Got a new puppy!

Well-Known Member
Got a new puppy a couple weeks back, my first one ever. He's a handful at times but I love him. 10 weeks old now. Meet Shadow! He loves munching on all the old dead dried leaves that fall off my plants. Anyone else on here have an Australian Cattle Dog? I love the breed. Share your heelers if you got em!

puppy.jpg shadow4.jpg shadow2.jpg
I had one, a most magnificent boy. Smart, affectionate, loyal. He was the only dog that ever made me cry though: I come home from work and he had eaten half the house, over $6K in damage. He was still young though, the 1st year and a half was rough. You must keep him occupied, they get seriously destructive when bored. I was really looking forward to spending all days with him when I retired. He died 2 months after retirement, bone cancer, he was just 9 yrs old.
Angelo puppy 1.JPG This was when I picked him up after getting checked out by the vet when I first got him. I adored that lil guy
That's awesome! Cute little fucker. What's his name?
Got a new puppy a couple weeks back, my first one ever. He's a handful at times but I love him. 10 weeks old now. Meet Shadow! He loves munching on all the old dead dried leaves that fall off my plants. Anyone else on here have an Australian Cattle Dog? I love the breed. Share your heelers if you got em!

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been working and raising them for more than a decade. we're actually momma sitting right now with a litter in progress!

speak of the devil(s), right? lol

been working and raising them for more than a decade. we're actually momma sitting right now with a litter in progress!

speak of the devil(s), right? lol
I got you ;)

This is our pair of cattle dogs, mama is in production mode right now ;) we'll try and post some pics after the excitement is over and we do head count and check fingers, toes, etc.

zip at south mountain state park.jpg

We have babies!! well, er, puppies!!!

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If you wanna see more, I've got the birthing process all the way to the end on my Positive People Only thread. Come on over and check 'em out :D
too cute! the puppies and momma. Why is it that all heelers seem to have that stink eye look, like "What the fuck you lookin at me for? Where's my treat?" lol Glad to see you kept their tails too!