Gorilla seedbank review

They're giving the Golden Tickets out randomly I think, so no need for a coupon code.

Glad your shipment moved along quickly. Once it's out of our hands. we don't have any control on the shipping speed.
Understand Thank You so much for your help.Howis your Son doing
Yes just got messed around myself I love how u seed banks don't mention anything about customs taking them when they hit my country but I will burn my money before I send it to dogilla seeds.
Yes just got messed around myself I love how u seed banks don't mention anything about customs taking them when they hit my country but I will burn my money before I send it to dogilla seeds.
What happened? Did You get stealth shipping? It worked very well for me and my Babies are 9 days old. I mailed cash and waited a few weeks. How do You know customs got it? I think You are fine and are in a rush
Nar dude after about 20 days rang australia post an they told me its in australia customs hears there number ring them yeah right an still nun so in my eyes its a waste of money dont get me wrong i love to get what i pay for its a thing of da past obviously just sic of these bull sites promising everything delivering nothing.
Nar dude after about 20 days rang australia post an they told me its in australia customs hears there number ring them yeah right an still nun so in my eyes its a waste of money dont get me wrong i love to get what i pay for its a thing of da past obviously just sic of these bull sites promising everything delivering nothing.
Was it stealth delivery
Nope but do they say get stealth shipping or u won't get ur seeds or just make it permanent this is what I'm sayn its just about getting ur money an nothing else what about helping us,quality,REPEAT business not thanks for comin see ya later an after business is done they don't even talk to u just keep sending pre recorded emails I emailed them three times after didn't get them
I had a recent success (to Australia) with marijuana-seeds in netherlands (wont let me link). It took like a month to arrive but it did. They had two levels of stealth, i only got the first level. I got many warnings that my seeds might not make it through customs both when ordering and post order. Also i only ordered the bag with the most seeds, the other seeds were just bonus seeds :D

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There is a domestic reseller - yantraseeds (i cant link - google it). You pay via direct deposit but my order came very quickly, few days. Their selection isn't very wide. Its nice to get the branded packaging though!

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yeh gorillas awsome just received my order yesterday customer service was good i orderd freeze cheese 89 n og kush biten my nails if it was gonna get through cause i live in australia but f@#k yeah they got here. they were really good to deal with .i did order 5 cheese seeds an only got four but thats cool .they have a customer in me cheers gorilla
Hello, just wanted to post my opinion on them.

First of all i had few orders with them, first time, everything seemed to go well.
I made a payment via Bank Transfer, paid for my seeds just to recieve a phone
call saying the seeds you ordered are out of stock and have been offered a different ones.
Well not much left i took whats been offered although i wasn't very happy with that as i
was going there after specific seeds.
Well forgot about that and decided to give them another go which was a big mistake,
customer service as mentioned by the thread author is horrible, made a payment
via bank transfer again, just to realise a couple days later that the payment didnt
went trough? It was £372, but the money left my account. An explanation i have
been given that their bank account was shut down the same day my money
was sent. Which doesn't make sense as it should come straight back to me.
2 Weeks later of trieing to contact them and see where this is going all i have been
told is to contact my back and take it from there, which i did and opened a case of
fraudulent activity, this is why perhaps their banks are keep shutting down.
Even provided a proof bank statement that my money went out and never camed back.

Absolutely horrible expierence would not recommend anyone to use them. Was expecting
a big seed bank as they claim they are could just refund the seeds to keep a customer happy
as all proofs that been asked was provided...

Stay away!!!
I've used these once, my only time I've ever actually bought seeds. It's kind of a mixed review with ups and downs.

Originally I purchased from the website using my bank card. Around 5/6 days later I received an email from them stating they couldn't process card payments for one reason or another and could I instead pay by bitcoin (they gave some instructions for doing that). Determined to get the seeds I went through the process of finding a broker to buy bitcoin and then sending it. The problem was the bitcoin invoice Gorilla sent me didn't alude to the fact that we'd need to purchase a little bit more bitcoin than they're asking for to cover withdrawal/tx fees etc. So I sent the bitcoin and for a while nothing happened. A week or so later I followed up. "Oh, your payment hasn't come through, did you send enough bitcoin?". A little investigation later and it turns out I hadn't. Better communication for first time buyers would have gone a long way here...

So, a new bitcoin invoice was sent to me, and after going through the hassle of customer service with the bitcoin broker too (to get mine back from the the first send, (it was held up in pending)). Finally, around 4 wks after placing my original order, Gorilla had gotten their full amount. It was a stressful experience. When I spoke with a person at their office on one of my phone calls to resolve this, she implied they'd make it up to me and throw in a few extra freebie seeds. That didn't happen, but, I was just happy that I'd finally gotten them.

I had bought seeds that were compatible with cold/temperate climates. Now, I know they're sold as collectible usage only. However, after getting the urge to see if they'd sprout (all of them did, good job there) I then got the urge to walk along the motorway at 3am where there's no pavement so nobody ever walks past and accidentally drop them into the ground. I'd been scouting the area for a while, looking to see where's shady and where the sun gets through... I'd picked several spots along the motorway to accidentally drop my trail of girls into the ground. Over the course of summer and now autumn, I'd made a few 3am walks as I gotten the urge for middle of the night motorway walks. Within the first few trips over half of them died (eaten by pests etc). The rest weren't doing too well. Only 5 remained, so I got less urges to take those walks. Last weekend I got the urge again to take a 3am motorway rendezvous, They should be only weeks away from harvesting, but, they're still only maybe 18 inches tall at most, with zero flowers on them. So, harvesting is very probably not going to happen. The seeds were a mix of Barney's and Dutch Passion so the crappy summer we've had is probably the culprit.

Better news, the Bitcoin experience got me interested (make that obsessed) in cryptocurrencies. I've since managed to turn an original £40 investment into well over £600 now. I make changes to the portfolio every now and then, buy low, sell high, take part in ICO's, all with small stakes, but I'm enjoying it and hope it grows enough to taking care of my retirement in the not so distant future. I'm that bullish on bitcoin! So, Gorilla, thanks for that. Unfortunately for you, I wouldn't consider spending bitcoin on any purchases anymore. You'd need to prise bitcoin from my cold dead hands ha ha. I did just this week take part in greenmed.io ICO which is a payment system for seed shops just like Gorilla. Hopefully they onboard them as I'd be willing to spend those....
HI guys - sorry I've been out of commission for a little bit due to some personal family issues - but I'm back.

If you guys have problems with our normal customer service, or bitcoins, or whatever - please reach out to me.
A PM works - posting here works.

The banks are cracking down on all of the seedbanks. In case you don't know, it's against the rules for the banks to even give us an account or process credit card payments for us. That means accounts can and do get closed without notice. It's a pain for everyone involved - including you.

And, if you were promised something "to make up for the hassle", but didn't get it - I can make sure we take care of you. @cryptomcpooppants, pm me your order number so I can have a look and I'm going to take a look at greenmed.io.

@Spakk - you can PM me your order number too & I'll see if we can comp you some seeds for your inconvenience. The reason the money didn't come straight back to you is the bank was probably trying to decide if they would just freeze the account or actually close it. If they think we're selling something illegal, they may have to get approval from some oversight agency before they can release the funds - either to us or back to you. From the way they handle things, you'd think we were peddling hard drugs instead of seeds. That's just an explanation, not an excuse - I'm sorry all that happened to you.
@GorillaSeedBank I'm a new member so cannot initiate DM conversations yet. It's no biggie, honestly, I got the seeds I paid for and become obsessed with a new a hobby too. All is good. I hope greenmed.io or something similar works out for you. I shouldn't think too many people do their shopping of any kind using bitcoin. Why would people give it up for shopping when it rises in value so much?

When I've had some 'grow setup' questions answered in another thread I started (although zero responses so far), I'll be back to Gorilla to buy some more, just not with btc ha.
@GorillaSeedBank I'm a new member so cannot initiate DM conversations yet. It's no biggie, honestly, I got the seeds I paid for and become obsessed with a new a hobby too. All is good. I hope greenmed.io or something similar works out for you. I shouldn't think too many people do their shopping of any kind using bitcoin. Why would people give it up for shopping when it rises in value so much?

When I've had some 'grow setup' questions answered in another thread I started (although zero responses so far), I'll be back to Gorilla to buy some more, just not with btc ha.

I know - I looked at the bitcoin value the other day & I was amazed.
Just remember, the bottom can fall out at any time. I don't have any right now, but I certainly wish I'd held onto some.

If you would like to make alternate payment arrangements, let me know - I can often work out exceptions if you're a previous customer.
And, remind me with your next order & I'll go in personally and add something nice for you.
If you live on the east coast of America,
Can I place a order and make payment
To you to alleviate over seas sending of cash.
You have what I am looking for but are to afraid to deal with overseas risk and paranoia.

I don't give my personal address out because the state I live in isn't cannabis friendly at all, but I'll email you with some options.