Got 2 Million Dollar$ and Know the Sheriff?

abe supercro

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Marijuana Dispensaries Becoming Exclusive Domain Of The 1 Percent
Eleazar David Melendez
Jun 25, 2013 - Huffington Post

Once a business proposition that required little more than a few thousand dollars and some gardening equipment, selling medical marijuana is quickly becoming a dream fit only for deep-pocketed entrepreneurs.

Regulations in states that only recently legalized medical marijuana are mandating that would-be dispensary operators set aside large amounts of cash before even applying for a license, tipping the scales in favor of businesspeople with money to burn. Drawn-out licensing processes being devised in those states mean permits to run dispensaries will likely only go to those able to afford a cadre of consultants and lawyers.

Five years ago, Ean Seeb helped open Colorado dispensary Denver Relief with “four thousand dollars and half a pound of cannabis.”

“I don’t think that would ever happen again,” said Seeb, who now works as a dispensary consultant. “Somebody who just has a good idea but little capital would find it difficult to impossible to go into the business today.”

Seeb said he is counseling clients in Massachusetts, where only 35 dispensary licenses will be granted starting later this year, to set aside at least $2 million before even considering going into the medical marijuana industry. Not only are state fees related to the permitting process likely to total over $100,000 for many dispensaries, but the merit-based process for obtaining a license is also expected to privilege those who can demonstrate they have excess cash to secure an abundant supply of cannabis.

In Connecticut, where rules are yet to be finalized and the state has only committed to allowing one dispensary, fees are expected to be higher and competition to secure a cannabis producer’s license even fiercer. Among other requirements, Connecticut will ask dispensary owners to post a $2 million bond that the state will be able to access if operations falter. Seeb is telling clients there to make sure they have at least $6 million in the bank before moving forward.

When it awarded 98 licenses to open medical marijuana dispensaries 10 months ago, the state of Arizona required applicants to show $150,000 in capital. The vast majority of those getting into the business appeared to be well-heeled entrepreneurs, according to interviews with license-holders and consultants in the state. Owners of real estate firms, cellphone shops and motorcycle dealerships, along with at least one college student with a trust fund are now in line to become medical marijuana store owners, the consultants said. None of the new licensees interviewed by The Huffington Post had any experience running a health care venture, and at least one was openly disdainful of marijuana as a business.

That reality is in stark contrast to the situation in California and Colorado a few years back, when dispensaries first became legal. The free-wheeling business, devoid of regulation or store count limits, was immediately dominated by marijuana insiders: former legalization activists and growers with connections to the underground market. Now, industry sources told HuffPost, the average ganjapreneur is likely to have deep capital pools and a view on the bottom line, if little love for cannabis as a plant.

“It’s just like anything else, it’s a business opportunity for me,” said Thai Nguyen, who owns a real estate firm in Phoenix and is partnering with his wife and one of his employees to open a store called Herbal Wellness Center in central Phoenix. While those who set up dispensaries in California and Colorado after the drug was first legalized in those states were often activists with an open pride for their product, Nguyen expressed concern about how being publicly associated with the marijuana industry could affect his other businesses.

Just a few miles away from Nguyen, a businessman whose previous interests include a cellphone retail store and a cigar shop said he is trying to open a dispensary in Chandler, Ariz., mainly as a profit proposition.

“I’m a business owner,” Ramey Sweis, the businessman, said. “Between me and my partners, we have maybe 20 to 30 businesses. We saw this as a good avenue to expand as a business plan. Nothing more.”

State public records show the owner, salesperson and service technician at Phoenix motorcycle dealership Apache Motorcycles are among those who received a license to set up a marijuana dispensary in the state. Randall and Rex Webb, two Arizona businessmen with multiple ventures throughout the state, are also listed as principals of a non-profit corporation attempting to secure a dispensary permit, public records show. Repeated calls for comment to those parties were not returned.

Industry sources described a sort of gold rush mentality for the newly legal industry.

"It’s just like seven years ago when everyone who could became a real estate agent, and they owned a hair salon but they were also a loan broker or whatever,” said Adam Bierman, whose firm The MedMen has helped advise dozens of would-be dispensary owners in California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. “It’s the same thing. People are piling in because it’s the hottest industry right now.”

“It’s like the Super Bowl is coming to town,” he added.

Kris Krane, who said his firm 4Front Advisors has advised 32 clients in six states on how to set up and operate medical marijuana dispensaries, said there is a benefit to having people with plenty of capital come into the industry.

“Professional-looking retailers have the ability to change public perception,” Krane said. “The stereotype gets changed from the stoner burnout selling weed from his parent’s basement when a beautiful, high-end retailer that the community can be proud of opens up.”

A former activist with Students For Responsible Drug Policy and the National Organization For The Reform Of Marijuana Laws, Krane said he sees his current position as an extension of his previous work fighting the so-called war on drugs.

“We move the movement forward by making sure the industry thrives,” Krane said.

But there are drawbacks, according to Bierman, the MedMen advisor.

“Some of the people that were getting in, these real estate entrepreneurs who want to be pot tycoons, they don’t know what they’re doing,” he said. “People in Arizona got a license and then called and were like 'What do I do?' And I told them to buy a 25,000-square-foot warehouse and fill it with marijuana. And they freaked out. They were like ‘Oh my god, that’s illegal. I can’t do that. I can’t go to jail.'"

“People coming into the industry now are scaring too easily,” Bierman added.
I guess eventually it will be like beer. Only the big companies can get product on the shelf but all the BEST product is made in peoples garages and backyards. Some company is going to make generic "Kush" . it will be the Bud Light of Weed. Good quality herb will be up to the small growers giving T.L.C. to the crop just like it has been.
Marijuana Dispensaries Becoming Exclusive Domain Of The 1 Percent
Eleazar David Melendez
Jun 25, 2013 - Huffington Post

Seeb said he is counseling clients in Massachusetts, where only 35 dispensary licenses will be granted starting later this year, to set aside at least $2 million before even considering going into the medical marijuana industry. Not only are state fees related to the permitting process likely to total over $100,000 for many dispensaries, but the merit-based process for obtaining a license is also expected to privilege those who can demonstrate they have excess cash to secure an abundant supply of cannabis.

In Connecticut, where rules are yet to be finalized and the state has only committed to allowing one dispensary, fees are expected to be higher and competition to secure a cannabis producer’s license even fiercer. Among other requirements, Connecticut will ask dispensary owners to post a $2 million bond that the state will be able to access if operations falter. Seeb is telling clients there to make sure they have at least $6 million in the bank before moving forward.

When it awarded 98 licenses to open medical marijuana dispensaries 10 months ago, the state of Arizona required applicants to show $150,000 in capital. The vast majority of those getting into the business appeared to be well-heeled

first for the fact of setting aside money and cant just open up the stores.................YOU WANTED IT LEGAL PEOPLE. this is all your fault!!!!! tons of people said fuck no for good reason. no for the access to 2 mill by the state, thats bullshit, this is what happens when those idiots vote to legalize it and the state gets to take that much hard cash from someone because of it. that is just screwed up on so many level. again thanks EVERYONE WHO VOTED TO LEGALIZE POT!!!!!!!!!!
first for the fact of setting aside money and cant just open up the stores.................YOU WANTED IT LEGAL PEOPLE. this is all your fault!!!!! tons of people said fuck no for good reason. no for the access to 2 mill by the state, thats bullshit, this is what happens when those idiots vote to legalize it and the state gets to take that much hard cash from someone because of it. that is just screwed up on so many level. again thanks EVERYONE WHO VOTED TO LEGALIZE POT!!!!!!!!!!
I voted to legalize pot. Yaaaay pot! Your argument is illogical. marijuana needs to be legalized obviously. And YES it is expensive to start a business. Keep your credit clean, stay out of trouble and work your ass off and you can save the money to start a business and fail or make it to the top of the pyramid. God bless America and good luck. The State, whether you like it or not, keeps us safe from criminals, keeps the roads safe, and needs money to operate. Are you suggesting Anarchy vs paying taxes? thats a whole other trip
Marijuana will go through this growing pain for another 40 years. Look how long it took for Marriage Equality and that is still all horse fucked. IF the U.S. is still reluctant to allow people to choose who they marry then I say Marijuana is 40+ years at LEAST from getting Federally legalized. Until then, it will be the Wild West in the States brave enough to vote it in and the growers willing to tackle some kind of don't ask don't tell policy with the Federal fuzz regarding 'legalization'. Its a big businessman's wet dream to get in the Marijuana Industry but the DEA is poised to take a bight out of anyones ass right now, including and especially big warehouses full of weed. But then again, not even grandma and grandpa's Tuff Shed grow operation in the backyard is safe from the DEA in a 'legalized' state.
Silvas - I usually agree with you, and can kind of understand what you're saying, but there should be so much more to legalization than a couple bucks chief. I would vote for legalization so that me and my brothers and sisters don't have to worry about passing a blunt, our medication/meditation.
I voted to legalize pot. Yaaaay pot! Your argument is illogical. marijuana needs to be legalized obviously. And YES it is expensive to start a business. Keep your credit clean, stay out of trouble and work your ass off and you can save the money to start a business and fail or make it to the top of the pyramid. God bless America and good luck. The State, whether you like it or not, keeps us safe from criminals, keeps the roads safe, and needs money to operate. Are you suggesting Anarchy vs paying taxes? thats a whole other trip
payin taxes???? i paid pot tax, its 15% of your order. in suggesting taking it back to the illegal grounds but uping the style to the 20's-30's private booze scene . this is the point where the government finds a way to rip the potheads a new asshole. legal isn't all its cut up to be. they dont need to be stealing so much from potheads plus the fact no other business seems to have such a clause. they are taking advantage of the situation. most pothead are against the government taking so many rights from them, this just goes too far.
Silvas - I usually agree with you, and can kind of understand what you're saying, but there should be so much more to legalization than a couple bucks chief. I would vote for legalization so that me and my brothers and sisters don't have to worry about passing a blunt, our medication/meditation.
no matter what ,you in a legal state can't pass a blunt period. its illegal and even patients can have their license taken away for it, its considered distribution, thye view it like pills[passing a blunt].
no matter what ,you in a legal state can't pass a blunt period. its illegal and even patients can have their license taken away for it, its considered distribution, thye view it like pills[passing a blunt].

Seriously? You pull your comment out of your ass and you want to talk about a technicality.. -rep bro -rep
Seriously? You pull your comment out of your ass and you want to talk about a technicality.. -rep bro -rep
im serious you will get busted if found out, read my other comment i made, - rep from you for you crude words, i never spoke to you like that. - rep and - respect. don't you see what this legal propaganda crap is doing to us and this whole idea of what WE created it too be. THEY are taking OUR true freedoms from us before we have a chance to breath. let the control machine take you over all you want. like the NRA says "over my cold dead BODY!"
payin taxes???? i paid pot tax, its 15% of your order. in suggesting taking it back to the illegal grounds but uping the style to the 20's-30's private booze scene . this is the point where the government finds a way to rip the potheads a new asshole. legal isn't all its cut up to be. they dont need to be stealing so much from potheads plus the fact no other business seems to have such a clause. they are taking advantage of the situation. most pothead are against the government taking so many rights from them, this just goes too far.

sort of my point. The Government takes advantage of EVERYTHING not just Pot. I hate 'Medical Marijuana Clubs'. These guys are ripping us all off with outrages street prices on the club shelves. IF the government took this thing by the reigns then you will see a steep drop in Marijuana prices because it will be massed produced by large companies. Big Beer companies may not have the best beer but it certainly is cheaper. Garage growers and garage brewers will always have their place in the world of Beer and Pot, but if you want to get into the 'Business' of Marijuana then you need to pay your taxes like every other American business owner.

Why am I paying 55 $ for 'Top Shelf' Marijuana?? Its a FUCKING WEED. IT GROWS LIKE HELL. With several hundred acres in the Emerald Triangle someone could grow a lot of pounds of really good top shelf weed for really cheap. Instead were paying this stupid high top shelf price. ITS STUPID and it SHOULD be illegal to sell a plant flower for so much. I don't mind the 15% tax as much as the 300% mark up on Marijuana. Clubs could still turn a profit cutting prices in half.
silas...... im not even gonna start. you need to go take some meds... like the dangerous kind and in high quantity. you can pass all day to another patient their smarty.

I got a whopper of an argument going in another thread about this. IF YOU GROW GOOD MEDS you don't fear legalization. THE DEMAND IS GONNA GO THROUGH THE ROOF if we get it legalized. its this whole medical thing thats gonna get us all FUCKED HARD. thats where they are gonna get all the regulations and shit.


If you wanna become the biggest cherry farmer in michigan your gonna have to pay out your ASS for licensing and inspections SO MANY HOOPS!!! but if you wanna throw a handful of cherry trees out back and sell cherries to all your friends who know you got the best cherries in town no one can stop you from doing so.

heres just a little excerpt from regarding tax exemption for vegetable and fruit producers.

[TABLE="width: 960"]
[TD="class: bodytd"]
  1. Are there any exemptions in terms of needing a food establishment license in order to conduct business?

    The following firms do not require a food establishment license but are still subject to inspection by MDARD agencies. It's a good idea to call MDARD and verify if you think you are exempt from a food establishment license.
    • Produce stands selling only whole, uncut, fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Bake sales or potlucks run by a charitable, religious, fraternal or other non-profit organization and serving only home-prepared foods
    • Non-profit cooperatives
    • Retail honey and maple syrup outlets (for honey and maple syrup sold by a licensed producer)
    • Vending machines dispensing only packaged soft drinks or candy
    • Fishing guide service serving lunch to 12 clients or less
    • Temporary establishments with no food preparation using single-service articles and serving only non-potentially hazardous food or beverage Examples include beer tents, soft drink stands, or snack bars at school sporting events
    • A temporary, satellite, serving location of a licensed food service establishment where no food is prepared, and food is served by the employees
    • Retail businesses selling only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods in incidental amounts
    • Some firms licensed under other, specific dairy or agricultural acts
    • Certain bed and breakfast operation

i think one of the problems is a lot of people in the MJ industry have never had to pay taxes or get licensed for anything in their life. or had a real job or had to take care of more then their world of warcraft daily cool downs. I've found MOST of the people who are mad about legalization grow SUB PAR BULL SHIT BUD and don't wanna compete with more people then they already are cause then they really would never get rid of anything.

il say it again DONT SUCK AND LIFE WONT SUCK@!
sort of my point. The Government takes advantage of EVERYTHING not just Pot. I hate 'Medical Marijuana Clubs'. These guys are ripping us all off with outrages street prices on the club shelves. IF the government took this thing by the reigns then you will see a steep drop in Marijuana prices because it will be massed produced by large companies. Big Beer companies may not have the best beer but it certainly is cheaper. Garage growers and garage brewers will always have their place in the world of Beer and Pot, but if you want to get into the 'Business' of Marijuana then you need to pay your taxes like every other American business owner.

Why am I paying 55 $ for 'Top Shelf' Marijuana?? Its a FUCKING WEED. IT GROWS LIKE HELL. With several hundred acres in the Emerald Triangle someone could grow a lot of pounds of really good top shelf weed for really cheap. Instead were paying this stupid high top shelf price. ITS STUPID and it SHOULD be illegal to sell a plant flower for so much. I don't mind the 15% tax as much as the 300% mark up on Marijuana. Clubs could still turn a profit cutting prices in half.

you bring up many many great points, taxes are a good thing. but a field of weed even if ALL THE SAME GENES will still be neglected by only 1 grower. he won't be able to keep up and maintain quality. if you need to hire people to help you then you have a business and need to get your tax papers in order and the price is gonna GO UP. for just 1 grower to keep it low and spend the truly required 12+ hours a day in your garden you can only maintain so many if you want 100% quality. if I'm growing under the sun then my produce at 100% quality WILL be WAYYYYYY cheaper then it is now but with lights there is major overhead so once again only so many plants per light. say you want 100,000 plants thats a lot of lights and a lot of over head. ABSOLUTE 100% chronic buds will always cost a premium. but that premium will GO WAY DOWN when we can use the sun and greenhouses. and not so premium buds will be next to free that are sun grown outside of a greenhouse.

Check out durand sometime Borns corn its called. the guy makes a boatload selling corn in his front yard and its expensive. not like that much more then the store but its more. AND PEOPLE HAPPILY PAY IT!! and if you don't find it necessary to go get the best possible corn, you can you can't go to the grocery store and get some "regs" lol.
I just think it's incredibly nieve for anyone to think that legalization will benefit average pot smokers/growers/patients, or anyone else other than big buisness and the government. decriminilization would be nice- say $100 fine for posession, $100 per plant for cultivation. enough to keep corps out of it, but not enough to make enforcement profitable. otoh, legalization only means that the same douchebag, corrupt politicians that have been benefiting from the drug war, get to hand out local monopolies to their buddies in return for campaign contributions or other forms of bribes. I don't realy see the benefit in that.
SO DONT GO BUY THE BULL SHIT if you could buy american made shoes that did the same thing as nikes would you? you should want to. its up to us to not support the big guy and the only way thats gonna happen is FULL LEGALIZATION. the medical argument has been twisted and warped as to where ONLY THE RICH are going to be able to GROW PERIOD. Thats how its going in state after state. and the sharks smell blood. BEFORE WE KNOW IT its all gonna be a mess with medical regulations and all kinds of BULLSHIT that cost an arm and a leg to be able to produce meds.

MAKE IT LEGAL and tax the people who want to make a Greedy living off it. only way we will all maintain our current quality of medicine.

*continued 1 post below*
I guess eventually it will be like beer. Only the big companies can get product on the shelf but all the BEST product is made in peoples garages and backyards. Some company is going to make generic "Kush" . it will be the Bud Light of Weed. Good quality herb will be up to the small growers giving T.L.C. to the crop just like it has been.
why i grow my own and dont have a card a card can get u busted
How would full legalization not benefit the average pot smoker/grower/patient????? for one the only patients will be the ones who want insurance to pay for it and they can go see the docs you could get your card from pre medical rush.

The average pot smoker/grower will benefit BY IT BEING FUCKING LEGAL AND NOT LOSING THEIR FREEDOM FOR ENJOYING A FRUIT you dumb shit. Not everyone and their brother should get rich off weed WTF do you want medical licenses to just be a ticket to get rich>??? go be a rapper or something else?!?!? thats probably it your just part of the instant gratification generation. GO WORK FOR YOUR LIFE and enjoy the herb as your relaxant.

SO many lazy fucks now a days that have NO FUCKING IDEA what a days worth of work really entails. The herb going legal SHOULDNT benefit anyone individual IT SHOULD BENEFIT US ALL and it will if it goes legal. GREAT HERB WILL BE EVERYWHERE. I'm not that great of a grower but my shit is 1000 times better then most dispensary shit. when it goes legal I'm gonna grow ABSOLUTELY AS MANY AS I CAN legally without drawing too much attention and without the garden suffering from neglect. all the guys i know that blow me away are gonna grow a fuckload too. what all those guys on the hill out in cali growing 50 now cause they gotta hide em from choppers aren't gonna cover the whole hillside when it goes legal?

YES if it goes legal their will be a BUDweiser that steps up and fights for the lions share of the sheeple's money. whatever let them fight for it. last i checked we called them the cartels? I'm sure people will embrace the walmart weed as much as cartel bullshit.

OPEN IT UP Like a fruit and the breeding breakthroughs that happen ALONE will be worth EVERY ASSHOLE GROWING BULLSHIT HAVING TO GET A JOB. Who knows where it goes once universities can actually study it??? EVER THINK OF THAT?? NO! your to busy worrying where your next pair of jordans are going to come from.
ofc, but when it is legal, the ammount you will be able to grow will be 0 plants. you will not be able to afford a license. Universitys are not particularly interested in studying it btw, no one will pay them to. how old are you bwt?
When its legal why won't you be able to grow?? are you retarded its the medical hocus pocus thats gonna get all the restrictions put on it.

question for you. can you brew beer???? why the fuck wouldn't you be able to grow? if you brew ENOUGH beer your pay taxes and have to deal with inspections and all kinds of shit BUT YOUR PROFITING SO WHATEVER if you got your garage filled with a couple hundred gallon tank your good to go.