Got advice on FloraDuo A+B?


Active Member
OK. I could use a little help with my Lucas formula math, and would love what ever input that you master hydro growers may have on any of this below. (my questions below are NOT all math related, so please don't be scared off with out reading to the bottom)(I included a couple of tips also that may help some noobs)

So...... with Florabloom and Floramicro, the Lucas formula appears to be as follows..........
For smaller plants and newly rooted clones under fluoros, Lucas suggests 0g-5m-10b under flourecents, so..........

since full strength = 24ml total Bloom+Micro (at the 0g-8m-16b ratio) to 1 gal. R.O., then that makes full strength about ~1.9 E.C. or ~1100ppm? Is that about right?(estimated w/ my conversion factor below)

....and 15ml total Bloom+Micro (at the 0g-5m-10b ratio) to 1 gal. R.O. would equal "Low Light Lucas" at about ~1.2 E.C. or 687.5ppm? with the FloraDuo that I'm tring to get used to, I see that the direct strength ratio of Flora Series to Duo, is ~ 1.2 : 1 ,(Duo being 1.2 times stronger)
So,......20ml total DuoA+B(15ml. part A + 5ml. part B) : 1 gal. R.O. = Full Strength Lucas Veg = 1100ppm (confirmed w/ my free ZeroWater TDS meter w/ an exact conversion factor where 1 E.C. = 579ppm)(btw, it seems to be a decent, consistent meter too; although, the ZeroWater filter itself only made about 50 gallons R.O. equivalent for me before stopping up)

...and 12.5ml total of DUO A+B : 1 gal. R.O.,.... Should equal.... = Low Light FloraDuo = ~1.2 E.C. = 687.5ppm
So with my figuring......... 24ml total per gallon : Flora Series(Bloom+Micro) would need 1.2 times more total nutes in ml., than FloraDuo does for the same strength? and that should be about the same as saying...... 20ml total per gallon : FloraDuo A+B only needs a total of 83.33% the amount, as compared to Flora Series to make the same strength?

Is at least some of this math about right? LOL
So with all that being said, what would be a good ratio of part A to part B be, in ml., for a "low light", FloraDuo/Lucas veg formula, for 1-3 week old seedlings(in ebb&flow with expanded clay/perlite system that I explain below)? I will also need a "low light" Lucas bloom formula eventually as well. Also, I will be adding a 150watt HPS to the light fixture along with the other bulbs before bloom too, so I guess that will need to be considered as well. I will be at a total of 350 true-watts broad spectrum then so........? a "not quite as low light bloom formula" may be needed. LOL
Heck,....... Is 200 watts worth(8 bulbs) of mixed 6,000k - 6500k CFLs, spread over about 3 sq. ft., even be considered "Low Light" for veg at 10" away? They are rated at about 14,000 total initial lumens according to the specs(1750 lumens X 8. I would run the bulbs closer, but I need to figure out a way to build an air cooled fixture for all these bad boys, as I start creeping up to about 81-82F max temp during the day in this closet as it is, with the door wide open and a box fan running on high. NO CO2 yet.
Oh yeah! Sorry to get of subject, but someone may wanna try these rockin' seed starting tricks, if they haven't ever tried it. For an example, my new batch of Strawberry seeds(the actual red fruit), are going to be started with about a 1.5"(one and one half inch) wide wide cylinder worth of perlite(2 - 3 inches deep), put in a toilet paper tube, that is set into the center of a 6" pot that is already half full of expanded clay(up to the flood line at 3inches), then while holding the tube in place, I fill in around the outside with more clay pellets to the top of the pot, then I slowly and carfully pull the cardbord tube up and out, and it leaves the small perlite cylinder right in the middle, which is AWESOME for starting the seeds without ever having to transplant at all! I just do one good solid top watering to settle the perlite and expanded clay, before the seeds go in. As for the seeds, I rough up, clean, and pre-soak my seeds, all at once, by putting them in a small sealed bottle that is about half full of perlite and water, with a single drop of dish liquid, and then shake it for 10 min. or so, before rinsing a few times with ph corrected, distilled water. I have had some seeds go from dry storage to seedlings with a first set of TRUE leaves in about 48 hours flat by doing this! I mean, that is some craaaaazzzzy fast germination to me! Lol
Well, going back to the main issue, does anyone know anybody online that is having, or has had a successful grow(of any kind) with FloraDuo, that has made a DETAILED journel about it?

I'm terribly sorry if this this post is kinna all over the place. I mostly just need some help with getting this Duo stuff dialed in. Which also has me wondering if I need to be using any epsom salts or cal-mag with this stuff, in this setup? Lucas says NO, unless in coco, keep trying to tell myself to K.I.S.S.

Anyway, thanks to everyone in advance for any advise and constructive critisism you guys may have, as I really will appreciate it! Have a great one everybody and TTYL

That was too much for me to read, but I believe Flora A & B feeding schedule on the label is the same as the Lucas formula for Flora A & B. Where I read this they believe that GH had taken this new A & B from the Lucas Formula. Not sure if that helps..... happy growing :mrgreen:
Using my experience,and looking at the online product labels.I would do the "General Blend" but reduced.
1.25 ml each of A B to a gallon of water and see how the plants react is what I would do.
I would get some pharmacy/store Epsom salts,and throw in a 1/4 tsp per gal to start.
It looks like enough calcium even though using ro water.
Keep it simple stupid.
Looking at the ratio's: Lucas is 1-2-2 (1 part Micro, 2 part Bloom)

GH FLORADUO 1 part A and 3 parts B = 1-2-2.2 about as close as you gonna get. (which they recommend for full bloom)

However if you were to use equal parts A & B you get a 1-1-2 ratio. Just short some P

Looking at the recommended dosages on the label; they seem to conform to the basic ratios for MJ (3-1-2 veg 1-3-2 Bloom ideal ) I'd stay with the label directions.
I liked floraduo i used right around 5ml of A and B and it rocks in coco. That,was on a daily feed schedule with lota run off.
Now i take the B and use 1 ml with what ever base im using now im using sensi. Kinda like overdrive weeks 4 and 5 and thats about where i start flushing
FloraDuo is the shit as far as ease of use. Easy as pie, no salt buildup, no deficiencies, and good results using it alone although when I added Liquid Koolbloom the results were incredible.

It's also CHEAP.

FloraDuo A/B
Liquid Koolbloom

That's all I use. Check my sig for the results.
23 ounces from 5 autoflowering plants. I'd say that's pretty good using a minimal amount of nutes.
Old thread, but right topic - I am using Flora Duo A+B and when I follow the bottle instructions (e.g. 1tsp of A and 3tsp of B per 1G) I end up with like 275-300ppm. It seems awfully low, but that is what the bottle says to use. Should I triple it? I am in the midst of flowering now, and want to get the most out of this plant. Everyone on here says they go for 1000ppm or higher during flower, if so I'm wayyyy off - but the plant looks great.. Any suggestions??
FloraDuo series performs great. Use this feeding schedule to yield Dispensary level results.
Thanks @TheFuture but when I follow those instructions (5mL A + 7.5mL B per gallon) I end up with like barely 300ppm. I am doing DTW. I keep reading folks pushing 600-1200ppm in their grows!! Shouldn't I???? :D

The above feed schedule also lists RapidStart, Diamond Nectar, KoolBloom, Floralicious Plus, FloraBlend, and FloraNectar (about 11.5mL extra). I don't have all that fancy stuff though... :) So should I just add another 11.5mL of 1/3 parts A to 2/3 parts B to get the extra nutrients to basically double my PPM level ?? Or should I invest in one or more of those if they are really worth it???
Old thread, but right topic - I am using Flora Duo A+B and when I follow the bottle instructions (e.g. 1tsp of A and 3tsp of B per 1G) I end up with like 275-300ppm. It seems awfully low, but that is what the bottle says to use. Should I triple it? I am in the midst of flowering now, and want to get the most out of this plant. Everyone on here says they go for 1000ppm or higher during flower, if so I'm wayyyy off - but the plant looks great.. Any suggestions??

if you are familiar with lucas formula ( and i am and use it), i did the actual calculations of how to use floraduo as lucas formula.

it's 5ml of A and 17 of B per gallon RO/distilled. it comes out the exact NPKMg profile of lucas formula.

i use it at half strength and my EC is 1.0
that and dutchmaster zone is all i use. plants look great.
Thanks @rkymtnman Why do you use nutes @ half strength is it still a baby? You say to get lucas it's 5 + 17, which is 22mL/gallon combined, which is what I'm suspecting is the ideal range now if you don't use all the supplements - but then you say you use it at 1/2 strength so does that mean you do 2.5mL A + 8.5mL B per gallon? LOL see my confusion??
Thanks @rkymtnman Why do you use nutes @ half strength is it still a baby? You say to get lucas it's 5 + 17, which is 22mL/gallon combined, which is what I'm suspecting is the ideal range now if you don't use all the supplements - but then you say you use it at 1/2 strength so does that mean you do 2.5mL A + 8.5mL B per gallon? LOL see my confusion??

i see what you are saying. i don't like to run any higher than 1.2EC ( just a trick i learned from heath robinson). my res is 10 gal, so my dose should be 50mL A and 170mL B but that works out to be around 2.0EC. so i cut it down to 25 A and 85 B to get 1.0 EC.

let your plants tell you what they need. you kinda need to see when they tip burn and back off from there. and i start off very weak when they are young and increase EC as needed.
Ok well regardless I will run more B until I get nute burn and then back off from there I guess.. just hope I'm not missing out on something amazeballs by not using koolbloom or diamond nectar or whatever..
snake oil. all plants need is proper macro and micro nutes. and love from the gardener.

i do have a pint of dr. budswells super bud blaster for sale on my ebay acct. keep it on the dl.
Ok well regardless I will run more B until I get nute burn and then back off from there I guess.. just hope I'm not missing out on something amazeballs by not using koolbloom or diamond nectar or whatever..

If I were you I would think in terms of NPK ratios. What you're using now is NPK 1-1.12-1.82. If you used 3ml liquid Koolbloom it would give you 1-2-2.7. (You could use any high PK product. It's all the same as far as I know. Grow More's Hawaiin Bud and Bloom is inexpensive).

If you use @rk's mix, that's 1-2-2.3. That sounds better to me than adding liquid KB. I don't think I'd go that high until late flower. IMO, 6ml + 15ml (1-1.6-2.1) would be better in mid flower. Cut it in half for the same ppms @rk uses.

I haven't used Flora Duo. But, the above ratios are close to what I do with Grow More Sea Grow in soil. I used GH Flora 3-part but its recommended strength was too high. I did about 3/4 strength.

(Note: I'm using this spreadsheet to figure out the NPK ratios, in case you want to play with it.).
I havent looked up what you are referring to as Lucas formula but everytime I see it, looks complicated as hell to me. Unless you have some other fulvic/humic acids that you use, I suggest you DO use Diamond Nectar, and both Liquid Koolbloom and Dry Koolbloom together create rock hard golfball nugs.

I don't know why your ppm would be low as according to the nutrient chart but I have always considered the charts to be relative to your experience as a grower. If it is your first time out of the box, you should go by the schedule as close as possible to gain the desired results of the manufacturer. After having experience with the nutrients, you can judge what your strains need for optimal growth. If the mix creates ppm of 300 and your plant is over 8" tall, you obviously need more nutes. If youre getting a burn use less nutes. If you feel like your plants need more nutrients, one safe method is to use the 1 gallon recipe omitting ph balancing and only use a half gallon of water to make it more concentrated. Then add water until you reach the desired ppm if needed, and balance your pH then.

On that note, there are products that you can use in place of the others and achieve the same or better results. Sorry I couldn't answer it better. I wouldn't just double up on nutes in 1 gallon of water as you will only be wasting money in nutes you may have to flush out. Easier to use less water when fertigating. =)
Thanks @TheFuture but when I follow those instructions (5mL A + 7.5mL B per gallon) I end up with like barely 300ppm. I am doing DTW. I keep reading folks pushing 600-1200ppm in their grows!! Shouldn't I???? :D

The above feed schedule also lists RapidStart, Diamond Nectar, KoolBloom, Floralicious Plus, FloraBlend, and FloraNectar (about 11.5mL extra). I don't have all that fancy stuff though... :) So should I just add another 11.5mL of 1/3 parts A to 2/3 parts B to get the extra nutrients to basically double my PPM level ?? Or should I invest in one or more of those if they are really worth it???

That's odd. With 5ml of duo A and 5ml of B, I get about 1.0ec. My A part seems to be much higher in ppm's than the B part. With 2.5ml of A and 7.5ml of B, I get about 0.9ec. This is the aggressive bloom rates from the Simple Drain to Waste schedule I got from here: FloraDuo_28667.pdf

I can't do the feed schedule from here (5ml of A and 7.5ml of B):
It takes me way over my plants max ec of 1.1. I burn them if I go higher. I am running floarduo in coco/perlite DTW.