Got charged


shawarma king
Internet tough guys, not a lot you can do without bringing irony down on your head.

But for future reference avoid these obvious mistakes, Nuremburg defense, slippery slope, and special pleading. Because it doesn't matter if you're just doing your job, you're not holding back the tide of a mass rape, and if you need defending it will be as a person 'n not a cop -- you really wouldn't want it any other way anyway.

Edit: Almost forgot the OP, I think the whole story stinks, I don't like anything about it, it doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
"you'd probably shit your pants the first time you got shot at, or hit in your vest, hell you'd probably break down, quit, and pick up a drinking problem... "

socata you really do live a dreamy life dont you? do you think this is what being a cops about? my buddies brother has been a cop for almost 10 years and he says he and his whole dept ...nobody has been shot or shot at that hes heard of. also he said that his chief gives his orders such as ...patterson you sit at X intersection and pull over EVERYONE with a cracked windshield and give EVERYONE of the drivers a $150 ticket and at the end of the day you should have a minimum of 30 given out. after positioning his x-amount of troops they are off for the day to fuck over unsuspected travelers who most cannot afford to pay stupid bullshit tickets.

my point is its not the cops i hate its their job and what they do and how they do it. IMO cops should simply take care of actual crimes ie;robbery violence and in the traffic sence ...wreckless drivers and speeders.

Big P

Well-Known Member
"you'd probably shit your pants the first time you got shot at, or hit in your vest, hell you'd probably break down, quit, and pick up a drinking problem... "

socata you really do live a dreamy life dont you? do you think this is what being a cops about? my buddies brother has been a cop for almost 10 years and he says he and his whole dept ...nobody has been shot or shot at that hes heard of. also he said that his chief gives his orders such as ...patterson you sit at X intersection and pull over EVERYONE with a cracked windshield and give EVERYONE of the drivers a $150 ticket and at the end of the day you should have a minimum of 30 given out. after positioning his x-amount of troops they are off for the day to fuck over unsuspected travelers who most cannot afford to pay stupid bullshit tickets.

my point is its not the cops i hate its their job and what they do and how they do it. IMO cops should simply take care of actual crimes ie;robbery violence and in the traffic sence ...wreckless drivers and speeders.
i feel your pain man but

seems you beef is with congress and not the cops. law says you cant drive with a cracked windshield, that means when niggas get injured from fucked up windshield whos office they gonna come screamin and yellin to?

exactly, the chief of police

its simple to understand, if there is a law on the books and you say fuckit and break that law expect to possibly get busted

dont be a baby about it

if you cant pay the fine dont drive with a cracked windshield

you dont like it write your congressmen

i got a job and i gotta to shitty shit somtimes i may not wanna do

but guess what i fuckin do it so i can feed my family rather than get fired and they will just have some other prick do it

some of you guys got a real ideal view of life,

lets not forget we are just a bunch of animals poppin out of vaginas everyday all day without no one even knowin what the fuck for?

pretty fuckin crazy if you ask me

when we die all we can say is "what the fuck was that all about"

maybe when some of you guys get older you will see things differently

although some people do mature slower than others.


Well-Known Member
i feel your pain man but

seems you beef is with congress and not the cops. law says you cant drive with a cracked windshield, that means when niggas get injured from fucked up windshield whos office they gonna come screamin and yellin to?

exactly, the chief of police

its simple to understand, if there is a law on the books and you say fuckit and break that law expect to possibly get busted

dont be a baby about it

if you cant pay the fine dont drive with a cracked windshield

you dont like it write your congressmen

i got a job and i gotta to shitty shit somtimes i may not wanna do

but guess what i fuckin do it so i can feed my family rather than get fired and they will just have some other prick do it

some of you guys got a real ideal view of life,

lets not forget we are just a bunch of animals poppin out of vaginas everyday all day without no one even knowin what the fuck for?

pretty fuckin crazy if you ask me

when we die all we can say is "what the fuck was that all about"

maybe when some of you guys get older you will see things differently

although some people do mature slower than others.

your smokin something besides weed. i agree my problem is with congress but the 5.0 knows what their getting into when they train for this job. why would you take a job that requires you to fuck people over? the job is dirty and shady as fuck. its all about money i wish they would just raise our taxes and leave us the fuck alone.

its simple to understand, if there is a law on the books and you say fuckit and break that law expect to possibly get busted
why is there a law stating i must wear a seatbelt?
oh and hey why did my buddy go to jail last week after calling the cops cuz his gf beat the shit out of him? he was jumped by his gf and her gf and they pumbled him. he NEVER touched them and the cops agree he didnt touch them. why did he spend the night in jail and why does he have charges against him now? because cops suck.

i got a job and i gotta to shitty shit somtimes i may not wanna do

but guess what i fuckin do it so i can feed my family rather than get fired and they will just have some other prick do it

would you do it if your ordered to fuck someones live over for something that YOU do on your off time? because im certain that cops smoke bud and also bust people for it.

lets not forget we are just a bunch of animals poppin out of vaginas everyday all day without no one even knowin what the fuck for?
lmao +rep for that one


"you'd probably shit your pants the first time you got shot at, or hit in your vest, hell you'd probably break down, quit, and pick up a drinking problem... "

socata you really do live a dreamy life dont you? do you think this is what being a cops about? my buddies brother has been a cop for almost 10 years and he says he and his whole dept ...nobody has been shot or shot at that hes heard of. also he said that his chief gives his orders such as ...patterson you sit at X intersection and pull over EVERYONE with a cracked windshield and give EVERYONE of the drivers a $150 ticket and at the end of the day you should have a minimum of 30 given out. after positioning his x-amount of troops they are off for the day to fuck over unsuspected travelers who most cannot afford to pay stupid bullshit tickets.

my point is its not the cops i hate its their job and what they do and how they do it. IMO cops should simply take care of actual crimes ie;robbery violence and in the traffic sence ...wreckless drivers and speeders.

What town do you live in??? jeeze must be nice.. there's dead and injured cops in my local news all the time. when you said your friends buddy never got shot at just proves that you live in a small town were not a lot happens.. and the cops are in fact the bullies from high school.
Also you said it yourself.. the chief sends down the order.. they just follow suit. If your boss told you to do something would you do it?


Well-Known Member
lol no i wouldnt. i dont give a fuck about what anyone says it takes a real hypocrite to punish someone for something that they do themself.

lmao i just looked outside cuz i hear some noise and there is 4 cops parked in front of my house. one is blocking my driveway 100%. i shit my pants OMG!!! WHY ARE THEY HERE? IM LEGIT AND DONE NOTHING WRONG!!

so i go outside, they were there to arrest two guys selling steaks door to door. thats all i know unfortunately but regardless wtf? four cops really? $20 an hour and four cop cars five cops. one hour in front of my house plus paperwork and the time it takes to proccess these steak sellers and court costs .... glad they just wasted $1000 tax money. if their lucky the dirtballs might pay some fines but probably not.


Well-Known Member
surely there was people driving without their seatbelts, they could have been attacking that problem.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I swear to god someone needs to set up an umbush cop raid... say theres marijuana in a house and make it look like it is a grow house.. put bombs in there then like 13 cops go in n blow the mother fucker up.. then cops will stop busting grows!

do about 3-5 of those n the government will legalize weed.
They do it's called copbusters or kopbusters or something...barry cooper did it to catch them getting bullshit search warrants. Edit:I guess I didn't read the rest of the post lol. But for the record, fuck the police seriously. y are there so many people telling me they are just doing their job-well you can choose what line of work you are in. Wether or not they are a "good" cop or bad "cop" they are still the enemy of everything I believe in. Sure, the idea of police protecting us is great but that's just an idea. The cops are too busy harassing people who pay their salaries to actually stop the real criminals who we all want off the streets. The cops aren't there to help you in the long run. I learned through experience and even Barry Cooper will tell you "the police are not your friends". I remember when I called the cops and they didn't do shit but try to investigate me for the robbery of my own house and the time they beat up my friends while they were tackled to the ground and the time the questioned me and my friends as minors with no parent or lawyer present or the time they raided my mom's house because of some bullshit testimony or the time......the list goes on. They sure are doing a great job giving out speeding tickets as they whiz by you going 100 miles an hour though. Ironic isn't it. Funny my daughter said to me yesterday when I was venting about these cops writing these hundred $ speeding tickets for the most trivial of traffic violations she says if you hate them so much why don't you just be a cop so you won't get pulled over? Even a 6 year old can see the hypocrasy of the shit they do.


Well-Known Member
to the people that hate cops:

im willing to bet a paycheck you would STFU and beg for them to come when YOU have to call 911......

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
to the people that hate cops:

im willing to bet a paycheck you would STFU and beg for them to come when YOU have to call 911......
An ambulance maybe but in what situation would it ever benefit me to call the cops? I can't really think of any cause if you need to call the cops the crime has already been committed. I might call the cops to report a crime like drunk drivers or if somebody stole my car or I was in a traffic accident, I would out of necessity but other than that what help would they be?


Your post is interesting because for the cops to "raid" your apartment they would have had to have proof there was something more significant than just a small amount of marijuana. Search warrants have to be signed by a judge and police must have probably cause for the search and seizure.
Someone must have been running their mouth about the old grow operation because that is just too suspicious.
Rule # 1- Never tell anyone!
Rule # 2- Never forget rule #1.


Well-Known Member
You're roommate is a fucking idiot. Blame it ALL on him, say you never knew what was going on. Serves him right for telling the cops any information they DON'T need to know about your house.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
You're roommate is a fucking idiot. Blame it ALL on him, say you never knew what was going on. Serves him right for telling the cops any information they DON'T need to know about your house.

well ,i am stoned ,with your 2000 odd post in less than a year.... your a really busy man to be betting a paycheck on something like a goddamn 911 call. what fuckin thug do you know that will let you make that call...dumb-ass statement from someone with so many posts. and for the record...were talking cops not growing.yea i only got 37 posts, and im on here every day just reading and learning and your just chewing the bit to throw your 2 cents in huh?get a fuckin life...oh yea...wish i could take that bet cuz i aint never called 911 in my life no need to, if i cant deal with it myself i leave it be,sucker

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Slow day I guess?

not a slow day...a long day,mr i aint a cop im a pilot. like i would give you any imformation about me or growing or any thing else. im not impressed with the # of posts youve managed to rack up,its like every time i see your lil airplane, your talking about how po-po is just doing their job but never nothing about accountability not even the bad cops,thats my beef with 5-0, we all are held accountable except the police and you LOVE make me sick to my stomach, thats what makes you a pig. you couldnt be a cop in real life so you buy them coffee and donuts hoping they wont kick your fuckin door in and take your ass down. oh yea ,mr." my parents raised me right" how long have you been smoking weed? cuz it was illeagle just a few years ago. surely your fine upbringing would have stopped that crime from being committed by such a fine upstanding pilot like you huh? go buy the boys in blue another donut and maybe theyll give you a honerary badge or a barney bullet or something for that blow job you are so quick to give....PIG