Good Shroom Question

no you can an extent... no death has ever been recorded do to psilisybe mushroom "poisoning", however you can OD on water so... and also if you take them you could possibly go crazy and have perminent effects... but i'm fine and i've taken alot of mushrooms...
yeah thats great. so i could eat about 3 oz's for fun and not have to worry for a couple days
same as in how, the way i think and percieve everything, or just fucked up permantly till were u cant speak certain letters and shit
i ate 9 grams one night and lets just say everything was very smiley.
literally everything appeared to have smiles
3oz i dont know they are semi-poisonous thats why you feel fucked up when you eat them i've heard people having a reaction and dieing from eating lots of shrooms combind w/ too much liquor
strychnine which IS IN cow shit shrooms will kill you......psilocybin however i believe will not no matter how much. so....yeah but 3 oz of shrooms at once.....that is a lot and would prolly change you for life.
strychnine is not in mushies. Don't make up stuff when you don't know the answers to make yourself seem smart. It will give people the wrong info and that is bad..
if you eat too much you can die from liver failure

Dont quote me on thins but i believe the mushrooms that give liver failure are mushrooms like the fly Amanita which main ingrediant is ibotenic acid and not psilocybin. Im not 100% shure if psilocybin does any or no liver damage but i know for a fact ibotenic acid does some nasty stuff to the liver
strychnine is not in mushies. Don't make up stuff when you don't know the answers to make yourself seem smart. It will give people the wrong info and that is bad..

you know what i just typed a rant about how you are wrong but i deleted it. sorry about this I WAS MISINFORMED i have always been told that cow shit shrooms have strychnine in them.

lol... if you ate 3 oz you would not die... you would however have a "perma trip" lol... i'v seen it before with other drugs... it just kind of make you stay at the comedown of a trip forever... it's like you just past the peek like an hour ago...only always...
I've took an exorbatant amount of shrooms in my teenage years, and i think I would have been scared of 3zips then. There is absolutely no reason to even want to do that amount. I personally don't think you'll like what happens. But if ou try it, please tell me about it.
Most I've tooken was a quad and that was pushing it. But I've had friends that have tooken more, not realizing it hasn't kicked in yet and have had "scary" trips. Involving sobbing in a corner, hearing voices in their heads and actually seeing a dark shadowy figure follow them the 2nd half of a trip...

3 oz's and we`ll probaly see you on the news running butt naked down the street saying theirs aliens comming after you.
Everything has an LD50, but in order to OD from shrooms you would have to make a super concentrated tea or an extract. 3oz is a lot, but it takes much more to do anything negative to humans. I personally have taken oz's of shrooms(I would make tea from a garbage bag of wet shrooms and drink it between a few friends within a day or two). I might look at the world differently, but I'm not dead and I can still use my brain to it's full extent, maybe more, lol.:peace: