Good News.. I swear!!

remember "baby steps". as i recall, bob was indestructible in that movie. he'll be back but he'll be sneakier with his next incarnation. eventually he won't be able to resist showing his true colors. then it's our choice to play into his hand, or not.
Thanks guys. Hopefully today is better. lol
Once they got the test results back on my ol man. They said he can detox or go home and die. I guess they convinced him they really really mean it this time, cuz surprisingly he agreed. So anyway I have a little sister in rehab and my father is in detox at the same time. lmao. Thank God I have my shit together anyway. And according to my little sis, my nephew is going to be the youngest one out of my family to be in a halfway house. Monday he will be 2 years old in a halfway house in TC, whatthefucksis?

Well pops is home from the hospital. He should have stayed a week or so longer. And I am leaving now to go get my 2 year old nephew out of the half way house in TC. He was there a week or so too long. lmao. I guess they realized he is two and wants to watch Elmo, not go to NA classes.