Got guns?

Yeah, those 3" in a short bbl pistol grip can be a hand full for sure.
This is another one of those guns that was relatively cheap a few decades back, Class III licensing/tax notwithstanding. Looks like it packs a kick in the 12 Ga. Certain model variations upward of $10K at auction especially if they have the holster(!). They are pretty sweet looking. The "Ithaca Auto and Burglar Gun", lol.
I gotta admit that the CS grenade made me gag a little bit lol. We got gassed with that shit so much during training at NTC I got fairly immune to it.
On CG ships you go every 3 years to a Naval training facility (usually gitmo or Hono) and they loved to make us take off our mask's & holler your full name, social, birthday, place of birth etc... I'm sure you know the drill, just remember Don't Touch your Face Asshole!
On CG ships you go every 3 years to a Naval training facility (usually gitmo or Hono) and they loved to make us take off our mask's & holler your full name, social, birthday, place of birth etc... I'm sure you know the drill, just remember Don't Touch your Face Asshole!
We had a kid freak out in the gas chamber in basic when we took our masks off and he assaulted the drill Sargent at the exit door. We got stuck without our masks on for several minutes and it was not fun. The path coming out of the gas chamber was called chili Mac road because they served that MRE for lunch right before we went in. I did get fairly immune to it after a couple times and it would just help clean out my sinuses really well.
I've always thought of it as a use of force justification in court but not really practical in real world shooting cases. Like the article mentioned unless you score a hit to the central nervous system or cause blood loss so severe it stops blood from feeding the brain, it's not like the movies. Attacker's will continue to be a threat until one of those two occur and rarely is that a one and done type of situation on a running target with adrenaline coursing through your system. I'd rather face a gun than a knife, few people train hard enough with a firearm to be proficient under stress. Love Masad Ayoobs stuff too as he has a bunch of experience.
Sadly it will cut right through a cranium and for every 1cm of adipose tissue penetrated it causes 1 cm^3 of damage, so by the time it stops you are still quite damaged from shock absorption. I recommend staying away from bullets and coagulopathies.

Nota bene: this is a function of distance and muzzle velocity. During my pathophysiology course I did a study at the coroner's office on gsw's to the cranium we discussed just these sorts of trauma, fascinating in a theoretical manner. Unfortunately at 2 am in the OR it's far less interesting.
I recommend staying away from bullets
Totally agree with you. I'm too old now to be down range.

The calculators of FPE (foot pound energy) were a common tool I used for pellet velocity ,caliber and ballistic coefficient.
115 gr 9mm traveling 900 FPS = dropping a 206Lbs weight, the thickness of 9mm from 1 foot. for ex...
At 2AM in the OR does not sound fun. :leaf::peace: