Got guns?

I accept your surrender.
You should have taken more philosophy in school. Maybe some debate...?
Dude, I've forgotten more about bullet stopping power than you'll ever know. Yes of course humans are not as tough as animals, but that isn't what you said. You were talking about teeth and claws, remember?
This is too easy... :sleep:
srsly? How many bullets have YOU surgically removed from humans? Your patient survival "batting average"? I'd like to stack your stats against hers.

ceterum censeo We are animals.
I accept your surrender.
You should have taken more philosophy in school. Maybe some debate...?
She did not surrender. You attempted to reframe her original argument. You lost this round at that moment.

So tell me how you fared in your philosophy and debate classes. I am not impressed with your grasp of either. You don't recognize ignoratio elenchi even as you perform it.
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She did not surrender. You attempted to reframe her original argument. You lost this round at that moment.

So tell me how you fared in your philosophy and debate classes. I am not impressed with your grasp of either. You don't recognize ignoratio elenchi even as you perform it.
Dude, she was talking about teeth and claws.
Again, please pay attention.
Apparently you think you are the judge in this debate?
Yeah... no.
It's not even a real debate because C2G is ducking & dodging like a politician. I expected more from someone so impressed with their own credentials. o_O
Lol - you have obviously not played seriously with a scoped contender.
They are more accurate than most hunting rifles given a good rest. Fact.

Here's what she looks like with the tsob scope mounts.
View attachment 3876488
That MY scoped Contender = 6.8 Deer Stopper above ^^^^^ if you can hit a paper plate at 400 yards faithfully you should have your own show on the outdoor channel. lets see a video of you doing it!
If i have to dispose of old ammo ( rarely happens lol) ill soak it in a bucket of water for a few days then pull the bullet from the casing and dunk one more time to make sure the powder is soaked then i just throw away
That's a good idea.
I got all kinds of rejects from reloading. Should probably just buy a 'bullet puller' and finally disassemble them all. I've never used a bullet puller, but guess it doesn't even fuck up the bullet.
That's a good idea.
I got all kinds of rejects from reloading. Should probably just buy a 'bullet puller' and finally disassemble them all. I've never used a bullet puller, but guess it doesn't even fuck up the bullet.

I've got one like this & it works great.

puller.jpgBut then again it sure goes against the grain to whack a hammer that has a loaded cartridge in it.
That's a good idea.
I got all kinds of rejects from reloading. Should probably just buy a 'bullet puller' and finally disassemble them all. I've never used a bullet puller, but guess it doesn't even fuck up the bullet.
I had a kinetic bullet puller. It is a nice way to rescue a case and bullet. Everything but the primer ...
my son had his first accidental discharge with a AR he was doing a function check on .
he pulled the discharge handle several times with the mag out, thinking it was clear....pulled the trigger without looking in the chamber!!!! at least the rifle was pointed up. bam, thru the roof of his house.

bad extractor! always eyeball, even finger the chamber when clearing.

i had one with a m1a....i fired and without looking at the trigger housing, thinking my finger was on the safety catch...bam. i had my eye on the downed hog instead of focusing on the rifle. i find the m1 and m1a has a bad safety placement but still it was a knuckheaded thing on my part.

yall had any?