from here we've got our first fire of the year. Should be easy to contain, but dayum, how dumb do you have to be?
When we had our little dry spell a couple of months ago, we were having fires all the time. So many folks have debris piles that need burning, but there is more fuel on the ground than anyone has seen in their lifetimes. If the rain stops, we will see some big fires in NW Florida.
Sorry I've been AWOL! Barry missed you by that much, eh?

We had a hot spell here in NoCo, upper 90s, a few days hit 101.

For the last week or so the 'monsoon season' has been setting up; nice sunny mornings, clouds by early afternoon, a thundershower sometime between 2pm and 6pm and cool nights.

I'm still looking for someone to put in a whole house fan but I'm probably shit out of luck until fall.

I wonder if there exists such a critter as a combo exhaust fan and swamp cooler? That's what I'd really go for!
Sorry I've been AWOL! Barry missed you by that much, eh?

We had a hot spell here in NoCo, upper 90s, a few days hit 101.

For the last week or so the 'monsoon season' has been setting up; nice sunny mornings, clouds by early afternoon, a thundershower sometime between 2pm and 6pm and cool nights.

I'm still looking for someone to put in a whole house fan but I'm probably shit out of luck until fall.

I wonder if there exists such a critter as a combo exhaust fan and swamp cooler? That's what I'd really go for!
Yes, missed me by a good bit. It made landfall west of NOLA. We got rain from it, but it actually cleared up for a day or two after it had passed. Unless something else is going on, we get thundershowers every afternoon this time of year.

You don't see as many attic fans as you used to. Used to most houses had fans to get the hot air out. The fan in my wife's family home in town would pull the doors closed unless you propped them open. It would change the air pretty quick.
Sunny and warm today. At 1340 it's partly cloudy, 87F with 47% humidity. Forecast high low of 88/68F with 20% chance of rain today, 20% tonight and 20% tomorrow. {this is one of the times there isn't rain in the forecast everyday} 10 day high low of 93/68F with only 3 days of possible rain.
Yes, missed me by a good bit. It made landfall west of NOLA. We got rain from it, but it actually cleared up for a day or two after it had passed. Unless something else is going on, we get thundershowers every afternoon this time of year.

You don't see as many attic fans as you used to. Used to most houses had fans to get the hot air out. The fan in my wife's family home in town would pull the doors closed unless you propped them open. It would change the air pretty quick.
An attic fan just pulls air from an attic. A whole house fan pulls air from the living space and usually vents it straight up through the attic and outside on the roof.

The advantage is that it draws air from outside at night when it's cool, this cools the interior of the house so it stays cooler the next day. You want to shut it off before it warms up outside, of course.

Obviously it won't work if it never cools off at night;

I knew there was a good reason I didn't stay in South Florida!
An attic fan just pulls air from an attic. A whole house fan pulls air from the living space and usually vents it straight up through the attic and outside on the roof.

The advantage is that it draws air from outside at night when it's cool, this cools the interior of the house so it stays cooler the next day. You want to shut it off before it warms up outside, of course.

Obviously it won't work if it never cools off at night;

I knew there was a good reason I didn't stay in South Florida!
Maybe not a traditional attic fan. But it pulled air from the house through the attic and outside. There was a 3 foot by 2 foot vent with a pull down door in a hallway. You had to open the vent before you turned on the fan. I never climbed up there, so not sure just what size it was, but it must have been a shop fan by the amount of air it moved. {also the amount of noise it made} With the windows open to let in cooler air, it did cool the house off pretty good. They {the wife's parents} didn't get AC until the local Sr Cit Org was giving out free window units to old folks during a heat wave.

Lows in the 80's suck. It's going to be great here tonight. Forecast low of 68F. Too bad I'm working.
Maybe not a traditional attic fan. But it pulled air from the house through the attic and outside. There was a 3 foot by 2 foot vent with a pull down door in a hallway. You had to open the vent before you turned on the fan. I never climbed up there, so not sure just what size it was, but it must have been a shop fan by the amount of air it moved. {also the amount of noise it made} With the windows open to let in cooler air, it did cool the house off pretty good. They {the wife's parents} didn't get AC until the local Sr Cit Org was giving out free window units to old folks during a heat wave.

Lows in the 80's suck. It's going to be great here tonight. Forecast low of 68F. Too bad I'm working.
That's the same general idea. It would be questionable here due to the potential for condensation once it gets cold.

Lows here have been in the upper 50s. Very nice sleeping weather!
Weather has been clear and warm. Just now got up to 90, so not too bad. At 1605 it's clear, 90F with 41% humidity. Forecast low of 70F with 10% chance of rain tonight, and 10% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 93/68F with 5 days of possible rain.