Good start, where do I go from here??

Look, I'm tired of being berated and people being negative. What I am using and how I am growing is my own choice, if you aren't gonna be helpful or appreciative and are gonna be negative then feck off. (I know somewhere on this web site there are good decent people, I've talked to them) I am trying to go for 2 dried grams per watt as a start to an experiment. Just because someone has a low amount of posts and there a newb doesn't mean there stupid, and just because you have a lot of posts and experience dosen't mean your all knowing. It's a time difference some people cant comprehend that. My family has been growing crops and weed since my great grandfathers time, it's in my blood line. I may not be doing what OTHERS say is what you have to do, but there's "more than one way to skin a cat." This was a creative grow from start to finish with one cfl bulb THAT'S WHAT I WANTED. I have not gotten salt lock, no bugs or disease has hurt my plant, I had a small Mg defieceny but it's bouncing back now, and just so you know, it's a she look at the pics. If you cant tell the difference by now SyNik4l then you my friend need to take advice from loolagigi.
Cheers, Gimpy!!

dude i cant even tell from those pics....and i was joking newayz...i just said that it prob is with ur luck...but it was a joke chill out...i know what female and male plants look like....and by the way i had 2 plants with SHITLOADS of CFLS and got 20 i wouldnt plant on gettin more than like 5 grams at the most off of that....specially being that its offense dude most of us are just kidding around...but ur gettin all agro. everyones just trying to help...but joking around alil to. sorry if i came off as an asshole
You need to move this ground breaking experiment to

I'm sure nobody has seen a 13 watt CFL generate 20-50 grams of bud. You'll be a star.

Seriously, though, in your first post you asked what bulb you should use and what you should have done differently. You got answers, albeit some a bit harsh. Why so harsh? Every other thread on here is "I'm growing with 9 watt cfl. Can you tell if this seedling is a female? How much will it yeild?"

I don't believe you've been reading on the subject for a few years. Basics such as light spectrum and lumens shouldn't escape you. And why do you think any quality soil would be faster than DWC?

You called someone out on the fact that your plant is a female. Which picture did you post shows female flowers?

I've been on here 3 years but don't have a lot of posts. I know what I'm doing and I try to help others when they are receptive. I started with 1 plant and 1 bulb. I asked questions and never got an attitude when my first several answers came back "Use the Search feature dumbass!". My last grow consisted of around 60 plants in three different setups as "my experiment". I've used almost every feasible light setup, and some that weren't worth their time. I've grown soil, DWC and in SOG, ScOG. I've topped, I've fimmed, I've LST'd, I've broken stalks and repaired them, I've experienced just about every deficiency at one point in time and learned to correct mistakes.

If your bloodline makes you such a superior grower, why bother asking questions. Why not just jump straight into schooling us how it's done. If I could get 20-50 grams per 13 watt bulb, I'll string up a room with them like christmas lights.:roll:

and DWC is WAYYYYYYYYYYY faster than soil...i can tell u this from on week 5 of my DWC and my plants are bigger now than my soil grow ever was.
It's alright you all do your own thing I'll do mine. I appreciate my freedom and choice of what I want to try.
Cheers, Gimpy!!
You need to move this ground breaking experiment to

I'm sure nobody has seen a 13 watt CFL generate 20-50 grams of bud. You'll be a star.

Seriously, though, in your first post you asked what bulb you should use and what you should have done differently. You got answers, albeit some a bit harsh. Why so harsh? Every other thread on here is "I'm growing with 9 watt cfl. Can you tell if this seedling is a female? How much will it yeild?"

I don't believe you've been reading on the subject for a few years. Basics such as light spectrum and lumens shouldn't escape you. And why do you think any quality soil would be faster than DWC?

You called someone out on the fact that your plant is a female. Which picture did you post shows female flowers?

I've been on here 3 years but don't have a lot of posts. I know what I'm doing and I try to help others when they are receptive. I started with 1 plant and 1 bulb. I asked questions and never got an attitude when my first several answers came back "Use the Search feature dumbass!". My last grow consisted of around 60 plants in three different setups as "my experiment". I've used almost every feasible light setup, and some that weren't worth their time. I've grown soil, DWC and in SOG, ScOG. I've topped, I've fimmed, I've LST'd, I've broken stalks and repaired them, I've experienced just about every deficiency at one point in time and learned to correct mistakes.

If your bloodline makes you such a superior grower, why bother asking questions. Why not just jump straight into schooling us how it's done. If I could get 20-50 grams per 13 watt bulb, I'll string up a room with them like christmas lights.:roll:
Sorry gent, I dont try to tell others what to do, I just do my own thing. Thats what learning is all about. I may take suggestions, but I dont control anyone.
Cheers, Gimpy!!
Sorry gent, I dont try to tell others what to do, I just do my own thing. Thats what learning is all about. I may make suggestions, but I dont control anyone.
Cheers, Gimpy!!

:confused: That does it, I'm completely bumfuzzled now. I thought you were asking for suggestions.
Wow I don't think anyone is ever going to be able to help you. If you won't even take suggestions on the basics of growing, then you will get nowhere. Good luck with the rest of your grow and possibly 5 grams of bud.
You need to move this ground breaking experiment to

I'm sure nobody has seen a 13 watt CFL generate 20-50 grams of bud. You'll be a star.

Seriously, though, in your first post you asked what bulb you should use and what you should have done differently. You got answers, albeit some a bit harsh. Why so harsh? Every other thread on here is "I'm growing with 9 watt cfl. Can you tell if this seedling is a female? How much will it yeild?"

I don't believe you've been reading on the subject for a few years. Basics such as light spectrum and lumens shouldn't escape you. And why do you think any quality soil would be faster than DWC?

You called someone out on the fact that your plant is a female. Which picture did you post shows female flowers?

I've been on here 3 years but don't have a lot of posts. I know what I'm doing and I try to help others when they are receptive. I started with 1 plant and 1 bulb. I asked questions and never got an attitude when my first several answers came back "Use the Search feature dumbass!". My last grow consisted of around 60 plants in three different setups as "my experiment". I've used almost every feasible light setup, and some that weren't worth their time. I've grown soil, DWC and in SOG, ScOG. I've topped, I've fimmed, I've LST'd, I've broken stalks and repaired them, I've experienced just about every deficiency at one point in time and learned to correct mistakes.

If your bloodline makes you such a superior grower, why bother asking questions. Why not just jump straight into schooling us how it's done. If I could get 20-50 grams per 13 watt bulb, I'll string up a room with them like christmas lights.:roll:
nuff said.
wow listen to tha bubbles emeral i didnt read tha whole thread but ur plant is not up to par for that age, sorry dude, u need like 5 more 42w cfls mixture of color reddish color and some that r a white color, peace man
hahaha unsubcribed as well. grow plants that look like all of ours and then u could possibly talk about it being in ur bloodline mr i go my own way. why did u even ask for suggestions if u dont wanna take any advice...thats why were on here to get suggestions and help others...and thats why WE do follow the have fun with ur 5 gram....u shoulda just went an bought an 8er....woulda saved urself alotta time and effort lol peace
you wont harvest anything worth your time off a 13w light . your better off buying some sylvania 32 watt grow tubes, 2 or 3 and hooking them up they only cost about 20 per tube. also you might want to hit them with some proper hydroponic nutes, bottles of a & b flower and bottles of a & b Bloom, its going to give you a bigger and better harvest. more worth your time .