I really had a hard time believing anything from him, he flip flopped on so many stories, calling us all profiteers and then turning around admitting he was growing way before the law was passed. When he first came here he claimed he couldn't even get two oz off a plant with his ungodly light setup because his strain wasn't capable of yielding more than that yet he just said the other day he had a 4.5oz plant ready to harvest.. So many things, he was shady, in a weird way.
I don't think his recent actions had anything to do with his PD... I think he got sick of everyone not agreeing with him after trying and trying to cause issues, he finally snapped.
Fact is whether we are in this to make a profit or if we are in it to help patients or just ourselves, we are all in this together and it is us against those in power who do not want us to have the right to grow our medicine. If we are all divided then that leaves us weak and much easier to divide further and crumble the law from underneath us. You are either with us or against us.
We all need to find a common ground (which is pretty fucking simple) and stand together as one.
OK I'm off my podium now.