Gov. Abbott: Texas to Block Syrian Refugee Resettlement


Well-Known Member
What the time held before a City like Mosul becomes yours. Will Iraq be able to go back in ten years and say, hey this used to be ours and we want it back,...?


Well-Known Member
So you don`t know the differences of a long fucking time ago and today. You also see an individual as a religion, wonder you feel that way.

I see everyone North of the river as ISIS because it`s controlled by them and nobody has left in the two years since they took it, Sunni, Shia, Yabadaba or doo, don`t mean much.
Did you not watch the video? I wasn't aware we had video footage of guys wearing suits from the Middle Ages. That's also an incredibly narrow and flawed view of the world.


Well-Known Member
I thought we were talking about the Christians in the United States, ...Like as in our Country.

If you want to bring up the Bible and the Middle Ages, don`t bother me with that long ago.

Today in the United States, Christians don`t stone you, shoot you or throw you from cell towers,...Muslims will remains to the individual, they are doing it today as in our life time. The United States is the Example of how to tolerate different religions because religion is not rule or law. So,

Tell me about Christians in our life time today, in the United States are killing in the name of God,...Don`t tell me about a Christian doing a mass shooting, tell me about Christian leaders voicing kill in the name of god, because they represent the following. ISIS and other Muslim States have laws in our life time that condemn the behavior in their own way. That brings up the issue of killing in the name of God.

So far ISIS is killing in the name of their God. The US wants to beat them up for it.

They are Muslim, and to just go over there and pound them down, would have been great,...but time has passed, they are setting,...and still nobody wants to roll over Muslim land because they don`t know what the,.... do nothing but cry other good Muslims will do or how they will react to such an ass handing, You`ll see lawyers, guns, and money,......but wont like the smell.

The United States and it`s Cross on a church in every town says, nothing but pull out while Russia, who is also very capable starts to move in it`s favor now.

Muslims are killing in the name of God today dude,....Not Christians,....100, 200, 900, years ago don`t mean a thing today.
Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. 600 years ago, Christians murdered homosexuals all over the world

So since we don't have the luxury of time travel available to us, equal time periods is the only equal comparison to make

Christianity of 1,400 v. Islam of 2015 - Both barbaric, inhumane, dangerous religious cults


Well-Known Member
How long does ISIS have before they can say Mosul is theirs, ... Oh wait, they already said that,, How long does Iraq have to take it back ?
Lol for a second there I was thinking squatter rights. Daesh says Mosul is theirs because they control it. Iraq does not have to have a set time to take it back, it's not a video game or a race. However, once Iraq does take it back, then it's theirs. If another country tries to take it and keep it it could technically be an act of war.


Well-Known Member
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will prosecute people who say bad things about Muslims. She doesn't mention for what crime, only that she doesn't agree with the first amendment. Obviously. Meanwhile, it's okay for the Obama Administration to take shots at Christianity with the business end of a rifle; every chance they get. Maybe if she wasn't so worried about white people who pray to Jesus, then San Bernardino never would have happened.



Well-Known Member
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will prosecute people who say bad things about Muslims. She doesn't mention for what crime, only that she doesn't agree with the first amendment. Obviously. Meanwhile, it's okay for the Obama Administration to take shots at Christianity with the business end of a rifle; every chance they get. Maybe if she wasn't so worried about white people who pray to Jesus, then San Bernardino never would have happened.

Believe it or not there are limits on the First Amendment. Really read up on the case law including Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971), Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726, and Rosen v. United States, 161 U.S. 29 (1896).

Also you need to post up the context of the video. You're outright lying. She said the DoJ would prosecute hateful rhetoric about Muslims that "edges towards violence." Guess what? If you and I are having a phone conservation and you say you're going to come to my house and kill me, I can call the police and you will have officers show up at your door.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not there are limits on the First Amendment. Really read up on the case law including Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971), Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726, and Rosen v. United States, 161 U.S. 29 (1896).

Also you need to post up the context of the video. You're outright lying. She said the DoJ would prosecute hateful rhetoric about Muslims that "edges towards violence." Guess what? If you and I are having a phone conservation and you say you're going to come to my house and kill me, I can call the police and you will have officers show up at your door.
That is not was she meat by it. I have another clip of her saying that if Muslim kids get bullied in school, their parents should contact her directly. Not the principal, Not the local police, but her office directly. We are not discussing death threats here, that's different. Could you imagine if she said that about Christians and not Muslims? The outrage there would be? If this is how it's going to be, we should change the FBI name to the Federal Bureau of Islam.


Well-Known Member
That is not was she meat by it. I have another clip of her saying that if Muslim kids get bullied in school, their parents should contact her directly. Not the principal, Not the local police, but her office directly. We are not discussing death threats here, that's different. Could you imagine if she said that about Christians and not Muslims? The outrage there would be? If this is how it's going to be, we should change the FBI name to the Federal Bureau of Islam.
So then why was that a direct quote of what she said if she didn't "mean it?"


Well-Known Member
Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. 600 years ago, Christians murdered homosexuals all over the world

So since we don't have the luxury of time travel available to us, equal time periods is the only equal comparison to make

Christianity of 1,400 v. Islam of 2015 - Both barbaric, inhumane, dangerous religious cults

We cant just let them grow out of it, global warming will have killed us all by then!!


Well-Known Member
So then why was that a direct quote of what she said if she didn't "mean it?"
I just explained. Our Attorney General wants to intimidate people from reporting suspious activity, for fear of being called bigots (via racial profiling) Whether she is stupid and doesn't know it or not, is not the point.


Well-Known Member
I just explained. Our Attorney General wants to intimidate people from reporting suspious activity, for fear of being called bigots (via racial profiling) Whether she is stupid and doesn't know it or not, is not the point.
You mean where she said "Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone to lift — lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims and they will suffer just as well, just as much. When we see that, we will take action…." Oh yeah, that's intimidating...

Or when she said, "I think it’s important, however, that as we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not America they are not who were they are not what we do and they will be prosecuted, so I want that message to be clear also."

Seriously, for "all you know" you know squat about law - it is kinda funny. Speech that is likely to incite crime is not protected by the First Amendment, go read up on those SCOTUS cases I provided you, you'd learn this. Why did she say these things? Well, had you watched more than one video or actually researched the subject, you'd see she was being interviewed and said her "greatest fear is this rhetoric will be accompanied by acts of violence.” That's the lynch pin in the entire argument, and the DoJ is completely justified to investigate this sort of thing. They're not saying they're going to make it criminal, but they're saying that they can and will investigate to see if a person who says these things has more than just speech on their mind, which guess what? Is completely legal. Prosecutors can do this.

Since the Paris attacks there's been a spike in death threats against Muslim Americans, just like after 9/11 we saw a spike in hate crimes against Muslims here in the America. There were even shots fired at a mosque in Connecticut recently. Moreover the dinner that she spoke at was in New York and at the site that was the target of a terror plot by Robert Doggart, a Christian minister, who said it was "our commitment to God" to kill Muslims and planned to gun down as many as them as he could with an M-4 rifle. Even though I don't think daily mail is that valid of a source, I'll just put it back to you since you seem to love it. He was also found with explosives and a machete.

You're really making a mountain out of a molehill.


Well-Known Member
You mean where she said "Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone to lift — lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims and they will suffer just as well, just as much. When we see that, we will take action…." Oh yeah, that's intimidating...

Or when she said, "I think it’s important, however, that as we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not America they are not who were they are not what we do and they will be prosecuted, so I want that message to be clear also."

Seriously, for "all you know" you know squat about law - it is kinda funny. Speech that is likely to incite crime is not protected by the First Amendment, go read up on those SCOTUS cases I provided you, you'd learn this. Why did she say these things? Well, had you watched more than one video or actually researched the subject, you'd see she was being interviewed and said her "greatest fear is this rhetoric will be accompanied by acts of violence.” That's the lynch pin in the entire argument, and the DoJ is completely justified to investigate this sort of thing. They're not saying they're going to make it criminal, but they're saying that they can and will investigate to see if a person who says these things has more than just speech on their mind, which guess what? Is completely legal. Prosecutors can do this.

Since the Paris attacks there's been a spike in death threats against Muslim Americans, just like after 9/11 we saw a spike in hate crimes against Muslims here in the America. There were even shots fired at a mosque in Connecticut recently. Moreover the dinner that she spoke at was in New York and at the site that was the target of a terror plot by Robert Doggart, a Christian minister, who said it was "our commitment to God" to kill Muslims and planned to gun down as many as them as he could with an M-4 rifle. Even though I don't think daily mail is that valid of a source, I'll just put it back to you since you seem to love it. He was also found with explosives and a machete.

You're really making a mountain out of a molehill.
I hear the point you are making, but I just see her going above and beyond to defend Muslims against all else. Maybe I'm the only one who sees it, but when I hear her say stuff like this it makes me scratch my head a bit and wonder. Read this article about Lynch and try to give me an opinion from the ouside looking in. Not through the optic of a Muslim, or a Pelosi type Catholic.


Well-Known Member
I hear the point you are making, but I just see her going above and beyond to defend Muslims against all else. Maybe I'm the only one who sees it, but when I hear her say stuff like this it makes me scratch my head a bit and wonder. Read this article about Lynch and try to give me an opinion from the ouside looking in. Not through the optic of a Muslim, or a Pelosi type Catholic.
I don't think she's going above and beyond because it's not set in stone policy. It was in the moment response to an interview. Extremists just did an attack on US soil and we've seen upticks of racially/religiously motivated violence after these things. However okay I'll read the article later/tomorrow when I have a little more time.


Well-Known Member
I don't think she's going above and beyond because it's not set in stone policy. It was in the moment response to an interview. Extremists just did an attack on US soil and we've seen upticks of racially/religiously motivated violence after these things. However okay I'll read the article later/tomorrow when I have a little more time.
okay sure. later we will pick up on Loretta Lynch and the clock boy investigation..


Well-Known Member
Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity. 600 years ago, Christians murdered homosexuals all over the world

So since we don't have the luxury of time travel available to us, equal time periods is the only equal comparison to make

Christianity of 1,400 v. Islam of 2015 - Both barbaric, inhumane, dangerous religious cults

I disagree. They weren`t the kinda smart people are today or as or as in touch. They thought the world was flat while looking at a round moon. Do you think the world is flat ?


Well-Known Member
Lol for a second there I was thinking squatter rights. Daesh says Mosul is theirs because they control it. Iraq does not have to have a set time to take it back, it's not a video game or a race. However, once Iraq does take it back, then it's theirs. If another country tries to take it and keep it it could technically be an act of war.

Take it back means it`s been taken,...that`s how war works, So far ISIS has taken from Iraq and throughout it`s existence, Iraq has taken nothing from them back, they control a few cities and have on large as a capital. I say Iraq isn`t taking anything back, ever. Somebody else has to and for almost eight years they have been assured, that wont happen.

Putin can take it with an armored division tomorrow, I say let `em. The US came in like a lion and left like a lamb. If a Nation came to my rescue and did that, Id say thanks but no thanks......


Well-Known Member
I disagree. They weren`t the kinda smart people are today or as or as in touch. They thought the world was flat while looking at a round moon. Do you think the world is flat ?
Do you think people who believe in a magic man in the sky, an afterlife in paradise and redemption through violence are the kinda "smart people" you're referring to?

Muslim extremists are very much living in the dark ages



Well-Known Member
Do you think people who believe in a magic man in the sky, an afterlife in paradise and redemption through violence are the kinda "smart people" you're referring to?

Muslim extremists are very much living in the dark ages

I have witness accounts in writing from forever about the Story of our past, have a theory,... So yes, Christians and Muslims have a belief based on testimony, but it`s how they go about exercising that belief that matters, not that they have a belief.