got a sick idea!


Well-Known Member
so everyone knows that THC is soluble in alcohal 100proof and fat.

so my idea is to smoke your marijuana out of a bong that is clean ( no ashes )

and instead of water just put vodka in it instead so everytime you smoke some of the thc gets trapped in the vodka

this can work of you smoke with a bowl with a glass screen in it or using a ash catcher with a spash guard.

and say after a ounze of pot has been smoked out of the bong. pour the alochal out of the bong and in to a bottel for a killer buz of epic proportions.

i couldnt imagin the buzz from a stiff drink of that :)

bam bam

Active Member
How about insead of vodka, use soup broth? The soup broth might go bad if you leave it longer than 2 days. You can always pour out the soup broth after 2 days and put it in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
had a buddy that drank vodka an bong water somtimes he said it taste like shit tho
Now that's messed up.. Lol...
But yeah, I can imagine it tasted like shit.:spew:

How about insead of vodka, use soup broth? The soup broth might go bad if you leave it longer than 2 days. You can always pour out the soup broth after 2 days and put it in the fridge.
But what about water!?!?
Just use water!!!!

bam bam

Active Member
I think soup would not be as disgusting as milk or vodka.

At least with soup you can add spices and other things to it after to mask the the taste.

And besides, Soup with THC in it, would be awesome to eat.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe any of you could even try to drink something that had smoke put through it, even if theres no ash in it, it still smells like absoloute filth when I pour my water it. Why dont we just smoke the bowl and then when we want to get high again smoke another bowl? Seems easier than making bong soup and having lunch. :spew:

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok i have done this and its not that bad but i didnt think of an ash catcher! the thc doesnt really infused the vodka but jack daniels is still jack even tho its fucking nasty and ashed in lol


you can infuse vodka by heating it in a pot to 100-115 degrees and add an ounce of some good bud (if you just have some extra layin around) and just keep it at that temp for an hour stiring a few times and then straining, make sure the bud is ground up really good. and that shIte will fuck you up.

have fun:weed: