Good News.. I swear!!

How can you NOT be anti-government? These crooked fucks have given me nothing but corruption and shady back room dealings to consider over the past 30 years! Show me an honest politician that works on behalf of the people, and I'll show you a pig that can fly!

remember bob claims BIG BUSINESS background, so hes Entitled St0w, while you and I are just criminals waiting to be hung for our crimes in bobs eyes.
remember bob claims BIG BUSINESS background, so hes Entitled St0w, while you and I are just criminals waiting to be hung for our crimes in bobs eyes. are such a self pitying baby. Yes, I worked my way up pretty well in my career. They key word being worked. I do know how government and business people think from that experience.

Anti government attitude serves no purpose, other than self loathing. Lets abolish all government, and see how we do.

Change in government comes through people being involved. Not sitting around complaining about how the "man holds me down".

You don;t want change, you want revolt..overthrow..and have no plan. Such an angry little man. are such a self pitying baby. Yes, I worked my way up pretty well in my career. They key word being worked. I do know how government and business people think from that experience.

Anti government attitude serves no purpose, other than self loathing. Lets abolish all government, and see how we do.

Change in government comes through people being involved. Not sitting around complaining about how the "man holds me down".

You don;t want change, you want revolt..overthrow..and have no plan. Such an angry little man.

I wouldn't advocate abolishing all government, but it would be nice to have elected officials that do their job (representing the will of the people that elected them) as opposed to hopping in bed with big business for their own personal gain.

And "change" in government doesn't come through people being involved. It comes through having enough capital to influence votes. Why do you think the rich continue to get fatter, and the rest of us are fighting like hell just to tread water?
I wouldn't advocate abolishing all government, but it would be nice to have elected officials that do their job (representing the will of the people that elected them) as opposed to hopping in bed with big business for their own personal gain.

And "change" in government doesn't come through people being involved. It comes through having enough capital to influence votes. Why do you think the rich continue to get fatter, and the rest of us are fighting like hell just to tread water?

Because we let them.

It's not that hard to earn a really good living in the United States. The bigger problem lies in that today's youth are lazy. They don't want to work hard. Or they just are not bright enough to climb the ladder.

I've started two businesses from scratch since I've been disabled. No money..just an idea. Carving dugout's by hand..sold them to head shops..made a few bucks, bought some equipment, got more accounts, opened a web site..starting with zilch, within 3 years I literally HAD to sell it because my Parkinson's made it impossible to keep up.

It now employs 4 people full time. they all make good money...and I still get a check every month. And the business does books and pays taxes.

It's still the land of many want it to be the land of hand outs.

Hell, you can make $3000 a month selling homeade candles in your spare just gotta work.
you have just stated a BIG piece of the puzzle bob. Personal Responsibility. Kind of surprising to here it come from you, Mr let the Government do it for you.

you are full of surprises, though most are oxy-morons. this one actually makes a little sense. See you are learning something here. You should be greatfull. lmao
you have just stated a BIG piece of the puzzle bob. Personal Responsibility. Kind of surprising to here it come from you, Mr let the Government do it for you.

you are full of surprises, though most are oxy-morons. this one actually makes a little sense. See you are learning something here. You should be greatfull. lmao

Timmah..when I say we let them. What I mean is that people cry and whine about it, like you, but don't get active in fixing anything, again, like you. Work within the guidelines society has set. Make something of yourself.

No wanted signs everywhere. Got ambition? take a job at Mc Donalds..4 years of hard work and a little intelligence you'll be a DM making 80k per year.

When people say no jobs these days, what they mean is,I don't want to work. Its why so many losers have jumped on the medical cannabis bandwagon...dreams of a 6 figure income from sitting on their ass watching a plant grow. They want the same income for a basement grow, as a farmer working 100 acres.

The difference is the farmer will allow his crop to be inspected and approved. While you'd say why test cannabis? Heck, if was tested I'd be held to a standard..can't have that.

I can disagree with people like Glad, and still respect I have no respect for. You remind me of that Queen song...gonna be a big man someday,,got mud on your face, big know the one.
That's correct..use the system. Not block the system. Amend the law to define...Timmahh says we cant' do that

Amendments WILL be added..they in fact do "change" the least they add definition.

But, alas, timmahh, Ozz, Corey....all really simply want to be anti interest in working within the system.

For the last time I did NOT say that. Jeez.

I said Change the Rules - No Amenmedments are necessary!
yes, maybe a change to the Mi CSA, or perhaps the Public health code, but alas, if they changed the PHC to fully reflect the intentions of the People per the 08 MMM Act, then bob and Bill Schuette wont have any one to persecute for using the demon weed, with an unqualified illness/hangnail.
yes, maybe a change to the Mi CSA, or perhaps the Public health code, but alas, if they changed the PHC to fully reflect the intentions of the People per the 08 MMM Act, then bob and Bill Schuette wont have any one to persecute for using the demon weed, with an unqualified illness/hangnail.

See timmahh..again you skew what I have said. I'm not pro prosecution, I'm pro clarification. You make me out to want to see people go to jail simply to gain favor with others. I want to see people stay out of want people arrested so that you can continue your attack on the mean man that is out to get us all.

Clarification allows everyone to understand what the parameters are, and to avoid trouble...that's the last thing you want
The ruling reinforces the new class of protected individuals:


n. pl. cannabandos or cannabandoes

1. An elite resident of the State of Michigan who qualifies to use cannabis for medically necessary purposes, but declines the protections afforded in §4 of The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, and instead enjoys the sparser requirements and the extensive protections found in §8 of that same law.

2. (a member of) a unit of geurilla growers specially trained for tasks requiring special courage and skill.

3. (modifier) denoting or relating to a cannabando or force of cannabandoes: a cannabando raid or a cannabando unit.

adv. To go cannabando, i.e, with only the barest requirements.
It's not that hard to earn a really good living in the United States. The bigger problem lies in that today's youth are lazy. They don't want to work hard. Or they just are not bright enough to climb the ladder.

Those in their 20s these days work far harder than your generation did when they were our age, Bob. I have countless friends who are working 80-100 hour weeks with no overtime (salaried), bringing their pay to around minimum wage. People with great talent who spent years developing their skills in college, who graduated with degrees. Some aren't even being paid, working for free in the hopes that they may someday make 10 bucks an hour.

Just because some (like yourself) manage to pull it off doesn't mean it's reasonably doable. There are some with cancer who are given days to live and end up fighting for years. Doesn't mean those who pass away that same week are wimps. That argument demonstrates very poor understanding of statistics. You can't define trends with outliers.

I can understand saying something like "hey, I managed to pull it off, don't lose hope!" - but what you just said is more insulting than encouraging.
...from this site maybe.

I have a very uneasy feeling about the whole situation. I will be perfectly honest with everyone. I do not think it is a paranoia cuz I am legal, way under plant count, way under limit. It's hard to put my finger on it, cuz honestly I am not used to being legal, so I have always been paranoid I guess. Not sure if maybe Bob is indeed flipping out, and for awhile I started to like him. Then IF he is losing it, for being a caregiver, I wouldn't be a very fucking good one.

bob my email is medicatedacresup at yahoo.
I think it is healthier for all involved if he stays away.
Einstein said that conducting the same experiment over and over expecting different results was crazy.
It would be insane for him to want to come back after what he did here.
He failed miserably. Over and over again.
I really had a hard time believing anything from him, he flip flopped on so many stories, calling us all profiteers and then turning around admitting he was growing way before the law was passed. When he first came here he claimed he couldn't even get two oz off a plant with his ungodly light setup because his strain wasn't capable of yielding more than that yet he just said the other day he had a 4.5oz plant ready to harvest.. So many things, he was shady, in a weird way.

I don't think his recent actions had anything to do with his PD... I think he got sick of everyone not agreeing with him after trying and trying to cause issues, he finally snapped.

Fact is whether we are in this to make a profit or if we are in it to help patients or just ourselves, we are all in this together and it is us against those in power who do not want us to have the right to grow our medicine. If we are all divided then that leaves us weak and much easier to divide further and crumble the law from underneath us. You are either with us or against us.

We all need to find a common ground (which is pretty fucking simple) and stand together as one.

OK I'm off my podium now.
I really had a hard time believing anything from him, he flip flopped on so many stories, calling us all profiteers and then turning around admitting he was growing way before the law was passed. When he first came here he claimed he couldn't even get two oz off a plant with his ungodly light setup because his strain wasn't capable of yielding more than that yet he just said the other day he had a 4.5oz plant ready to harvest.. So many things, he was shady, in a weird way.

I don't think his recent actions had anything to do with his PD... I think he got sick of everyone not agreeing with him after trying and trying to cause issues, he finally snapped.

Fact is whether we are in this to make a profit or if we are in it to help patients or just ourselves, we are all in this together and it is us against those in power who do not want us to have the right to grow our medicine. If we are all divided then that leaves us weak and much easier to divide further and crumble the law from underneath us. You are either with us or against us.

We all need to find a common ground (which is pretty fucking simple) and stand together as one.

OK I'm off my podium now.

Us or them. he chose them. good

as far as the PD goes? bad behavior is not that easily excused for me. remember I deal in stage four. we all have a choice in how we deal with the pain of this existence.
I hear your concern Glad and I felt slightly bad for a second. Tough love was never supposed to easy. Mostly I tried not to pay attention to B, because he seemed like a pain in the ass to me. He was a weird mix of old/conservative ideas with a relentless pursuit for pushing his beliefs. He may have been an ok guy most of the time, after-all he adopted a bunny! However at times I wondered, "who the F' is this guy..." and I found his overall efforts suspect. I'll miss his arguments a wee bit as they were entertaining to a degree. Stockholm Syndrome comes to mind and I can move on without difficulty. 

G- I respect that you are possibly concerned about B and willing to give him a chance considering he may not be happy or suffering in some way... that is a true caregiver! However consider that in my definition of friendly demeanor he failed. Talking about the feds and ip addresses, ppl getting locked-up, constant finger pointing, etc... that bullshit is cruel and twisted... just sayin' bro.
Peace to All, even Bob...
How did he steal the headers from the top of the page though? Hope someone gets them back from him.

Happy Birthday you fuck.;-)

You are listed today at 2.0...
Jesus fuck that place sucks.
Waste of time.

I went over there to see if they had anymore than Mlive on that Mid-Michigan Care Givers Club bust.
Paper says they arrested two owners of it for illegal sales. --> LINK

Only thing google gave was some guy named Antonio Bridges was listed as the principal; so maybe his old lady got popped too?