Got guns?


Guaranteed that drilling cost more than my house!
The .410/.22 over and under was interesting, and not really uncommon.
A buddy had a 20 Ga / .22 Mag but compared to the thing above it was sour cream compared to french vanilla bean ice cream.
Can you imagine the talent it takes to regulate 4 barrels?
It blows my mind!
yo sb
i hear and feel your pain.

if i counldnt own a gun legally, i woundnt own any.

as long as fuel and matches are can still bring the fight

been thinking of selling off my issue collection, to stay ahead of the curve.

cuzz they coming for them
You must not of smoked weed before it was legal too, huh.

I got a real itch to do some shooting again so I picked this up a couple weeks ago:

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Little rusty, so I decided to go back to the fundamentals with a semi-auto rimfire. Broke the front sight adjustment tool immediately so I slapped a reflex sight on there. Turns out I have astigmatism. Seems a lot of people figure this out through red dots and such. They ought to test you on them at the optometrist.

Kind of bored with .22 already though. Little too easy to dump a mag on target and hit every time with the lack of recoil. Can't beat the price of ammo though, and there are no mag limits on 22 (for now) in Soviet Canuckistan.
If you want to really terrorize your neighbors. Nothing screams big dick vibes more than a 16d framing gun from Hitachi. Capable of rapid firing, it's loud, annoying, and most importantly it will have your neighbors in complete fear of your next home improvement project.

Hitachi-A5-Nail-Guns.jpgdownload (2).jpeg
Nah its a gawd i love that cannon bam.
Stfu paddy, ur the reason i hate this made a thread for your enjoyment...i defended you from wattzzup and his ilk...i made a thread for my enjoyment and whaddya do? fkn come into my thread and fkn troll me...fkn duechbag....thing is...stupid people dont know when they're being stupid...