Got 2 Million Dollar$ and Know the Sheriff?

Not going to jail for smoking a blunt is a great reason to legalize.

I don't understand the say no to legalization peeps. I can see some people
are worried about loosing customers, but at least they wont have to worry
one of their customers are narcs.

MJ is becoming big business, it always takes money to make money no matter
what you are doing. The limited amount of dispensaries allowed makes the profit
share larger for owners so the ROE is potentially huge.

I see these fee's as indicators of the potential market.
Not going to jail for smoking a blunt is a great reason to legalize.

I don't understand the say no to legalization peeps. I can see some people
are worried about loosing customers, but at least they wont have to worry
one of their customers are narcs.

MJ is becoming big business, it always takes money to make money no matter
what you are doing. The limited amount of dispensaries allowed makes the profit
share larger for owners so the ROE is potentially huge.

I see these fee's as indicators of the potential market.
alot of cali's people thought they wern't going to jail as well. yeah i understand local narcs but this needs to develop into a point to where the pot croud is so big on anti narc, and anti snitch, loyalty will be the advocated out come. many states opened shops and then got busted and people who have gone to school or worked there whole life lose out. but the stoner down the street who hasn't worked a day in his life, sat around chillen, and maybe worked at a fast food, gets to keep his. wheres the justice in that? I'm trying to explain that WE wanted to take advantage of our government for once, now we can't. it will become a deep underground after legal sweeps the nation. but we have to remember when obama leaves office, if the next president doesnt like pot, you in legal states will be so screwed. they will come down on you hard because of nixon or reagon or who ever put that law into pay. the price for meds is high for the people who burn their asses up in HPS rooms all day, who are literal farmers.
do you just smash your face into the keyboard ^ WTF

you have any idea how many LESS people have gone to jail because of the laws in place and how many more stand to benefit with future legislation? You sound like a fucking coward, offense intended. get out there and fight if it doesn't change when EVERYONE wants it to change well thats when we have a serious problem. serious problems get dealt with in a serious manner in the mitten. i don't see the good people of the mitten letting this one go their are ALOT of very good clean cut EDUCATED hard working people out there fighting every day for this and you should be too. if your not your no better then the people trying to let MONEY have it all.

Whether it be by simply taking care of some people who need it or finding some good genetics to spread around so the local gene pool improves get out there and improve your community in some way shape or form. if your intelligent enough go down to the capital and go toe to toe with those guys THEN DO IT if your not PLEASE don't find something your good at and do that. if you do go down to the capital know when your not the right person to be giving an interview please there have been way to many idiots interview by magazines and newspapers regarding this manner and that doesnt help us at all.

if you just wanna give up and not stand up and fight for the right to grow a simple fruit tree then fine stay out of the way of the people who are brave enough too. if your going to be a coward tho i would prefer that you leave MICHIGAN Please.
look your the one wanting it legal w/e, the price is steep. and its nothing of what was intended, something for stoner by stoner. price stays where its at in your region because it has to. nothings changed, lots more people still go to jail. it wont stop.
sort of my point. The Government takes advantage of EVERYTHING not just Pot. I hate 'Medical Marijuana Clubs'. These guys are ripping us all off with outrages street prices on the club shelves. IF the government took this thing by the reigns then you will see a steep drop in Marijuana prices because it will be massed produced by large companies. Big Beer companies may not have the best beer but it certainly is cheaper. Garage growers and garage brewers will always have their place in the world of Beer and Pot, but if you want to get into the 'Business' of Marijuana then you need to pay your taxes like every other American business owner.

Why am I paying 55 $ for 'Top Shelf' Marijuana?? Its a FUCKING WEED. IT GROWS LIKE HELL. With several hundred acres in the Emerald Triangle someone could grow a lot of pounds of really good top shelf weed for really cheap. Instead were paying this stupid high top shelf price. ITS STUPID and it SHOULD be illegal to sell a plant flower for so much. I don't mind the 15% tax as much as the 300% mark up on Marijuana. Clubs could still turn a profit cutting prices in half.

Similar to the very affordable pharmaceuticals that we now enjoy?
silas...... im not even gonna start. you need to go take some meds... like the dangerous kind and in high quantity. you can pass all day to another patient their smarty.

I got a whopper of an argument going in another thread about this. IF YOU GROW GOOD MEDS you don't fear legalization. THE DEMAND IS GONNA GO THROUGH THE ROOF if we get it legalized. its this whole medical thing thats gonna get us all FUCKED HARD. thats where they are gonna get all the regulations and shit.


If you wanna become the biggest cherry farmer in michigan your gonna have to pay out your ASS for licensing and inspections SO MANY HOOPS!!! but if you wanna throw a handful of cherry trees out back and sell cherries to all your friends who know you got the best cherries in town no one can stop you from doing so.

heres just a little excerpt from regarding tax exemption for vegetable and fruit producers.

[TABLE="width: 960"]
[TD="class: bodytd"]
  1. Are there any exemptions in terms of needing a food establishment license in order to conduct business?

    The following firms do not require a food establishment license but are still subject to inspection by MDARD agencies. It's a good idea to call MDARD and verify if you think you are exempt from a food establishment license.
    • Produce stands selling only whole, uncut, fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Bake sales or potlucks run by a charitable, religious, fraternal or other non-profit organization and serving only home-prepared foods
    • Non-profit cooperatives
    • Retail honey and maple syrup outlets (for honey and maple syrup sold by a licensed producer)
    • Vending machines dispensing only packaged soft drinks or candy
    • Fishing guide service serving lunch to 12 clients or less
    • Temporary establishments with no food preparation using single-service articles and serving only non-potentially hazardous food or beverage Examples include beer tents, soft drink stands, or snack bars at school sporting events
    • A temporary, satellite, serving location of a licensed food service establishment where no food is prepared, and food is served by the employees
    • Retail businesses selling only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods in incidental amounts
    • Some firms licensed under other, specific dairy or agricultural acts
    • Certain bed and breakfast operation

i think one of the problems is a lot of people in the MJ industry have never had to pay taxes or get licensed for anything in their life. or had a real job or had to take care of more then their world of warcraft daily cool downs. I've found MOST of the people who are mad about legalization grow SUB PAR BULL SHIT BUD and don't wanna compete with more people then they already are cause then they really would never get rid of anything.

il say it again DONT SUCK AND LIFE WONT SUCK@!

You can disagree with someone and do it in a respectful way.

The reality of the situation is that you don't know any more than anyone else does how this would all go down.

What silas is saying is not so far fetched. If states require that you put up a multi-million dollar bond, or be able to demonstrate liquid assets to the tune of several million dollars just to set up a grow then I would say that would effectively eliminate the little growers and leave the windfall to a handful of rich entrepreneurs .... just like every other facet of our lives.
Good ideas planetary citizens.
decrim. vs legalize, legalize vs "medical", medical vs highly regulated medical, What'd I Miss.... medical vs highly regulated 'legal'... Whoa what a mess, not a lot a unity prevailing. sounds like earth.

All thought provoking, and thanks for the read. Yep
Ppl w/ the greatest resources and the p:cool:wer to use it well, bet we haven't seen the last of 'em.

K420 got passionate... he's aight! heh -

(like the part about girlfriend shopping, ha)

> ...i was out to eat earlier when i read this one on my phone and i got so fucking pissed off that i literally made my GF powershop so i could get home and actually read through it. the 30 mins chasing her around i guess i started stewing and getting ready to back up my morals.

again i do apologize... and hell i even apologize to anyone i may of offended with any of this. i tend to get on a good roll sometimes lol. mostly because I'm fighting from a pure place. much confusion going on and like was said by buckaroo the division is killing us. we need to stand together to win this one but we need to all figure out what we want first. too many people wanna get rich and most have no idea...

What every one is so afraid of will come to pass ONLY IF YOU LET IT.

so i say DONT LET IT

k il go to bed now :shock:
What ever happens, I won't be losing sleep about it. Is the overall market great right now? In my
opinion it is. So for the next three years, I will be in the hood going hard. Prepare for the worst and
hope for the best. I still think the overall market will be there in five years but, I am not taking any

Let's spend are collective energy growing the best MJ we can. And have faith the greedheads will
greed themselves right out the game. I do not like seeing good people go to jail for something does
much more good then bad. That is the only thing I would change.

They will have to pry this plant out of my cold dead hands.
Im sure they will continue too add hoops and if michigan goes the way of colorado then you can bet your ass il be down in lansing EVERY DAY at that point GETTING FUCKING LOUD. we need to fight for this one guys cause the rich people are. they like to fight for money and they do it in very sneaky ways. like making us believe we are voting in a medical bill that will help us when its really just easily manipulatable for regulations to bully out the bottom of the pyramid.

all in all i would hate to go the way of ted nugent but i fear spain is calling my families name. Beautiful area of the world and some great laws.

i got a few years left in me before this ole dog packs it in and runs for the hills tho. I hate to think in terms of IF WE DONT WIN THIS but its closer to a reality then ever before