Got my first cannabis related injury.

Mallet finger. Smart move bracing it.

I get my hair caught in fans and tent zippers all of the time. I got it caught in my mixing drill the other day. Hanging up lights by yourself can be painful if you're using those wire hangers.

Not an actual injury, but sometimes I would forget to take the cap off of the of bottom of my column while open blasting, and it would cause a super loud "pop" when the pressure forced it off. I always thought I was being blown to smithereens for a second.
Spontaneous pneumothorax (lung collapse), almost 10 years ago. 2nd one too. This one was a lot worse pain wise. Ambulance took me to the local hospital that has nothing but an x-ray for imaging and the doc quack there decided it was crucial so instead of shipping my up to the one with real doctors and techniques he decided to put a 3/8" tube in without anaesthesia as that might restrict my breathing. He froze the skin for the incision then made repeated attempts to spread the ribs while I shouted the hospital down.

After a bunch of tries he dropped the f'n tube as he was shaking and sweating so bad. I told him to take a deep breath and git 'er done. Only took about 5 more tries to get it in and it fell out 15 min later in the bed while talking to the wife after. Luckily she went over to some friends until it was done. Was in long enough for my lung to re-inflate so that was good.

At the other hospital the used a tube about as thick as a piece of spaghetti and a 1-way valve. Called the Heimlich valve after you know who that invented it. Didn't hurt much more than getting a vasectomy but that's another story. ;)

The doc could have done a needle aspiration then shipped me up the road an hour to get it done properly. I should have known I was in for shit when he got this other quack doctor to google where to make the incision ffs.

This is on topic as smoking pot for 50 years probably contributed to these injuries! :D


Now when a doc asks me what my pain levels are for something I'm a better judge as I've been to 9.0 at least.

aren't really as small as they look in they pic, I just noticed that, it's a weird angle.
I know ive said this before , im just trying to remember when and why
Spontaneous pneumothorax (lung collapse), almost 10 years ago. 2nd one too. This one was a lot worse pain wise. Ambulance took me to the local hospital that has nothing but an x-ray for imaging and the doc quack there decided it was crucial so instead of shipping my up to the one with real doctors and techniques he decided to put a 3/8" tube in without anaesthesia as that might restrict my breathing. He froze the skin for the incision then made repeated attempts to spread the ribs while I shouted the hospital down.

After a bunch of tries he dropped the f'n tube as he was shaking and sweating so bad. I told him to take a deep breath and git 'er done. Only took about 5 more tries to get it in and it fell out 15 min later in the bed while talking to the wife after. Luckily she went over to some friends until it was done. Was in long enough for my lung to re-inflate so that was good.

At the other hospital the used a tube about as thick as a piece of spaghetti and a 1-way valve. Called the Heimlich valve after you know who that invented it. Didn't hurt much more than getting a vasectomy but that's another story. ;)

The doc could have done a needle aspiration then shipped me up the road an hour to get it done properly. I should have known I was in for shit when he got this other quack doctor to google where to make the incision ffs.

This is on topic as smoking pot for 50 years probably contributed to these injuries! :D

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Now when a doc asks me what my pain levels are for something I'm a better judge as I've been to 9.0 at least.

Oh Tittie injury. Now that's serious, :lol:

Nipple Fuck, :lol: