Good seed bank for northern light?


Well-Known Member
I want to grow northern light for the first time and I was wondering what is a good seed bank for them.
'Speed' has them for 5$ a seed and royal queen seeds has them for 12$.
Also I'm trying to get seeds to canada so take that into account ¬¬
I need feminized :/

22$ cad for each seed x.x

There's a phrase in life that took me a while to learn was true, but once I did I realized it's true about 90% of the time (depending on what we're talking about)

"You get what you pay for"

My 2 cents on the difference in price:
Sensi Seed bank has been around since the mid 80's. They're beans are top dollar cause their product is top shelf. They're gear is as described and stable, and been bred for around 30 years.
Nirvana came out in the mid 90's, after a lot of the more well known companies had established their strains-Dutch Passion, SSSC, Sensi seeds to name a few. They (Nirvana) basically took the top banks best strains and tried duplicating them- Bubble Gum became Bubblelicious, Jack Herer became Jock Horror, AK47 became AK48, and the list goes on. I'm not saying that those strains aren't good, I'm just saying that they tried copying the original(s) for a reason.
But hey, maybe Nirvana is just a really cool company that doesn't mind selling their beans cheap even though they could charge more for them....or maybe they know if they charged the same people would gravitate toward the better product.
PeakSeedsBC like GreenDiamond9 mentioned. 100% Canadian and their pure NL goes for $30 for the 10 pack. Couple of TimeWarp crosses I wouldn't mind getting myself. I already have the NL#5 from 15 years back that came from them I believe out of the old Marc Emery seed bank.

Sea of seeds has all the strains of northern lights I have had great luck with all there seeds, 95% grow rate the few seeds out of a couple hundred that didn't pop I emailed them and they replaced those seeds and more and payed for shipping great company and assure u will be taken care of