So this happened lol
Was out pounding t posts in were these pallets are going to go to create a little pallet fence around our garden.
Mainly for wind protection/ reduction in any way.
so it goes like this...
Was on my last t post for the day.
even the last couple hits.
I really wanted this one so I was” driving it home” ya know, givin it a wee bit extra somethin somethin,
Wasn’t wearing gloves
Pulled the t post pounder up to high
Went to slam the post
And missed.
I Shouldn't have a middle finger now
Sliced me wide open
Down to the bone
Should have crushed it .
Or cut it clear off.
But just skimmed it.
Lucky me!

Not that theres much of anything else in the fingers lol
But by the grace of god
It missed all tendons and bones
9 stitches
And a tetanus shot later
I learned
1-The ladies like a little wind break lol.
Not just abuse from the elements.
2-Deep breathes can keep things like this from happening.
3- shit happens when you party naked
4-that I love gardening. And would do it all again
dammit WEAR GLOVES when your doing anything fence related, wire pulling, or shoveling.
I’d take em off for that one on one with the ladies
But remember to put them back on lol!
Or you might not be as lucky as me!