Got 2 Million Dollar$ and Know the Sheriff?

don't be fucking stupid your all caught up in the cali hate big brother attitude. you hippies wouldn't even have a fucking tree to sit under if the hard workers wouldn't of been working their ASSES off for the last 400 years. you know what they called lazy hippies in 1900??? DEAD OF STARVATION.
i don't say so its is reality you can brew A LOT of beer legally without any issues. Why wouldn't they let us grow IF ITS FUCKING LEGAL.

LEGAL MEANS NO RESTRICTIONS (to a certain extent) if it goes full legal even grandpa reefer madness will say HEY FUCK YOU BIG GOVERNMENT MAN YOU CANT TELL ME I CANT GROW A LEGAL PLANT!

ITS LEGAL, our government isn't the big evil FUCK THE PEOPLE entity that everyone treats it like. the vast majority of the people in government just do what they think will get them a promotion. i don't think many politicians wanna go head to head with the definition of a fruit. they have had regulations in place for close to a hundred years for fruits and vegetables. BUT politicians DO want to PUSH THE MEDICAL ARGUMENT because its easy for them to regulate and get shit voted in because we are just glad we can smoke without going to prison.

MAKE IT LEGAL ITS A FRUIT WTF! and are you kidding me EVERY SINGLE MAJOR UNIVERSITY will study it as soon as it goes legal. Any university that says otherwise your probably talking to the guy in charge of their donations. your definitely not talking to the head of their botany department or the biology department HELL ANY OF THE TEACHERS I BET.

when it won't hurt the bottom line ALOT more people will embrace MJ as AWESOME!
I just think it's incredibly nieve for anyone to think that legalization will benefit average pot smokers/growers/patients, or anyone else other than big buisness and the government. decriminilization would be nice- say $100 fine for posession, $100 per plant for cultivation. enough to keep corps out of it, but not enough to make enforcement profitable. otoh, legalization only means that the same douchebag, corrupt politicians that have been benefiting from the drug war, get to hand out local monopolies to their buddies in return for campaign contributions or other forms of bribes. I don't realy see the benefit in that.
im serious you will get busted if found out, read my other comment i made, - rep from you for you crude words, i never spoke to you like that. - rep and - respect. don't you see what this legal propaganda crap is doing to us and this whole idea of what WE created it too be. THEY are taking OUR true freedoms from us before we have a chance to breath. let the control machine take you over all you want. like the NRA says "over my cold dead BODY!"

youve hit the nail right on the head bredren!! ++rep to you for being awake!
and concious and aware....i would like to sample what your smoking to make you so

the only thing the corporations need to have access to all the markets with all the many products they have ready to flood the masses with is ""our vote"" to legalize it.....

--after that they will have a mandate to change the rules and makeit illegal again forus togrow it or anything else....
like tobacco

smoke it??

hahaha yeah right
that will be pushed back into the shadows too!
its bad foryour health...hehe

thats the reason all these small homegrows take the $$out of the equation

its called a dialectic


ive been screaming this for the last few years but most of these folks are newbies and just star struck that they can grow and think they have the kill kill best erb ....not even close usually

the law and what little rights they think they have will be over by the time they figure it out after having spent thousands on grow rooms thinking they are going to make $$ growing their little 12plants....lolol

most cant even understand what a dialectic is-from an intellectual perspective....their not intellectuals and probably have IQs hovering around 100 or lower

its the way govt works tho.....everything they do is backwards

these legalization nuts watch too much tv like housewives of new jersey and dancing with the stars to really understand what time it is-
plus their finally smoking better erb than mexican shwagg bricks and are too stoned to really understand things....dont hate them feel sorry for them that they think it will be cool if total legalization happens

they will have a rude say the least and by then it will be too late like it almost is allready

plus there are some here that are provacetuers that are really helping to push the dialectic for the govt while the CIA contines to flood our cities with cocaine and heroin

these other folks who somehow feel legalization is the answer are either asleep or watching too much tv and eating GMO food and cornsyrup and 'natural flavorings'

its affected thir brain and judgement or their smoking couchlock erb that makes them stupider

and i dont want to be rude and call them 'dumbfucks' but ask folks in colorado or washington that are ""real"" growers how thats working out or looking for them...

stay awake my friend and keep watching :wall:...the dialectic continues to advance wether we oppose it or not....they have been planning this for many many years to answer the problem of pot smokers and ganja growers.....

stay tuned-

buckaroo i usually enjoy reading what you have to say. usually very well thought out but I'm starting to think you put the tinfoil hat on every morning?

Last i check WASHINGTON and COLORADO have MEDICAL REGULATIONS IN PLACE Not full legality. ITS NOT FEDERALLY LEGAL. if we get federal legality and they recognize it to be what it is, a fruit then who cares if BIG BUSINESS steps in. Let big business step in. chances are in the MJ industry they will fail UNLESS THEY HAVE REGULATIONS MAKING COMPETITION ILLEGAL then thats NOT FUCKING LEGAL.
Legality is putting MJ in the same grouping as TOMATOES or Carrots. I don't see you getting all mad at bolthouse farms. they produce more carrots then any one in the world and they get RICH off it. big time rich. They also pay BIG TIME cali taxes and employ A LOT of people. GOOD ON EM! il eat some bolthouse if i have too but my garden produces WAY better carrots.

What you guys are so afraid of isn't legalization its REGULATION. Their are all kinds of regulations on tomatoes. i dare you to grow a ton of tomatoes.... like literally a ton, 2000 pounds. and try to take them from michigan to florida and sell them there..... your gonna get in so much fucking trouble it will make your head spin. every state in between is gonna wait in line to get a go.

O WELL GET A JOB and grow enough tomatoes for yourself and whoever might want some of your quality produce. not that hard.

Legal MJ isn't gonna be the free ride that everyone thinks its gonna be BUT its not gonna be this OMG WALMART MJ like everyone is worried about.

Its up to us to vote in politicians who are going to watch out for the Money moving in and keep them at bay. and its up to us to inform everyone around you that has any prejudice at all. EVEN MJ PATIENTS THAT DONT WANT IT LEGAL.

NO ONE WANTS REGULATIONS but thats the direction its headed wrapped up like medical MJ. Classifying it as a fruit is our only savior. This train will reach A destination whether we are ready for it or not. its up to us to hit all the right track switches so it arrives where we want it!
don't get me wrong, i like the idea of it, it's nice. our government, unfortunately, just doesn't work that way. you would have to be a fool (or very young) to belive that the government will simply act in the best interests of the american public. it's all about the money, it always has been .try makind a bottle of vodka and selling it on cl, see what happens. try making cheese at home and selling it to a resturant. this isn't the first time our government has gotten involved in peoples personal business.
[TABLE="width: 960"]
[TD="class: bodytd"]
  1. Are there any exemptions in terms of needing a food establishment license in order to conduct business?

    The following firms do not require a food establishment license but are still subject to inspection by MDARD agencies. It's a good idea to call MDARD and verify if you think you are exempt from a food establishment license.
    • Produce stands selling only whole, uncut, fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Bake sales or potlucks run by a charitable, religious, fraternal or other non-profit organization and serving only home-prepared foods
    • Non-profit cooperatives
    • Retail honey and maple syrup outlets (for honey and maple syrup sold by a licensed producer)
    • Vending machines dispensing only packaged soft drinks or candy
    • Fishing guide service serving lunch to 12 clients or less
    • Temporary establishments with no food preparation using single-service articles and serving only non-potentially hazardous food or beverage Examples include beer tents, soft drink stands, or snack bars at school sporting events
    • A temporary, satellite, serving location of a licensed food service establishment where no food is prepared, and food is served by the employees
    • Retail businesses selling only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods in incidental amounts
    • Some firms licensed under other, specific dairy or agricultural acts
    • Certain bed and breakfast operations

its a fruit man your not going through any sort of process to make it. most concentrates will probably be illegal if it goes that way. thats more with your vodka scenario. If your selling your buds to a dispensary you should probably be taxed then. your a wholesale farmer at that point. even with full legality. like i said their are REGULATIONS that are bad. its up to us to vote those to what we like them to be. and if we aren't trying to be greedy and NOT asking for bullshit regulations then their is no reason the government wouldn't want to come along

the government LOVES MONEY YES but they need US to make the money. Its as simple as the government Acknowledging the reality that its just a fruit. Yes if you process this fruit into something else you have just moonshined yourself some BUD CONCENTRATE. no different then concentrating sugar and getting drunk off it. if you wanna be a hash man go get licensed to prove you won't blow your neighbor up in your apartment complex then GO NUTS. go get licensed to do so. I'm sure lots will still be doing it low key whatever not like the hash police are gonna be monitoring butane. they got bigger fish to fry. if you tell all your buddies your making the most killer hash in town your gonna get butt fucked end of story.

Acknowledgment of it being a fruit is the ultimate happy day because we can fight in court with fruit regulations. do some reading and you will probably be pretty happy with fruit regulations.
"like i said their are REGULATIONS that are bad. its up to us to vote those to what we like them to be."
oh, i see. you think that voters get to vote on specific federal regulations.
that's cute. but it's wrong.
seriously, how old are you? you know that the tos of this website requires you to be at least 18, right?
i don't say so its is reality you can brew A LOT of beer legally without any issues. Why wouldn't they let us grow IF ITS FUCKING LEGAL.

LEGAL MEANS NO RESTRICTIONS (to a certain extent) if it goes full legal even grandpa reefer madness will say HEY FUCK YOU BIG GOVERNMENT MAN YOU CANT TELL ME I CANT GROW A LEGAL PLANT!

ITS LEGAL, our government isn't the big evil FUCK THE PEOPLE entity that everyone treats it like. the vast majority of the people in government just do what they think will get them a promotion. i don't think many politicians wanna go head to head with the definition of a fruit. they have had regulations in place for close to a hundred years for fruits and vegetables. BUT politicians DO want to PUSH THE MEDICAL ARGUMENT because its easy for them to regulate and get shit voted in because we are just glad we can smoke without going to prison.

MAKE IT LEGAL ITS A FRUIT WTF! and are you kidding me EVERY SINGLE MAJOR UNIVERSITY will study it as soon as it goes legal. Any university that says otherwise your probably talking to the guy in charge of their donations. your definitely not talking to the head of their botany department or the biology department HELL ANY OF THE TEACHERS I BET.

when it won't hurt the bottom line ALOT more people will embrace MJ as AWESOME!

now this is the kind of guy that doesnt really get it....probably in his20-30s
or hes a dispensary vendor or helping to move the dialectic forward

probably just a very unconcious poor erb smoker that hasnt had enough experience yet-(?)

these 20-30somthings are most of the real problem cause they swallow the dialectic whole and havent lived enough to understand that govt works for corporations now...not constituents

if you live in michigan my friend you are going to find out very very soon that they are making zoning ordinances in every city to zone out homegrows ........

if you live 'in' the city you are going to find out
--the hard way for your apathetic butt thats waiting for legalization you think will be to your and our[not]benefit

i got news for you too
....they have allready spent millions and millions on research and development of products they are ready to market
......way better than anything you could concoct in your basement-

all they need is 'our vote for full legalization' to give them access and mandate new rules where the corporations have carte blanche and we get to buy it from them or go back in the shadows.....wake up sleepy head

my friends brother is a big big doctor who has been on consultant for tobacco companies that are poised and waiting like a cat for legalization to happen

he has sat on that board forover 10yrs now!!
now how much do you think you know.....???

so if you enjoy growing your own and live in a twnship or in the country MIGHT be allright to continue your little efforts but you will soon not be able to give it away like out west

--enjoy the little time you have left with your expensive little hobby that will take the rest of your life to dial in-

its so sad to see all the division between the whole mmj community....intentional by design

tell me why wasnt outdoor included in our law that allows us to grow it virtually free?

notwithstanding the 'fake' outdoor grow law we have now that lets you grow plants but as soon as you do you are illegal...???(2.5oz)
who is going to grow 2.5oz outdoor plants??

i allready know how to get a 10lb outdoor plant and have done it many times in humboldt-
lets watch and see how many get caught up here in michigan

i have been in the movie since 1971--involved in almost every level
....erb is my lifestyle not just a hobby or somthing i read about-

i am watching the last chapters of the plot unfold.....and not to our benefit
many misguided or well intentioned folks being led astray by the dialectic

alas....its hard to make people concious or aware and awake if they havent the capacity.....and getting harder by design
i miss all the unity and protests of the 70's that brought us here today--

and erb for139$ an oz sounds good but have you tried any lately??


edit:afterreading your last couple posts no disrespect intended here but my thoughts are my thoughts....and i know more than i can type here or care to-

and dont even think its 'fruit'......its $$$....BIG BIG $$
and they aint gonna let any of us have access to that

so respect hgk420 but i respectfully disagree with what you say but you are entitled and will soon understand more in another year or so.....

so enjoy whats left

myself i will retire to northern california and always grow my own food and medicine.....while i watch the rest of the country pay thru the nose for access

colorado and washington are battling out the rules right now as we speak.....and all the growers i know there are NOT happy the way its going

stay tuned--film @11

peace 420
Thats the way everything is headed if we let it go that way. what you speak of isn't legalization its major regulations and if thats the case then its one more straw on the camels back and last i checked we are pretty close to a broken back.

IF you've been involved in this since 71 and have only gotten this little bit accomplished what does that say about you? sounds to me like your one of the intellectuals that likes to talk about what you KNOW is going on like it written in stone. GET YOUR FUCKING ASS down to the capitol and fight i know i get out there every chance i get. write letters, get this shit out there and more main stream. if it goes to the copper mines then its gonna fail like it is in Canada. The canadian picture of the MJ industry is terrible and patients HATE the meds they grow. the corporations profits are falling and this takes away from their ability to pad pockets and takes away their incentive to be in the game at all.

In your post you state that tobaccos companies are ready to grow the best weed in the world but then a few lines down you say there meds are yuck? wtf. Major production will never produce the small batch quality. and they will never make it illegal for the little guy to grow. if they do the shit will truly hit the fan. FACT

i know people that will come out of the woodwork cause they literally have nothing left to live for. these people are not getting rich off the MJ they are just getting by growing there few plants that bring them happiness. a reason to live in other words. id really hate to see what these people do when you take this away from them. at the very least the capitol is going to get a lot busier on MJ days thats for sure.

Every one acts like the government is this evil entity from the book 1984. now mind you the government sucks most the time but they are not in the business of unhappy Voters. they haves to concede enough to keep us going about our lives. wether it be 80% them 20% us whatever it won't be 50/50 but it won't be 100/0 either. thats how it works they need us to be able to do what they do you forget this. we are the governments "crop" so to say. and they need to be very careful at how much they try to control their crop because they get MUCH LESS YIELDS from a very unhappy crop. aka taxes don't get paid and prisons get full (about where we are at now) the next step past simple rebellious acts are major rebellious acts. this is where we are headed if the government keeps fucking us over and they are not stupid they know this. long long ago they found the level of unhappiness we are content with and they are just riding that line until the next thing comes to the forefront.

Get out there and fight for the rights of everyone instead of just being a bummed out pessimistic hippy intellectual. FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The regulations get put into place by politicians THAT WE VOTE IN. fucking vote better. drive your friends out to vote! BE FUCKING ACTIVE

The only zoning regulations that have gone into place just concern inspections as well nothing about not being able to do it yet. and we've already set a precedent in court that a local city can't go against state regulations and say someone can't grow if they qualify to be a caregiver.
And they should put zoning ordinances in for growing. you know how many greedy fucks that burn their house down cause they don't do it right. those house fires spread more times then not and they kill a lot of people there is nothing wrong with a little transparency if i don't gotta be afraid of the feds knowing about my grow.
and abe i just wanna say sorry for getting all puffed up in your thread. i was out to eat earlier when i read this one on my phone and i got so fucking pissed off that i literally made my GF powershop so i could get home and actually read through it. the 30 mins chasing her around i guess i started stewing and getting ready to back up my morals. again i do apologize abe and hell i even apologize to anyone i may of offended with any of this. i tend to get on a good roll sometimes lol. mostly because I'm fighting from a pure place. with nothing in mind but us as MJ users. so many people will fight and regurgitate some nonsense they heard by the water cooler and that gets so much confusion going on and like was said by buckaroo the division is killing us. we need to stand together to win this one but we need to all figure out what we want first. too many people wanna get rich and most have no idea at all whats even fucking going on until its already done and thats gonna be the death of this.

What every one is so afraid of will come to pass ONLY IF YOU LET IT.

so i say DONT LET IT

k il go to bed now :shock:
sort of my point. The Government takes advantage of EVERYTHING not just Pot. I hate 'Medical Marijuana Clubs'. These guys are ripping us all off with outrages street prices on the club shelves. IF the government took this thing by the reigns then you will see a steep drop in Marijuana prices because it will be massed produced by large companies. Big Beer companies may not have the best beer but it certainly is cheaper. Garage growers and garage brewers will always have their place in the world of Beer and Pot, but if you want to get into the 'Business' of Marijuana then you need to pay your taxes like every other American business owner.

Why am I paying 55 $ for 'Top Shelf' Marijuana?? Its a FUCKING WEED. IT GROWS LIKE HELL. With several hundred acres in the Emerald Triangle someone could grow a lot of pounds of really good top shelf weed for really cheap. Instead were paying this stupid high top shelf price. ITS STUPID and it SHOULD be illegal to sell a plant flower for so much. I don't mind the 15% tax as much as the 300% mark up on Marijuana. Clubs could still turn a profit cutting prices in half.
i wish i could point an laugh, you talk of mark up for top shelf. dude its because ITS LEGAL, the reason prices are high is because of my point YOU PEOPLE voted for those laws which now state to get anywhere 2 mill -6 mill is the cost, they have to make up for the cash they put as a down payment. you deserve the prices your getting because its a result of the legal law. for all the paragraphs here, i dont no how you get stoners to read all that shit.
its stoners that don't read that sit around while bad laws get put into place.
YOU WANTED IT LEGAL!!!!!!!!!what are you not listening. bad laws are the fault of every stoner who voted for that bill in your states congress. all you do is bitch about it. im not a legal fighter for this, for a lot of reasons, you want better pot laws get your knowledge up and take on the system. but i can tell you what WILL happen you'll get there and realize the lax pot community we wanted will get run over by millionaires and the culture will die; the laws we thought would get us cheap dank have gone out the window. bad laws are there because politicians dont want lazy culture stoners running the world who can just wake up get baked and sell pot for cheap and get rich. work your ass off for weed and pay top price and you'll see that legalize is bull. keep the prices high grow your own and find the culture who isn't interested in couch surfing,arrests,party hard. find those who need it/want it and understand WHY PRICES are that high. the laws will always be fucked. it wont change. been there done that.