could use help IDing this,
i been all over the web trying to find info and get parts. its serial numbered with 7 digits so they out there
View attachment 5381642
Are the letters R or D stamped in it? I think I see them in your photo.
What is purpose of the aluminum looking piece above trigger assy? Does this have a concealed knife or stiletto in the body maybe that comes out the front? (edit: I see the knife. Alum is the handle?) Despite the high serial #, I don't see much info. There are only several pictures on line and the other sites just copy them and the description.
Found a few images
no aluminum part:

One place said one of the above is/was British SAS.
And this below sold at auction recently but don't know how close it was vetted for the sale. Centurion is usually pretty accurate. This was a recent sale and maybe if you contact the auction house they would have an expert who can offer more or be able to put you in contact with the buyer. Since it sold for almost $3000, I'll bet the buyer knew exactly what/where it came from.
Could join and send image to this forum as well
A forum community dedicated to crossbow owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about bolts, optics, hunting, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
John W. Brenner wrote a book on OSS and CIA crossbows, might be info there.
This guy had one of them for sale a while ago, maybe send him an email?
The International Spy Museum has this about halfway down the page, not much history
Secrets Revealed is the International Spy Museum's new temporary exhibit in Washington DC. See unique artifacts and dive into the world of espionage history.
this is contact info for the company that Grant Verstandig (who donated the crossbow to the Spy Museum) owns
image and description in this book: (says it's British and able to shoot the knife blade as well!)
"The Ultimate Spy book" by Melton, P.142
( I might have a copy available at our local library, I'll check today)

email to this guy, Curator, Military History, Division of Military History at American Museum of Natural History
This man is the Senior Collections Curator, Department of Arms and Armor Staff at the Metropolitan Museum in New York
[email protected]
General email that might offer info. I don't think the crossbow is OSS/SOE old but they might steer you in right direction. Lots of heavyweights on their Staff.
[email protected]
Edit: Since it may have been built by a company in Great Britain, these contacts may help:
To contact the Special Air Service:
PO Box 35051
National Army Museum (England)
[email protected]
Combined Military Services Museum (England) (SAS)
Contact The Combined Military Services Museum for arranging private/group visits and general enquiries.
Royal Armouries Museum
[email protected]
Nice, rare find, Cap, especially with the knife, even the little blade tip retainer which looks original.